How to transfer Steam game to another drive


How to transfer Steam game to another drive

Thanks to Steam's ability to create multiple libraries for games in different folders, you can evenly distribute the games and the space occupied by the disks. The folder where the product will be stored is selected during installation. But the ability to move the game from one disk to another developers did not provide. But curious users still found a way to carry applications from disk to disk without data loss.

Transferring games to another drive

If you have insufficient space on one of the disks, you can always cross the Steam game from one disk to another. But few know how to make it so that the application remains operational. There are two methods for changing the location of the games: using a special program and manually. We will look at both ways.

Method 1: Steam Tool Library Manager

If you do not want to spend time and do everything manually, you can just download Steam Tool Library Manager. This is a free program that allows you to safely transfer applications from one disk to another. With it, you can quickly change the location of the games, without fear that something goes wrong.

  1. First of all, go through the link below and download Steam Tool Library Manager:

    Download Steam Tool Library Manager for free from the official site

  2. Now on the disk where you want to transfer games, create a new folder where they will be stored. Name it, as you will be convenient (for example, Steamapp or SteamGames).

    Creating a folder for Steam

  3. Now you can run the utility. Specify the location of the folder you just created in the right field.

    Select Steam Tool Director

  4. It remains only to choose the game you want to cross, and click on the "Move to Storage" button.

    Steam Choosing Games and Move

  5. Wait for the end of the game transfer process.

    Steam game transfer process

Ready! Now all the data is stored in a new place, and you have a free disk space.

Method 2: without additional programs

Brand recently, in Steam itself, it was possible to manually transfer games from the disk to the disk. This method is a bit more complicated than a way using additional software, but still does not take you a lot of time or effort.

Creating a library

First of all, you need to create a library on the disk where you would like to move the game, because it is in libraries all the stime products are stored. For this:

  1. Run Steam and go to customer settings.

    Customer settings steam

  2. Then in the "Load" item, click on the "Steam Library folders" button.

    Steam libraries

  3. Next, the window will open in which you will see the location of all libraries, how many games they contain and how much space do it. You need to create a new library, and for this click on the "Add folder" button.

    Add Steam folder

  4. Here you need to specify where the library will be located.

    Create a Steam folder

Now that the library is created, you can go to the transfer of the game from the folder to the folder.

Move the game

  1. Right-click on the game you want to transfer and go to its properties.

    Steam Game Properties

  2. Go to the Local Files tab. Here you will see a new button - "Move Install Folder", which was not before creating an additional library. Click not it.

    Move Install Folder.

  3. When you click on the button, a window appears with a library selection for moving. Select the desired folder and click "Move Folder".

    Move Folder.

  4. The process of moving the game will be launched, which can take some time.

    Steam game process

  5. When moving is completed, you will see a report in which it will be indicated, from where and where you move the game, as well as the number of displaced files.

Steam Movement Report

The two ways presented above will allow you to transfer Steam games from a disk to the disk, without fear that in the process of transferring something damages and the application will stop working. Of course, if you for any reason do not want to use none of the above methods, you can always simply delete the game and install it again, but already on another disk.

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