How to make the status "sleep" in the style


How to make status sleeping in steam

With the help of statuses in Steam, you can tell your friends what you are doing now. For example, when you play, friends will see that you are "online." And if you need to work and you do not want you to be distracted, you can ask you not to disturb you. It is very convenient, because in this way your friends will always know when you can contact you.

Streets are available to you statuses:

  • "Online";
  • "Offline";
  • "Not here";
  • "Wants to exchange";
  • "Wants to play";
  • "Do not disturb".

But there is also one more - "sleeping", which is not listed. In this article we will tell you how to make your account moves into sleep mode.

How to make the status "sleep" in the style

Manually translate the account to sleep. You can't: After the Steam is updated from 02/14/2013 the ability to put the status of "sleeping" the developers removed. But you could notice that your friends are "sleeping", while there are no such status in the list of status.

Steam statuses

How do they do it? Very simple - they do nothing. The fact is that your account itself goes into sleep mode when your computer is at rest for some time (about 3 hours). As soon as you return to work with a computer, your account will go to the "network" state. Thus, find out, you are in sleep or not, you can only with your friends.


Let us summarize: the status "sleeps" by the user appears only when the computer is in idle in idle, and there is no possibility to set this status, so just wait.

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