How to make the glass effect in photoshop


How to make the glass effect in photoshop

Our favorite photoshop gives a lot of opportunities to imitate different phenomena and materials. You can, for example, to form or "rejuvenate" the surface, draw the rain on the landscape, create the effect of glass. It is about the imitation of glass, we will talk in today's lesson.

It is worth understanding that it will be imitation, because Photoshop cannot fully (automatically) create a realistic refraction of light inherent in this material. Despite this, we can achieve quite interesting results with styles and filters.

Imitation glass

Let's finally open the original image in the editor and proceed to work.

Source image to imitate glass

Frosted glass

  1. As always, create a copy of the background, applying the hot keys Ctrl + J. Then take the "Rectangle" tool.

    Rectangle tool

  2. Let's create such a figure:

    Creating Figure

    The color of the shape is not important, the size is due.

  3. We need to move this figure to a copy of the background, then clamp the alt key and click on the border between the layers by creating a clipping mask. Now the top image will be displayed only on the figure.

    Creating a clipping mask

  4. At the moment the figure is invisible, now we will fix it. We use styles for this. Click twice in a layer and go to the "Embossing" point. Here we will increase the size and change the method on the "soft cut".

    Embossing glass

  5. Then add an internal glow. The size is done quite large so that the glow occupied almost the entire surface of the figure. Next, we reduce the opacity and add noise.

    Inner glow of glass

  6. There is not enough small shadow. Offset exhibit at zero and slightly increase the size.

    Shadow glass

  7. You probably noticed that dark sections on embossed became more transparent and changed the color. This is done as follows: again we go to the "embossing" and change the parameters of the shadow - "color" and "opacity."

    Additional embossing settings

  8. The next step is toasting glass. To do this, you need to blur the top image in Gauss. Go to the filter menu, section "Blur" and looking for the corresponding item.

    Blur glass

    The radius is chosen such that the main details of the images remain visible, and small smooth.

    Setting blur

So we got a matte glass.

Effects from the gallery of filters

Let's see what photoshop offers us. In the gallery of filters, in the section "Distortion" there is a filter "Glass".

Gallery Filters

Here you can choose from several invoices and adjust the scale (size), softening and exposure.

Filter glass

At the exit we will get something like:

Texture frost

The effect of lenses

Consider another interesting reception, with which you can create a lens effect.

  1. Replace the rectangle on the ellipse. When creating a figure, clamp the Shift key to save the proportions, we use all styles (which we used to the rectangle) and go to the top layer.

    Ellipse tool

  2. Then press the Ctrl key and click on the miniature layer with a circle, loading the selected area.

    Loading selected area

  3. Copy the selection of Ctrl + J hot keys to the new layer and tie the resulting layer to the subject (alt + click on the boundary of the layers).

    Preparation for distortion

  4. Distortion will be performed using the filter "Plastic".

    Plastic filter

  5. In the settings, choose the "Break" tool.

    Tool bloated

  6. Customize the size of the tool under the circle diameter.

    Setting the diameter of bloating

  7. Several times click on the image. The number of clicks depends on the desired result.

    The result of the application of plastic

  8. As you know, the lens should increase the image, so press the Ctrl + T key combination and stretch the picture. To save proportions, clamp shift. If after pressing shift and clamp also alt, the circle will be scaled evenly in all directions relative to the center.

    Transforming a circle

On this lesson to create the glass effect is over. We studied the main ways to create material imitation. If you play with styles and blur options, you can achieve quite realistic results.

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