On Points for Yandex Browser


On Ponts to Yandex.Browser

As many know, in the microblog of each user of the VKontakte social network, the icon of the mobile operating system is displayed with which the post was laid out. It can be 3 icons: iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Any of them can be displayed provided that the post was created through the branded mobile application.

Some of the users would very much wanted their entries in the microblog too, also had an "Apple" icon. However, not everyone has a real opportunity to buy an iPhone or iPad. To help all those who want to create recordings and have a note next to them "Sent through iOS", the expansion will be suitable. On Ponte " By the way, the user can also select the imitation of the publication of recording via Android or Windows Phone.

Using the expansion "On Ponte" in Yandex.Browser

  1. You can download the extension with Google WebStore for this link.
  2. In the Click on the Install button.

    Installation on Ponts to Yandex.Browser-1

  3. In the confirmation window, select "Install Extension".

    Installation on Ponts to Yandex.Browser-2

  4. After installation, update the open VK pages.
  5. Before you publish your first post, you need to enter your account data so that the expansion can replace the source data, forcing everyone to think that you are really sitting with iOS.

    Authorization via VK in Yandex.Browser

  6. Next to the "Send" button you will see the Apple icon. Click on it - now any created post will be published with this icon.

    On Ponte - IOS in Yandex.Browser

  7. By clicking on the arrow next to the Apple icon, you will call a small menu that allows you to switch between operating systems. Thus, you can simultaneously publish records from different devices.

    On Ponte - All OS in Yandex.Browser

Please note that before publishing a post with iOS, Android or Windows Phone, you need to enter your data for the input. The reason why should this be done is slightly higher. Therefore, you should not worry about the safety of your account - the extension does not steal the pages, tested by us.

Extension " On Ponte It will be interesting for those who want to surprise friends or simply create the visibility of using a mobile device on a particular operating system. It is enough to simply apply that not even the most advanced Internet users.

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