Voice change programs


Voice change programs
In this review - the best free programs for changing the voice on the computer - in Skype, TeamSpeak, Raidcall, Viber, games, and in other applications when recording from a microphone (however, you can change another audio signal). I note that some of the programs presented are able to change the voice only in Skype, while others work no matter what you use, that is, completely intercept the sound from the microphone in any application.

Unfortunately, good programs for these purposes are not so much, but in Russian even less. Nevertheless, if you wanted to have fun, I think you can find the program in the list that will have to do and allow you to change the voice in the right way. Below are Windows programs only, if you need an application for changing the voice to iPhone or Android when you call, pay attention to the Voicemod application. See also: How to record sound from a computer.

Several notes:

  • This kind of free products often contain additional unnecessary software, be careful when installing, and even better, use Virustotal (I checked and installed each of the listed programs, there was nothing dangerous in one, but I still warn anyway, as it happens that the developers are adding Potentially undesirable by time).
  • When using programs for changing the voice, it may be that you stopped hearing in Skype, sounded sound or other problems have arisen. The solution of possible problems with sound is written at the end of this review. Also, these tips can help if you cannot force the voice to change using the utility data.
  • Most of the listed programs work only with a standard microphone (which connects to the sound card microphone connector or on the front panel of the computer), while not changing the sound on USB microphones (for example, built into the webcam).

Clownfish Voice Changer

CLOWNFISH VOICE CANGER - a new free program for changing the voice in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 (theoretically, in any programs) from the CLOOTNFISH FOR SKYPE developer. At the same time, the voice change in this software is the main function (as opposed to CloWnfish for Skype, where it is more likely a pleasant addition).

After installation, the program automatically applies effects to the default recording device, and the settings can be made by right-clicking on the ClownFish Voice Changer icon in the notification area.


The main items of the program menu:

  • SET VOICE CHANGER - select the effect to change the voice.
    Changing voice in CLOWNFISH VOICE CHANGER
  • Music Player is a music player or other audio (if you need to reproduce something, for example, by Skype).
  • Sound Player - sound player (sounds already available in the list, you can add your own. You can start the sounds by a combination of keys, and they will fall into the "ether").
  • Voice Assistant - voice generation from text.
  • SETUP - allows you to configure which device (microphone) will be processed by the program.

Despite the lack of Russian in the program, I recommend trying: it confidently copes with his task and offers some interesting functions that are missing in another similar software.

You can download a free program Clownfish Voice Changer from the official site https://clownfish-translator.com/voiceChanger/

Voxal Voice Changer

The Voxal Voice Changer program is not completely free, but I could not understand what limitations there is from the version that I downloaded from the official site (without buying). Everything works as necessary, but according to the functionality, this program for changing the voice is perhaps one of the best I have seen (however, to make it work with a USB microphone failed, only with usual).

After installation, VOXAL VOICE CHANGER will ask to restart the computer (additional drivers are installed) and will be ready for operation. For basic use, you just need to choose one of the effects applied to the voice in the list on the left - you can make a robot voice, female from male and vice versa, add echo and much more. At the same time, the program changes a voice for all Windows programs that use microphone games, Skype, sound recording programs (settings may be required).

Settings of the Voxal program

Effects can be listened in real time, speaking into the microphone by pressing the Preview button in the program window.

Voice change in the Voxal program

If this is not enough for you, you can independently create a new effect (or change the available, clicking on the effect of the effect in the main window of the program), adding any combination of 14 available voices conversion and configuring each - in this way you can achieve interesting results.

Voice Setup in Voxal

Additional options may also be interesting: voice recording and applying effects to sound files, speech generation from text, removal of noise and similar. You can download Voxal Voice Changer from the official NCH software website http://www.nchsoftware.com/voiceChangeR/index.html.


In fact, CLOWNFISH FOR SKYPE serves as not only to change the voice in Skype (the program works only in Skype and in TeamSpeak games, with the plug-in), this is just one of its functions.

After installing CLOWNFISH, the Fish Image icon appears in the Windows notification area, the right click on which menu calls with quick access to the functions and settings of the program. I recommend first switching in the ClownFish parameters into Russian. Also, running Skype Allow the program to use Skype API (you will see the appropriate notification at the top).

Voice change in CLOWNFISH

And after that, you can choose to the program "Voice" item. The effects are not so much, but they work properly (echo, different voices and sound distortion). By the way, for testing changes, you can call in Echo / Sound Test Service - Skype special service for checking the microphone.

Download CLOWNFISH FREE You can from the official page http://clownfish-translator.com/ (there you can also find a plugin for TeamSpeak).


The program for changing the Voice AV Voice Changer Software is probably the most powerful utility for these purposes, but is paid (you can use for free for 14 days) and not in Russian.


Among the features of the program - a change in voice, adding effects and creating our own votes. The set of voices available for the work is very extensive, starting with a simple voice change from female on male and vice versa, changing the "age", as well as "improvements" or "decorations" (Voice Beautify), ending with a fine setting of any combination of effects.

Effects in AV Voice Changer

At the same time, AV Voice Changer Software Diamond can work both as the editor of already recorded audio or video files (and also allows you to record from the microphone within the program) and to change the voice "on the fly" (Options Online Voice Changer), while supported: Skype, Viber for PC, TeamSpeak, Raidcall, Hangouts, other messengers and software for communication (including games and web applications).

Voice change online in AV Voice Changer

AV Voice Changer Software is available in several options - Diamond (most powerful), Gold and Basic. Download trial versions of programs from the official site https://www.audio4fun.com/voice-cherger.htm

Skype Voice Changer

Completely free Skype Voice Changer application is designed how easy it is to understand from the name, to change the voice in Skype (used Skype API, after installing the program you need to allow access to it).

SKYPE API Access Resolution

Using Skype Voice Changer, you can adjust the combination of various effects applied to the voice and configure each of them separately. To add an effect on the "Effects" tab, press the "Plus" button, select the desired modification and configure it (you can use multiple effects at the same time).

Effects in Skype Voice Changer

With skillful use or sufficient patience of the experimenter, you can create impressive voices, so I think the program is worth trying. By the way, there is both the Pro version that allows you to record conversations in Skype.

Skype Voice Changer is available for download on the page http://skypefx.codeplex.com/ (ATTENTION: Some browsers swear on the program installer with the application of the Application extension, however, as far as I can judge and if you believe Virustotal, it is safe).

Athtek Voice Changer

The ATHTEK developer offers several voices to change programs. Free of them is only one - Athtek Voice Changer Free, allowing you to add sound effects to an existing recorded audio file.


And the most interesting program of this developer is Voice Changer for Skype, changing the voice in real time when communicating in Skype. At the same time, you can download and use the Voice Changer for Skype for some time for some time, I recommend trying: Despite the lack of Russian interface language, problems, I think you should not have anything.


The voice change setting is performed at the top, moving the slider, the icons below are various sound effects that can be called directly during the Skype conversation (you can also download additional or use your audio files for this).

Download various versions of Athtek Voice Changer from the official page http://www.athtek.com/voiceChanger.html

MorphVox Jr.

A free program for changing the Voice of Morphvox JR (also Pro) makes it easy to change your voice from female on male and vice versa, to make a child's voice, and add different effects. In addition, from the official site you can upload additional voices (however, they want money for them, you can only try for a limited time).

The program installer at the time of writing a review is completely clean (but Microsoft .NET Framework 2 is required for work), and immediately after installation, the Morphvox Voice Doctor wizard will help you set up everything you need.

Voice Doctor Setup Wizard

Changing the voice works in Skype and other messengers, games and everywhere, where communication is possible with a microphone.


Download MorphVox JR You can from the page http://www.screamingbee.com/product/morphvoxjunior.aspx (Note: In Windows 10, it turned out only in Windows 7 compatibility mode).


SCRAMBY is another popular program to change the voice in messengers, including Skype (really I do not know if it works with the latest versions). The lack of a program - it has not been updated for several years, however, judging by the reviews, users praise it, which means you can try. In my SCRAMBY test, I successfully started and worked in Windows 10, however it was necessary to immediately remove the mark from the Listen point (listening), otherwise, if you are used by the microphone and speakers, you will hear the unpleasant hum when the program is started.

Voice change in SCRAMBY

The program allows you to choose one of the many votes, like the voice of the robot, male, female or children's, etc. You can also add an ambient sound (farm, ocean and others) and write this sound on your computer. While working with the program, you can also play arbitrary sounds from the "FUN SOUNDS" section to the time you need.

At the moment, it is impossible to download scramby from the official site (in any case, I could not find there), and therefore you have to use third-party sources. Do not forget to check the downloadable files on Virustotal.

Fake Voice and Voicemaster

While writing a review, I also experienced two more very simple utilities that allow you to change the voice - the first, Fake Voice, works with any applications in Windows, the second - via Skype API.

Voice Master Voice Program

In VoiceMaster, only one effect is available - Pitch, and in Fake Voice - several basic effects, including the same Pitch, as well as the addition of an echo and robotic voice (but they work, on my hearing, somewhat strange).

Main window Fake Voice

Perhaps these two copies will not be useful to you, but decided to mention them, besides, they have and dignity - they are completely clean and very miniature.

Programs supplied with sound cards

Some sound cards, as well as motherboards when installing the software that goes in a set to configure the sound, also allow you to change the voice, and it makes it quite well using the capabilities of the audio chip.

For example, I have a Creative Sound Core 3D sound chip, and the Sound Blaster Pro Studio comes in the kit. The CrystalVoice tab in the program allows not only to cleanse the voice from outsiders, but also to make the voice of the robot, aliens, child, etc. And these effects work fine.

Voice change in sound card

Look, maybe you already have a program to change the vote from the manufacturer.

Solving problems after using these programs

If it happened that after you have tried one of the programs described, you have unexpected things, for example, you have stopped hearing in Skype, pay attention to the following Windows and applications settings.

First of all, by right click on the dynamics in the notification area, open the context menu from which to call the "Record Devices" item. See that the Microphone required as the default device is installed.

Configuring Recording Devices in Windows

Similar setup Look in the programs themselves, for example, in Skype it is in the Tools - Settings - Sound Settings.

Microphone Settings in Skype

If it does not help, then see also the article disappeared the sound in Windows 10 (it is current and for Windows 7 from 8). I hope you will succeed, and the article will be useful. Share and write comments.

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