How to install a default browser


How can I install the default browser

Each user may have a situation where when installing a web browser to a computer, it does not notice the check mark in the "Set default browser" field. As a result, all the links open will be launched in the program that is assigned to the main one. Also in the Windows operating system already defined the default web browser, for example, in Windows 10, Microsoft EDGE is installed.

But what if the user prefers to use another web browser? You must assign the selected default option. Next, the article will describe in detail how to make the browser main.

How to install a default browser

You can set the browser in several ways to change in Windows settings or in the settings of the browser itself. How to do this will be shown further on the example in Windows 10. However, the same actions also apply to other versions of Windows.

Method 1: In the "Parameters" application

1. You need to open the "Start" menu.

Opening the Start menu

2. Next, click "Parameters".

Opening of parameters in windows

3. In the "System" click the "System" window that appears.

Opening in Point Parameters System

4. In the right pane, we find the "Default Applications" section.

Default Application Section

5. We are looking for a "web browser" and click on it once. You must select the browser you want to set by default.

Beb browser selection

Method 2: In the browser settings

This is a very easy option to install the default browser. The settings of each web browser allow you to select it basic. Let's wonder how to do this on the example of Google Chrome.

1. In the open browser, click "Tinstures and Management" - "Settings".

Opening settings in Google Chrome

2. In the default browser item, clasme "Assign Google Chrome Default Browser".

Assign Google Chrome Browser by default

3. The "Parameters" window will automatically open - "Default applications". In the "Web Browser" item you need to choose the one that you like best.

Choosing a beb browser in parameters

Method 3: In the control panel

1. By right-clicking on the "Start" button, open the control panel.

Opening the control panel

This window can be called by pressing the "Win + X" keys.

2. In the open window, click "Network and Internet".

Opening the network and Internet parameter

3. In the right pane, we are looking for a "program" - "Default Programs".

Default programs

4. Now you should open the "Default Program Set" item.

Default Software

5. A list of programs that can be installed by default will appear. Of these, you can choose any browser and click on it.

List of programs that can be installed by default

6. Under the description of the program, two options for its use will appear, you can select the "Use this default program" item.

Select the default browser option

Using one of the above methods, it will not be difficult for you to choose the default browser yourself.

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