How to make a copyright in photoshop


How to make a copyright in photoshop

Copyright (stigma or watermark) is designed to protect the copyright of the image creator (photo).

Often, negligent users remove watermarks from the pictures and assign authorship themselves or use paid images for free.

In this lesson, we will create a copywriter and a disaster image completely.

Create a new small document.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

The shape and content of the copyright can be any. The site name is suitable, logo, or the name of the author.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Let us set the styles for the text. Click twice on the layer with the inscription, opening the style settings window.

Go to section "Embossing" And set the minimum size.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Then add a small shadow.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Press OK.

Go to the layer palette and tighten the fill and opacity. Pick your own values, spying in the screenshot with the result.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Now you need to turn the text for 45 degrees counterclockwise.

Press the keyboard key Ctrl + T. , clamp Shift. And rotate. Upon completion of Zhmem. ENTER.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Further, we need to highlight the inscription in such a way that there are no boundaries left.

We stretch guides.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Choose tool "Rectangular region" And create a selection.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Turn off the visibility of the background layer.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Next, go to the menu "Editing" And choose paragraph "Determine the pattern".

Making copywrites in Photoshop

We assign the name of the pattern and click OK.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

The workpiece for copyright is ready, you can apply.

Open the image and create a new empty layer.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Next click the keyboard key SHIFT + F5. and in the settings choose the item "Regular".

Making copywrites in Photoshop

In the drop-down list "Custom Pattern" We choose our copyright (it will be at the bottom, last).

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Press OK.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

If the copyright seems too pronounced, then the opacity of the layer can be reduced.

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Making copywrites in Photoshop

Thus, we defended images from unauthorized use. Come up and create your copywrit and use it.

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