Bots for games in Discord


Bots for games in Discord

Dank Memer.

Dank Memer Multifunctional Bot is popular with Discord users, so it is installed on many servers to entertain the participants, add a system of rewards and other "chips", forcing the user to spend more time in the community, interacting with other participants. With a list of all available commands added to the server by this bot, you can find on the official website, but for now let's focus exclusively at the available games.

  • Fight. Enter this command to go to a duel with another participant. It is carried out with a random actions algorithm, so the winner is always determined by random. During such battles, you can engage in the accumulation of internal currency and experience, for which it changes to various items, pets are bought and pumping up the level.
  • Guess. Launches a simple game where the bot is coming down by a random number from 1 to 20 and gives you four attempts to solve a mysterious number. After starting the game in the chat, you only need to enter an estimated number, and then a replica from the bot will appear with the results. For a successful passage, this game you also receive bonuses in the form of experience.
  • TICTACTOE. For this game, you will need a friend or any member of the server with which you would like to play. These are ordinary label cross with standard rules, but the features in management. Carefully read information from the bot in order not to make a mistake and put a sign in the desired place.
  • Trivia. Last game available in Dank Memer. This is a kind of quiz when a question appears on the screen with four available response options, and you need to choose the right one by specifying the corresponding letter in the chat. The more faithful answers you give, the more prize points get.
  • Gamelb. Displays a list of decades of the best players. Here you first choose the type of game for which you want to get a list of leaders. This is a great tool for passing players, as many people like the competitive spirit and they want to be the first.

Transition to the authorization of Dank Memer as a bot game in Discord

Now let's talk about installing the bot and the beginning of it. In this regard, everything is standard - you need to go to the official website and click the button for the DANK Memer invitation to the server. A pop-up window appears with actions confirmation, after which the bot is automatically authorized on the server, goes into online mode and is ready to receive commands. Pay attention to the section using the bot website. There you will see not only a list of all teams, but also figure out how to use them correctly.

Add Dank Memer to Discord from the official site


Bot idlerpg also consists of several components and is suitable for performing certain tasks, but its main direction is entertainment, games, communication and trade. IdlerPG developers call this project with a whole community, since it unites people in interest and opens a whole new world when going to single adventures. There is an official community server where various game moments are discussed and the process of interaction between participants is also discussed, but you can easily add idlerpg to your server and allow users to create their own character or perform other actions.

We describe the main feature of this tool - single adventures. On the official site there is a page with a list of teams and their description, which are responsible for the passage of the campaign. First you need to enter the start command, after which the campaign immediately begins and you will need to read the information displayed on the screen. During the adventure, you will have to make important decisions, fight monsters and look for prey. There is a team, immediately completing the hike, but in this case all rewards are canceled and you do not get anything. The bot leads the statistics of all hiking and death, keep track of how many times they went to the adventure and how many times died.

Transition to iDlerpg authorization as a bot game in Discord

Separate attention in the idlerpg deserve gambling, since the developers have added an internal currency, which acts as rates. Here, too, we advise you to seek help to the list of teams to find out what games are available now, how to run them and invite friends to join. Interaction with other participants in primitive games and is often reduced to what he wins the one who took a bigger card, respectively, getting along with it and money from rates.

Traders, shops and other locations are added to the server to the server, where it would be possible to spend earned money or exchange them to something. Each participant has its own role, improved during the interaction with the bot, their list is also displayed on the developers page. A description of all available functions in the idlerpg will take a long time, besides, the creators have already told about them. If you are interested in this bot, click the following link and start a detailed familiarization with it, experimenting with the capabilities provided.

Add IdlerPG to Discord from the Official Site


The Tacoshack bot has an extremely interesting idea, the analogues of which are not yet on the spacious discard. This tool is exclusively for games, that is, a single global game, which is that each user opens its own business trading. The competitive element is that you need to earn more money than everyone else, and thereby get out of the first place in the list of leaders. Immediately at the beginning of the game, the user appears a hut (an institution where Tako is sold), which in the future it will be necessary to improve. It will have to be removed and perform daily tasks so that visitors are satisfied and left more tips. Over time, it is proposed to add extensions in the form of a restaurant on wheels, a shop on the beach and a tray with ice cream to earn more money and invest an existing capital in the development of your business.

Transition to Tacoshack authorization as a bot game in Discord

In addition to the main competitive moment, the players can interact with each other, uniting in the franchise. Someone will be the main thing and assign roles for all other participants. At this point, another feature of Tacoshack opens - availability of jobs. The more players cooperate with you, the easier it is to earn more money, but the costs of their salaries are also rising. Show your business management skills to get out forward and take a leading place in a common or weekly table.

The money earned can be spent not only to expand your business: Bot offers different types of gambling, such as slots and blackjack. Enter the help command if you want to learn how to run a batch and make a bet. The amount of winnings or loss will not affect the place in the leader's table, but at the same time the total budget may decrease and your case will begin to make losses exclusively. Tacoshack - accurately deserves the attention of all those who want to add different games to their server. This fascinating adventure is not one hour, able to tighten each participant.

Add Tacoshack in Discord from the official site


From the name Mafiabot already becomes clear for what purpose it is intended. You can play the mafia in Discord without any additional tools, but then the user will have to do everything independently, to organize the draw and do other game moments that could be optimized. Just to simplify the entire procedure and is intended for Mafiabot, consisting of five game modes, significantly different from each other:

  • Classic is a classic mafia in which you play with a small group of friends. It has only three major roles: mafia, detective and doctor.
  • Crazy - adds insane roles that players of classical mafia did not even hear before. This includes a linguer and creator. About the purpose of each role describes in more detail when creating a party.
  • Chaos - This mode is characterized by bringing even more confusing situations when it is not clear, the killer was a mafia or the whole thing in a bombarder - a character with a new role, which makes this regime so unique.
  • Corona - also adds two new roles, with special rules of behavior, on which the features of this regime end.
  • Crimson - for those who want to get more mysticism during the gameplay. The name of the role of "Alchemik" is already talking about many things, but about its purpose it is told immediately before the start of the party.

Transition to Mafiabot authorization as a bot game in Discord

Start the game using MafiaBot is not so difficult: first each player connects to the room (there must be at least five people), after that the group leader starts the settings, and the bot sees text with instructions in private messages and distributes roles. Again, through private messages a proposal for choosing a goal - when each participant declares its intentions, the night will come. Everyone starts voting and choose who to kill. The bot automatically excludes a player from the game with the highest number of votes. The cycle is repeated and continues until the winner is revealed in the form of mafia or side of the citizens.

Add Mafiabot to Discord through the open area

The use of this bot implies that all actions are performed automatically and participants do not even have to communicate through voice chats so that the creator follows the game process and declared results. Everything can be discussed in text chats and personal correspondence with a bot. If you don't like this type of game in the mafia, read about other options in the article on the link below.

Read more: How to play Mafia through Discord


Quiz is the most common type of games among bots, since the developer does not need to study complex algorithms and try to implement them. Everything is simple - you only need to add a base of questions and options for answers for them. Each developer remains to improve the operation of the tool for itself - to create a local or global leaderboard table, allow you to unite into commands and implement a system of encouragement. All the best of this genre gathered a bot called triviabot, and its main feature is considered the lack of repetitions in matters, because at the current time there are already more than one hundred thousand. In addition, any player can offer his question and, if such is missing and satisfies the requirements, the creators will add it to the game over time.

Transition to the authorization triviabot as a bot game in Discord

Azart adds the fact that each month the site is played by one Nitro subscription for the best player. As already understandable, Triviabot leads a global leaderboard table by collecting information from all servers. Enter the command on your server to find out your current position and understand how soon it will achieve a certain place in the top. As for local awards, in this case the Creator of the server itself, where the bot was added, decides, he wants to give role as prizes or set up internal currency. The bot supports the Russian language and can be activated through the settings after installation. The only drawback is not always translated correctly, but it is rare.

Add triviabot in Discord from an official site


If you are familiar and interested in the game "Crocodile", Garticbot will definitely like. This solution adds only one one to the server, but a full-fledged game, the meaning of which is that the bot is gradually starting to draw a picture, and the participants of the game will have to understand what is depicted on it. One who will enforce the correct answer in the chat faster. If difficulties arise with solidification, you can type the help command, then the bot (limited number of times) will give a prompt that will push the participants to the correct answer. There is a function that allows you to add and your images to turn them on to your list and also played.

Transition to the authorization of Garticbot as a bot game in Discord

The main lack of GarticBot is the lack of localization - all the answers will have to be administered in English. Usually, the bot draws objects of household, animals or other objects, whose names are familiar with almost everyone who at least a little speaks English. However, nothing prevents the use of a translator if you already know the word, but do not know how to write it in English. There are not many teams in Garticbot, so you can remember them from the first time and without any problems to control the game, stopping or renewing it at any time.

Add Garticbot to Discord from the official website


Gamesrob - adds to the server to the server at once eleven different games for two or more people. Note that the Russian language is supported, although it is not available on the official website. After adding the bot, you will need to enter the appropriate command that switches the localization to the necessary one. Now let's stop in more detail at all available games that this bot supports.

  • Uno is a famous card board game, the meaning of which is very simple: you need to get rid of all the cards in your hand faster than opponents. The bot distributes cards - their image is visible in private messages - and in your turn you choose the reaction, pointing out what kind of cards should be postponed. Of course, play a little more complicated than in real life, because you have to deal with all pictures and reactions, but this is a complete implementation of "UNO" through the bot in the discard.
  • Hangman - We have this game known as "Holes". If you explain briefly, then one player makes a word, and the second must guess it, calling the letters. For each incorrect answer, one detail of the gallows are drawn. The player loses if he managed to draw a little man on the gallows. Gamesrob perfectly implemented this game and independently draws parts of the gallows if the answer is incorrect.
  • 2048 - Many mini-game familiar, according to the rules of which it is necessary to assemble the number 2048, gradually folding the same numbers: 2 to 2, 4 to 4, 8 to 8 and so on. Control in the bot was implemented using the reactions with arrows. That is, you need to choose a direction in which the cells will be shifted. The picture on the screen will immediately change, you will see the number of points scored and you can continue the game while the available moves will not remain.
  • ConnectFour - This game is similar to noliki cross, because everyone needs to collect four of their figures in one line so that they do not interrupted the figures of another player. The principle of the game is the same as in the mentioned, so there should be no problems with understanding.
  • Minesweeper - the game "Supper" is known for the fact that it was pre-installed in Windows operating systems and many played it in their free time. It should be cleared the field without obscuring the mines. Ripstain cells contain numbers denoting how many mines are around it. For convenience in the Gamesrob, the field is divided as a chessboard, and you need to write on your own, what kind of cell open.
  • Town, Country, River - Bot sets one of themes (city, memes, movies, transport), and all participants need to write as many words related to this topic as possible. Wins the one who wrote most of all different words accepted by Bot.
  • Russian Roulette - the principle of Russian roulette is almost the same as in real life, but this option is safe for health. The players in turn turn the roulette and shoot, and the message appears on the screen, whether the shot was performed or in this compartment, the cartridge did not turn out.
  • Detective is an analogue of the game "Mafia", which we have already spoken within this article. It is necessary to dial from 4 to 12 players, everyone confirms their participation, after which the bot distributes all roles through private messages and launches the game. The choice and voting is carried out using commands that will tell the bot during the gameplay.
  • TICTACTOE - the name of this game is translated as "cross-tag". She is familiar to everyone, so we will not explain the rules, we will clarify only that the moves are carried out in the same way as in ConnectFour.
  • Memory Game - This type of mini-game can be played even by running it with the help of a specially created command. The bot shows cells with Emodi, and you should remember the pair of the same, and then select their location.
  • Quiz is a quiz format when the bot asks questions and provides four different options for answers, among which only one is right. 12 players can be connected to the simultaneous session.

Transition to the authorization of Gamesrob as a bot for games in Discord

Gamesrob is the largest of all the bots listed today for games. Yes, some types of entertainment in it are very simple, but still fascinating and accurate at least several participants. If you are going to use this tool on your server, it is better to immediately create a channel with a description of all games and teams for them so that users do not have to independently look for them or not to know that it was always possible to play one of the proposed games.

Add Gamesrob in Discord from the official site


Pokemeow - Entertainment for all Pokemon lovers. This bot adds a whole system of interaction with these fabulous beings. Of course, the main function - Pokemon capes, which is carried out by entering a specially intended command. The process is random, so sometimes you may not fall anything or in hand will get the most ordinary pokemon. The developers set the dependence algorithm so that the most valuable and gold pokemon meet a lot less often. In addition, the population of creatures is recorded and you will definitely not get someone from, for example, the tooths if they were already caught. However, there are eggs extracted from special boxes or dropping down when performing random actions. Over time, new pokemones are hatched from them, which may not have time to fall out. This will be told when using the relevant commands.

Transition to PokeMeow authorization as a bot game in Discord

Pokemeow implements a full-fledged trading system, encouraging and subjects between participants in order to maximize the catch and collectibles process. There is even a global market that combines all servers where PokeMeow is installed. For him, a number of different teams were written, allowing to put their pokemon on exchange or selling for a fixed price. This game would not be quite complete, if it was impossible to arrange battles between the players. To start the battle in the chat, you need to write; Battle, and then it remains just follow the emerging notifications and hope that you will win. Pokemeow has more than a hundred most different commands, so be sure to use the help command or open the page on the official website, which contains a list of all available actions with their description.

Add Pokemeow to Discord from the official site


ZSURVIVE adds a postpocalyptic world to the server, which has to survive, farm resources and fight with zombies. You do not just find yourself on some one location, but you can move at completely different places, mining there a certain type of minerals or finding bosses, for the victory over which useful awards give. Each member of the server can launch training and get information from developers about what is to be done to survive in the world of Zsurvive. Immediately after passing the first steps, open a map and move to the desired location to search for resources. Suppose you chose the forest and began to look for items. After the inventory is enough to be filled with all sorts of interesting things, deal with the crafting to improve its equipment and be prepared for the fact that it will soon have to fight with a zombie. All this is carried out using special teams, and items in the inventory are stored until the end of the game, so do not worry about what they are deleted after exiting the discord. The better you have tools, the more new resources you get and kill enemies faster. As soon as locations with bosses are open and you are sure of your victory, move to them and join the battle.

Transition to zsurvive authorization as a bot game in Discord

In Zsurvive, an in-game currency under the name ZCOIN is provided. They are going during the gameplay and can be spent through the store that is called in the main menu. There you will find useful items and improved tools for resource mining. There is in the game and a list of achievements received during the implementation of certain conditions: the murder of the first boss, improving the tools to the highest level and other. Survey your skills, inventory and achievements by entering commands, you can familiarize yourself with both the bot and directly in the discor, causing a help window for this.

Add zsurvive to Discord from the official site

Elo by Anddy.

Elo by Anddy is the only bot from our list, whose functionality is not focused on various minibars, but on support operations when organizing tournament matches in computer games or other events. The developer of the bot used the popular match generation system, taken from chess, so you can be sure that the creation of the tournament table and the parties distribution will pass correctly. Absolutely all known modes of tournaments are supported, the leader's table is automatically connected and the rating system is even implemented to create a grid, repulse from the player level. There is a zero system that can be played between both ordinary players and the organizer, thereby resolving controversial moments.

Transition to authorization Elo by Anddy as a bot for games in Discord

The table displays victories, lesions, current matches, already played series and other useful information. Additionally, you can find out with whom a certain participant has already played, see its results and learn about the nearest events, if the grid has been generated immediately to all the steps of the event. Unfortunately, Elo by Anddy does not support Russian, but there is a detailed description of how to work with this bot. It can be translated even with the help of an ordinary translator, after which all incomprehensible moments immediately become clear. As soon as you start the bot and select the appropriate format of the matches, it will automatically add the required number of channels to the server, will place information on them and will do everything so that the players immediately switched to battles.

Add Elo by Anddy to Discord through an open area


Karuta is a collective card bot for Discord, in which more than 78,000 anime characters are currently represented. He turns characters in collectibles that you can receive, configure, improve and exchange. The main difference between Karuta from other bots for collectibles - support for the collected collection is absolutely on all servers, where this tool has been added. That is, you only need to make sure that there are applications, then you can play with your own collection in completely different communities, including to join the competition with other participants, which adds more dynamics to the collectibles process. Karuta allows players to exchange all existing cards and objects. It creates a dynamic and interesting trading economy, which will have to do with even the most sophisticated players. If someone wants a card, exchange their gold, tickets, dust or anything else.

Transition to the authorization of Karuta as a bot for games in Discord

To get cards you need to know how the fallout system works. It starts by entering the command in the text chat, after which the cards appear in the random order between the members of the participants. The more participants and messages, the more often the cards fall out. When you see the map you want to add to your collection, click on the reaction corresponding to it. For example, if the card you need has been thrown as the second in the set, you must choose the correct reaction option, in this case the second one. If no one else responds to the same card for one second - it is yours. Otherwise, all users who choose a map will fight for it. The battle for the map is a simple mechanic to generate a random number, in which the random responding participant is awarded with the card. Players throwing maps manually, always won battles for their discarded cards. Full list of karuta cards and teams can be found on the developers website.

Add Karuta to Discord from the official website

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