How to add interest to the number in Excel


Add interest to Chille in Microsoft Excel

During calculations, it is sometimes necessary to add interest to a specific number. For example, to learn the current profit indicators, which increased by a certain percentage compared to the last month, it is necessary to add this percentage to the magnitude of the profits of the last month. There are many other examples when you need to perform a similar action. Let's figure out how to add percentage to the number in Microsoft Excel.

Computing Actions in the Cell

So, if you just need to know what the number will be equal to, after the addition of a certain percentage to it, it follows to any cell of the sheet, or in the formula string, drive the expression according to the following template: "= (number) + (number) * (value_procerant )%. "

Suppose we need to calculate what number it turns out if you add to 140 twenty percent. We write down the following formula into any cell, or in the formula string: "= 140 + 140 * 20%".

Formula for calculating the percentage in the Microsoft Excel program

Next, click on the ENTER button on the keyboard, and we look at the result.

Percentage calculation result in Microsoft Excel

Application of formula for action in the table

Now, let's figure it out how to add a certain percentage to data that are already located in the table.

First of all, choose a cell where the result will be displayed. We put in it the sign "=". Next, click on the cell containing the data to which the percentage should be added. Put the sign "+". Again, by clicking on a cell containing a number, put the sign "*". Next, we type a percentage value on the keyboard to which the number should increase. Do not forget after entering this value to put the sign "%".

Formula for calculating the percentage for the table in the Microsoft Excel program

Click on the ENTER button on the keyboard, after which the result of the calculation will be shown.

Percentage calculation result in Microsoft Excel program for table

If you want to distribute this formula to all the column values ​​in the table, then just become the bottom right edge of the cell where the result has been derived. The cursor must turn into a cross. We click on the left mouse button, and with the "stretch out" the formula down to the very end of the table.

Stretching the formula down in Microsoft Excel

As you can see, the result of multiplication of numbers to a certain percentage is derived for other cells in the column.

The result of stretching the formula down in the Microsoft Excel program

We found out that adding percentage to the number in the Microsoft Excel program is not so difficult. Nevertheless, many users do not know how to do it, and make mistakes. For example, the most common error is the writing of the formula according to the algorithm "= (number) + (value_procerant)%", instead of "= (number) + (number) * (value_procerant)%." This manual should help prevent such errors.

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