What to do if tlauncher does not start


What to do if tlauncher does not start

Method 1: Installing the latest version of Java

The TLAUNCHER program is directly related to the component called Java, so it is recommended to check it first. Developers suggest that when problems arise with running Java, it is better to completely remove from the computer, then download the latest version from the official site. To understand the uninstallation of software will help another instruction on the link below.

Read more: How to remove Java completely

Removing Java from a computer to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

Next, perform an even simpler sequence of actions - find the installer on the official website, download it, run and follow the instructions on the screen. If you are not sure about your abilities, use the tips from the following article.

Read more: How to install java on PC

Downloading the latest version of Java to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

Method 2: Enabling UTF-8 support

Font problems are one of the main reasons for troubleshooting TLAUNCHER, which depends on the algorithms used in the program code. Let us consider another method associated with the font correction, but for now we advise you to enable UTF-8 support using the OS settings.

  1. Open the "Start" and find the "Regional Parameters" setting through the search.
  2. Transition to regional settings to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

  3. In a new window, drop to the "Related Settings" block and click on the "Advanced Date, Time, Region" string.
  4. Opening regional settings to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

  5. Under the inscription "Regional Standards", find the string "Changing date, time and numbers formats" and click on it.
  6. Transition to a symbol change to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

  7. The "Region" window will appear, where to go to the "Advanced" tab and click on "Change System Language".
  8. Opening the system language change menu to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

  9. Mark the checkbox "Beta version: Use Unicode (UTF-8) to support the language around the world", then click "OK" and close the window with the settings.
  10. Enable Font Support To solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

Now it is advisable to restart the computer so that the changes come into force, then you can then re-run Tlauncher and check how new settings will affect the launcher.

Method 3: Installing the latest Windows updates

The absence of important system updates is another reason why problems arise with the launcher's launcher. Check if the program does not really open because of this, it is possible by performing simple actions.

  1. Open the "Start" and go to the "Parameters" application.
  2. Switch to the application parameters to solve problems with the start of TLAUNCHER

  3. In the list, select the "Update and Security" block.
  4. Opening the Update and Security section to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

  5. You will immediately find yourself in the required section where you click "Check the availability of updates".
  6. Installing the latest updates for OS to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

More detailed guidance on how to install updates for Windows 10 and solve problems with this process, you will find in other articles on our website. Use them if the installation has failed due to the appearance of different errors.

Read more:

Installing Windows 10 Updates

Solving problems with the performance of the Windows 10 update center

Install updates for Windows 10 manually

Method 4: Delete Update KB4515384

The system update under the code name KB4515384 is aimed at correcting small problems in the operation of the operating system and adds improvements for embedded components. The developers of Tlauncher noticed that it was how it sometimes affects the difficulties when launching their program, so they offer to remove it.

  1. In the same section with the Windows Update Parameters, go to "View update log".
  2. Switch to the update management menu to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

  3. Click the "Delete Update" row.
  4. Opening the update management window to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

  5. Lay in the list with the KB4515384 code name, double-click on it and in the new window confirm deletion.
  6. Deleting a specific update to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

  7. You can, for a while or permanently disable the installation of Windows Updates if the KB4515384 is added again to the OS and the error with the launcher is reversed.

    Method 5: Updating Video Card Driver

    Specific versions of the graphics adapter driver negatively affect Tlauncher operation, causing errors with the start of the Minecraft itself or the main menu of the launcher. All observed problem versions are already considered obsolete, therefore the situation is being solved by updating the driver, which is written in another article on our website.

    Read more: Ways to update video card drivers on Windows 10

    Updating video card drivers to solve problems with launching TLAUNCHER

    Method 6: Enabling the ClearType function

    Tlauncher has conflicts with fonts, which is why the program does not start. One of the methods for solving such problems has already been considered in the method 2, since it is more efficient. The same helps a small percentage of users and is associated with setting the Cleartype feature.

    1. Open the "Start" and find the "Clearartype text setting".
    2. Go to the font settings menu to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

    3. After starting the setup tool, check the "Enable Clearartype" checkbox and go to the next step.
    4. Run Font Setup Tools to solve problems with start TLAUNCHER

    5. Read the first message and move further.
    6. The first step of interaction with the font setting means to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

    7. Perform all instructions by pointing to the best display of text, then complete the setting and restart the computer.
    8. Setting fonts using the built-in parameter to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

    Method 7: Disable Anti-Virus

    If third-party antivirus is installed on your computer, it can block incoming connections when you try to try the launcher files, which is why it does not start. Then it is necessary to pause protection and check whether the program will appear after that.

    Read more: Disable antivirus

    Temporary disabling antivirus to solve problems with launching TLAUNCHER

    In the case when the problem really happened due to the installed antivirus, it makes no sense to keep it constantly disconnected, because so you reduce the efficiency of work on no. It is best to add TLAUNCHER to exception so that the protection ignore all the events created by this program.

    Read more: How to add a program to exclude antivirus

    Method 8: Disable Firewall

    Approximately the same applies to the standard firewall of Windows. It can limit connections when trying to Tlauncher download missing files or contact the server to start the game. To check this method, temporarily disconnect the firewall, then open the launcher again.

    Read more: How to turn off the firewall in Windows 10

    Temporary disabling of the firewall to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

    If, after disabling the firewall, the program starts correctly, it means that the problem really was in locks from its side. In this case, do the same as with the antivirus - bring TLAUNCHER to exclude a firewall.

    Read more: How to add a program to exceptions Windows 10 firewall

    Method 9: Disable or removing MSI Afterburner

    From the title of the method, it is already clear that it only applies to those users who installed MSI Afterburner to their computer. It is observed that this software for monitoring the state of the PC conflict with the launcher and prevents its launch. For a start, try closing MSI Afterburner, finding the icon on the taskbar. If this does not help, delete the program from your PC one of the standard ways.

    Read more: Installing and removing programs in Windows 10

    Completing the MSI Afterburner program

    Method 10: Downloading the latest version of TLAUNCHER

    The final method implies deleting the current version of TLAUNCHER (for this use the instruction from the previous method) and replacing its new downloaded from the official site. You need to follow the link below, download the executable file and set it by following the instructions in the window that appears.

    Download Tlauncher from the official site

    Downloading the latest version of the launcher from the official site to solve problems with the launch of TLAUNCHER

    The developers Tlauncher has its own group of VKontakte, where they are promptly responsible for all user questions. Ask there a question related to the topic of difficulties with the launch, if the execution of instructions from this article never helped in solving the problem.

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