How to disable comments in instagram


How to disable comments in instagram

When a resonant photo is published in Instagram or an ambiguous description is added to the snapshot, in order to avoid rapid discussions, comments can be closed. About how the comments are close to photographs in popular social service, and it will be discussed below.

Comments are the main type of communication in instagram. But, often, instead of adequate discussion, the topic of the post is obtained either Rugan, or the influx of spam from the Bot Accounts. Fortunately, not so long ago in Instagram, there was the possibility of closing comments.

Close Comments in Instagram

Two ways to close comments are implemented in Instagram: full and partial (automotorization). Each method will be useful depending on the situation.

Method 1: Full Disable Comments for Posts

Please note that you can disable comments only on a newly published photo and only through a mobile application. In addition, the owners of business profiles cannot close the comments.

  1. Open the photo in the application, the comments to which will be closed. Click up the top right corner on the Troyaty button. In the displayed context menu, select "Turn off comments".
  2. Disable comments in Instagram

  3. Next instant, a button for writing comments will disappear under the photo, and therefore no one can leave a message under a snapshot.

Disabled comments in Instagram

Method 2: Hiding unwanted comments

This method is already relevant for both users of a mobile application and a web version, which is designed to use instagram from a computer.

Hide comments on smartphone

  1. Open the application, go to the right tab to open your profile, and then click the gear icon.
  2. Settings in Instagram.

  3. In the "Settings" block, select "Comments".
  4. Section with comments in Instagram

  5. Near the item "Hide Inappropriate Comments" Turn the toggle switch to the active position.
  6. Hide comments in Instagram

  7. From this point on, instagram will automatically filter comments on which users most often serve complaints. You can independently replenish this list, on the "your own keywords" of phrases or individual words, comments with which must be immediately hidden.

Unwanted words in Instagram

Hide comments on the computer

  1. Go to the Instagram web version page and, if necessary, perform authorization.
  2. See also: How to enter Instagram

    Authorization in the Instagram web version

  3. Click in the upper right corner on the profile icon.
  4. Transition to the profile in the Instagram web version

  5. Having hit the profile page, click on the "Edit Profile" button.
  6. Editing profile in the Instagram web version

  7. In the left area of ​​the window, go to the "Comments" tab. Check around the item "Hide inappropriate comments". Below will write a list of unwanted words or phrases to be blocked and click on the "Submit" button.

Hide comments in instagram web version

From this point on, all comments that do not meet Instagram requirements, as well as your personal list of words and phrases, will be hidden from you and other users.

It is still all the options for closing comments in Instagram. It is possible that later the possibilities for closing comments will be expanded.

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