How to make rain in photoshop


How to make rain in photoshop

Rain ... Photographing in the rain - the lesson is not pleasant. Moreover, in order to capture the rain on the photo, the rain will have to be danced with a tambourine, but even in this case, the result may be unacceptable.

Output one - add the appropriate effect on the finished snapshot. Today, experiment with Filters Photoshop "Add Noise" and "Blur in Movement".

Imitation rain

For the lesson, such images were selected:

  1. Landscape that we will edit.

    Source Election Landscape

  2. Picture with clouds.

    Source image of Tuchi

Replacing sky

  1. Open the first picture in Photoshop and create a copy (Ctrl + J).

    Creating a copy of the source layer

  2. Then select "Fast allocation" on the toolbar.

    Fast allocation tool

  3. Combate the forest and field.

    Forest selection by rapid release

  4. For more accurate selection of trees tops, click on the "Specify the Edge" button on the top panel.

    The clarification button

  5. In the function window, no settings do not touch, but simply pass the tool along the border of the forest and the sky several times. We choose the output "in the selection" and click OK.

    Accurate selection of trees

  6. Now we click the Ctrl + J key combination, copying the selected area to the new layer.

    Copy the selected area to a new layer

  7. The next step is the image room with clouds to our document. We find it and drag it into the photoshop window. Clouds must be under the layer with a carved forest.

    Indoor clouds for the document

We replaced the sky, preparation is complete.

Create jets of rain

  1. Go to the top layer and create a print with a CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + E key combination.

    Creating a combined copy of the layers

  2. Create two copies of the print, go to the first copy, and with the top remove visibility.

    Creating two copies of the print

  3. We go to the "Filter-Shum - Add Noise" menu.

    Filter Add Noise

  4. The grain size should be quite large. We look at the screenshot.

    Add Noise Filter Setup

  5. Then go to the "Filter - Blur" menu and choose "Blur in motion".

    Filter blur in motion

    In the filter settings, set an angle value of 70 degrees, offset 10 pixels.

    Blur setting for the first layer

  6. Click OK, go to the top layer and include visibility. Apply the "Add Noise" filter again and go to "blur in motion." Angle this time exhibit 85%, offset - 20.

    Blur setting for the second layer

  7. Next, create a mask for the top layer.

    Creating a mask for the top layer

  8. Go to the "Filter - Render - Clouds" menu. No need to set up, everything happens in automatic mode.

    Cloud filter

    The filter will fill the mask here in this way:

    Pouring mask clouds

  9. These actions must be repeated on the second layer. After completion, you need to change the overlay mode for each layer to the "soft light".

    Changing the imposition of layers with rain

Create fog

As you know, the humidity is strongly risted during the rain, and fog is formed.

  1. Create a new layer,

    Selecting a tool brush

    Take a brush and set up color (gray).

    Choosing a brush color

  2. On the created layer we carry out a fatty strip.

    Blank for fog

  3. We go to the menu "Filter - Blur - Blur in Gauss".

    Choosing a filter Blur in Gauss

    Radius value exhibit "on the eye". The result should be the transparency of the entire strip.

    Blur setting in Gauss

Wet road

Next, we work with the road, because we have rain, and it should be wet.

  1. Take the tool "Rectangular region",

    Tool Rectangular Oblast

    Go to layer 3 and highlight a piece of the sky.

    Selection of the sky

    Then press Ctrl + J, copying the plot to the new layer, and put it at the very top of the palette.

  2. Next you need to highlight the road. Create a new layer, choose "straight Lasso".

    Tool straight Lasso

  3. We allocate both gauge at once.

    Highlighting expensive

  4. We take a brush and paint the selected area in any color. Selection by removing the Ctrl + D keys.

    Fill a highlighted road

  5. Move this layer under the layer with the sky site and put the site on the road. Then clamp Alt and click on the border of the layer, creating a clipping mask.

    Creating a clipping mask

  6. Next, go to the layer with the road and reduce its opacity to 50%.

    Reduced opacity of the layer with expensive

  7. To smooth out sharp boundaries, we create a mask for this layer, take a black brush with opacity 20 - 30%.

    Additional absence of brush

  8. We take place along the road contour.

    Smoothing of borders

Reducing colors saturation

The next step is to reduce the overall saturation of colors in the photo, as the paint rain is a little blinking.

  1. We use the correction layer "Color Tone / Saturation".

    Corrective layer color tone saturation

  2. Move the appropriate slider to the left.

    Setting saturation

Finishing treatment

It remains to create the illusion of the stamped glass and add drops of rain. Textures with drops in a wide range are presented on the network.

  1. Create a layer imprint (Ctrl + SHIFT + ALT + E), and then another copy (Ctrl + J). Blind up the top copy of Gauss.

    Creating the Illusion of Peated Glass

  2. We put the texture with drops at the very top of the palette and change the imposition mode on the "soft light".

    Changing the layer overlay mode with drop texture

  3. We combine the top layer with the previous one.

    Combining the top layer with the previous

  4. Create a mask for the combined layer (white), we take a black brush and erase part of the layer.

    Erasing upper layer

  5. Let's see what we did.

    Image processing result with rain imitation

If it seems to you that the rain jets are too pronounced, then the opacity of the corresponding layers can be reduced.

On this lesson is over. Applying the techniques that were described today, you can imitate rain almost on any pictures.

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