Does not work with a touchpad on the HP laptop


Does not work with a touchpad on the HP laptop

Cause 1: The touchpad is disabled by a special button

Some HP laptops right on the touch panel or next to it have a button to turn it on or off. Those users who do not know about the existence or purpose of this button may well accidentally press it by blocking the work of the touchpad.

The possibility is not far from all models, and most often found in the Pavilion series rules. The button looks different, and more new devices it is touch, built directly into the upper left corner of the touchpad. Usually this is evidenced by the presence of the LED - when blocking the panel it lights up.

Button to turn on and disconnect the touchpad on the touchpad itself at the HP laptop

In individual models, the button is made to the central upper part or is located above the panel and is, respectively, physical.

Button to enable and disconnect the touchpad over the touchpad at the HP laptop

The holders of the touch button must touch it twice to unlock / block the panel. The physical button is enough to press once. Keyboard shortcuts on the keyboard that could be turned off the operation of the touchpad, HP, unlike laptops, many other companies, as a rule, is not.

Cause 2: Operating System Settings

Most often, it is the parameters of the operating system that affect the operation of the touchpad. Even if you did not edit any of the settings listed below, check them all before switching to other methods of the article.

In the "dozen" you can easily manage the operation of the touchpad, including and turning it off through the standard parameters application.

  1. You can get there through the "Start".
  2. Switch to parameters to turn on the touchpad on HP laptop with Windows 10

  3. Go to the category "Devices".
  4. Go to the application device section Settings to turn on the touchpad on the HP laptop with Windows 10

  5. On the left pane, find and select the "Touch Panel" section.
  6. Go to section Touch Panel Application Parameters To turn on the touchpad on the HP laptop with Windows 10

  7. Check that in the "Touch Panel" block, the switch is activated ("On"). If you use the mouse and touchpad at the same time, pay attention to the next item - "Do not disconnect the touch panel when connecting the mouse" - it should also be activated. It is extremely small, but still real is the chance of the occurrence of the conflict between two pointing devices, therefore, despite the activated setting, you may need to disconnect the mouse to use the touch panel.
  8. Turning on the touchpad through the application parameters on the HP laptop with Windows 10

Touchpad settings

This method is universal for all modern Windows and requires the use of the "control panel", where you can also configure the touchpad.

  1. Run the "Control Panel" through the "Start", switch viewing on the icons and call the "Mouse" category. Either find it through an internal search.
  2. Switch to the Windows 7 control panel to configure the HP Laptop Touchpad

  3. A window will open where you go to the "Device Settings" tab, which is sometimes called "ELAN" - the exact name depends on the manufacturer of the touchpad or clickpad. In the event that the "Disable" button is inactive (it is gray and not pressed), it means that the touch panel is deactivated. Click the "Enable" button, then "OK" to save the changes made and closed the window.

    If you did not find such a tab, there is a chance that there is no corresponding driver in the laptop. Read the reason for the 3 of our article to find possible troubleshooting or set for the first time. After that, open this window and see if the required tab appeared.

  4. Turning on the touchpad through the driver settings in the HP Laptop Mouse properties with Windows 7

  5. Users who have a touchpad before connecting to a laptop of the mouse, in the same window you should remove the checkbox from the "Disconnect the internal decree. Device with connections. external decree. USB devices.
  6. Turning on parallel operation of a touchpad with a USB mouse through the driver settings in the HP laptop properties with Windows 7

"Services" Windows

In very rare situations, there is a conflict of one of the services that affects the touch panel. It concerns laptops with a touchscreen display, where the service responsible for the work of the stylus prevents the touchpad normally function. Even if you use a pen for entering, in order to check the way, turn off the service and check if it is the reason.

  1. In Windows 10, run the "Task Manager" keys Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC and switch to the "Services" tab. Windows 7 users will need to open the service application, finding it through the search in the "start".
  2. Search service TabletInputService to restart when problems with HP laptop touchpad

  3. In the list, look for a service with the title "TabletInputService" and, if it is enabled, click on it right-click and disconnect. Alternatively, you can restart it through the same context menu. Those who work the stylus should try to turn off the service> Reboot the laptop> Enable service.
  4. Stop or restarting the TabletInputService service when problems with HP laptop touchpad

Cause 3: Driver Problems

The missing, outdated or problematic driver may well cause incorrect work or complete ignoring touchpad touches. We recommend to try to try different instructions in this section of the article, and not to stop on some one.

Installing the driver via Windows

Faster to try to re-install the driver, using Windows and Universal Microsoft Universal Software.

  1. By right-clicking on "Start", go to "Device Manager". It can be found in the title in the "start".
  2. Transition to Device Manager for HP Laptop Touchpad

  3. Expand the "Mouse and Other Indicating Devices" section - it should be a touchpad, and if the driver is installed for it, the appropriate word in English will be contained in the title. In the absence of the driver, you will most likely inscribe "HID-device". The touchpad is not displayed usually during hardware.
  4. Search Touchpad among devices in HP Laptop Device Dispatcher

  5. Select a string with the device and on the toolbar, click the button to go to the software update.
  6. Go to installing a universal HID driver for HP Laptop Touchpad

  7. In a new window, click on "Select a driver from the list of available drivers on your computer."
  8. Selecting a Local HID Search for HP Laptop Touchpad

  9. From the list of proposals, select the touchpad driver, paying attention to its version, or a "HID-compatible mouse" if a separate driver was not found. It remains to highlight the desired line and click the "Next" button to install the program.
  10. Selecting a local HID driver for installation on HP laptop

  11. Restart the laptop and check the operation of the touch panel.

Installation of the driver from the official HP site

On the official website of the company, too, there is a driver for a touchpad. Ideally, it should only add additional functions such as double touch, while basic features work without it. Nevertheless, try to install it, even if the touch panel does not work at all.

Go to the official website of HP

  1. Click on the link above, on the site Mouse over the "Support" section and select "Programs and Drivers".
  2. Go to the official website of HP to download the touchpad driver for a laptop

  3. On the next page, specify the category "Laptop".
  4. Select a category laptop to download drivers for a touchpad from the official HP site

  5. In the "or enter the serial number" field, write the name of your laptop right up to the ruler. You can find it with another article on our website.

    Read more: Learning the exact name of the HP laptop

  6. Selecting the exact laptop model to download the driver for the touchpad from the official HP site

  7. Make sure the site correctly determined the version and the discharge of the operating system.
  8. Checking the operating system for downloading the driver for the laptop touchpad from the official HP site

  9. Scroll down the page below and expand the "Driver-Keyboard, Mouse and Input Devices" section.
  10. Search Section with Driver for Touchpad Laptop for download from the official HP site

  11. The list of available drivers should have a "high-precision touch panel filter driver". If you have several such lines, see the release dates and version of Windows with which they are compatible. Download the appropriate option to the Download button, then run the file and install it as a regular program. Restart the laptop for the entry into force of all changes entered in the OS. Advanced by section of this article "Touchpad Settings", where it is shown how to enable it and disable it after installing the branded driver.
  12. Download drivers for laptop touchpad from the official HP site

Reinstall Driver

In extremely non-standard situations, problems with the touchpad do not disappear after the driver is updated on top of the available one. In this situation, it is better to make a clean installation, and to do, in the Device Manager, click the No Driver Update button, but adjusting the device from the system (under this action is meant to delete the driver).

Remove the HP Laptop Touchpad Driver from Windows through Device Manager

In the window that opens, check the box opposite the "Delete drivers for this device" item.

Confirmation of the HP Laptop Touchpad Driver Files from Windows through Device Manager

After the mandatory restart of the laptop, you can be one of the methods that are described above, install the driver. In the "dozen", in principle, it will have to be installed independently when restarting the system, so manual actions will be required only when the automatic installation has not happened.

If we are talking about downloading the driver from the official HP site, then there you can (not always) find the previous version in case the latter is not installed or does not correct the problem. To do this, it is enough to deploy a driver partition, then subsequently "Previous version" and click the "Download" button.

Downloading the previous version of the driver for the laptop touchpad from the official HP site

Cause 4: Viral Activity

The virus blocking the work of various PC components, including the touch panel - is not uncommon and no exception to the rules. In the absence of visible reasons why it stopped working, be sure to check the operating system for the presence of malicious objects. You can do this both using the built-in tools and third-party antivirus or a free scanner that does not require installation. We are detailed about each of these methods, we previously told.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Anti-virus utility for the treatment of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

Cause 5: hardware problem

There is always the likelihood that the failure is not programmed, but hardware. It is more likely to be preceded by some external factors: the laptop fell, it was flooded with a liquid, exposed to a strong shaking and vibrations, understood the owner or employee of the service center, had the wrong operating conditions.

It is worth remembering that the touch panel is a surface under which the printed circuit board is located and the loop. And then, and the other could fail in the course of the factors listed above or simply because the touchpad is not eternal, like any other technique. The train could and just move away - then it will be enough just to connect it again. With more serious problems, apparently, you will have to change the whole touchpad, and it is better to trust the specialists.

We will specify that the culprit of the problem does not necessarily become the touch panel - it is quite possible that the motherboard itself is incorrectly. Again, it is extremely difficult to learn it yourself and usually for only a professional.

Additional recommendations

We advise not to avoid the party and the following simple methods of fixing the work of the touchpad:

  • Disconnect the laptop, disconnect it from the network, get the battery (if the housing is not monolithic and allows you to remove it) and wait a minute 15 minutes. Before returning the battery and turn on the laptop, press and hold the power button about 30 seconds - this will reset the voltage in capacitors.
  • The operation of the touch panel can be blocked by any program, and not necessarily malicious. Load the laptop in "Safe Mode", in which there is nothing starting in addition to the component system, even the Internet does not work (of course, if you do not select "Safe Mode with Network Drivers"). If suddenly in this mode you learned that the touchpad regularly performs its task, analyze the list of installed programs and be sure to check the system for viruses. Those who do not know how to carry out the "safe mode" entry, our full-fledged article will be useful - just click on the version of Windows used.

    Read more: Login to "Safe Mode" in Windows 10 / Windows 7

  • Try to restore Windows to a state when you have not experienced difficulties when using a touchpad. It will be possible to make it possible if there are recovery points - use our instructions for this or that version of Windows.

    Read more: How to roll back Windows 10 / Windows 7 to recovery point

  • For many users, by default, the HP branded software is installed, which in the absence at any time can be downloaded from the official website. One of the utilities - HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows - checks the various components of the laptop and when detecting errors displays information about how it can be corrected.

  1. Find a search application in "Start" or download it from the company's website.

    Download HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows from the official HP site

  2. Run it necessarily with administrator rights. In the "dozen" to do this, it is enough to choose the appropriate item in the "start", in Windows 7 you need to click on the result by the right mouse button and produce "Run on behalf of the administrator".
  3. Running the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics program on HP laptop to test the touchpad performance

  4. It opens up to 1 minute - depends on the type of drive and laptop as a whole.
  5. Loading the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows program on HP laptop to test the touchpad performance

  6. Switch to the "Component Check" section.
  7. Switch to the component check section in the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows program on HP laptop to check the touchpad performance

  8. Expand the category "Input Devices" and check the box in front of the "Check the mouse pointer or touch panel" item, then click on "Run".
  9. The choice of touchpad in the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows program on HP laptop to test performance

  10. Complete a pair of simple tests: Read the task and follow it, then go further.
  11. Tests in the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows program on HP laptop to test the performance of the touchpad

  12. The test result will be displayed immediately: if there is a problem, it will be proposed to see what action it is necessary to perform to eliminate it, as well as find out the description of the checks.
  13. Results of tests in the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows program on HP laptop to test the performance of the touchpad

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