How to make the first letter of capital in Excel


Capital letter in Microsoft Excel

In many cases, it is required that the first letter in the table of the table was titled (capital). If the user initially erroneously entered the lowercase letters or copied the data from another source in Excel, in which all the words began with a small letter, you can spend a very large amount of time and time to bring the appearance of the table to the desired state. But, perhaps, Excel has special tools with which you can automate this procedure? Indeed, the program has a function to change the lowercase letters to the capital. Let's look at how it works.

The procedure for transformation of the first letter to the title

You should not expect that in Excel there is a separate button by clicking on which, you can automatically turn the string letter to the title. To do this, you will have to use functions, and several at once. However, in any case, this path with interest will pay for temporary costs that would be required for manually changing data.

Method 1: Replacing the first letter in the cell on the title

To solve the task, the main function is used to replace, as well as the invested functions of the first and second order is registered and Levsimv.

  • The Replace function replaces one character or part of the line to others, according to the specified arguments;
  • Registered - makes letters in capital, that is, the capital, what we need;
  • Levsimv - Returns the specified number of characters of a particular text in the cell.

That is, based on this set of functions, with the help of Levsimv, we will refund the first letter to the specified cell, using the operator, we will make it uppercase, and then replace it with the function to replace the lowercase letter to the uppercase.

The general template of this operation will look like this:

= Replace (old_text; Nach_Post; number_ sign; proper (Levsimv (text; number_names)))

But it is better to consider it all on a specific example. So, we have a completed table in which all words are written with a small letter. We have the first symbol in each cell with the names to make the title. The first cell with the surname has coordinates of B4.

  1. In any free place of this sheet or on another sheet, write the following formula:

    = Replace (b4; 1; 1; proper (Levsimv (B4; 1)))

  2. Formula in Microsoft Excel

  3. To process data and see the result, click the ENTER button on the keyboard. As you can see, now in the cell, the first word begins with a capital letter.
  4. The result of calculating in Microsoft Excel

  5. We become a cursor to the lower left corner of the cell with the formula and using the filling marker copy the formula into the lower cells. We must copy it precisely so positions down how many cells with surnames have an in its composition source table.
  6. Filling marker in Microsoft Excel

  7. As you can see, given that references in the formula relative, and not absolute, the copying occurred with a shift. Therefore, the contents of the position following in the order of positions are displayed in the lower cells, but also with a capital letter. Now we need to insert the result in the source table. Select the range with formulas. I click on the right mouse button and select "Copy" in the context menu.
  8. Copying data to Microsoft Excel

  9. After that, we highlight the original cells with the names in the table. Call the context menu by clicking right mouse button. In the "Insert Parameters" block, select the item "Values", which is represented as icons with numbers.
  10. Inserting values ​​in Microsoft Excel

  11. As you can see, after that, the data we need have been inserted into the source positions of the table. At the same time, lowercase letters in the first words of the cells were replaced with uppercase. Now, not to spoil the appearance of the sheet, you need to remove cells with formulas. It is especially important to delete whether you performed a conversion on one sheet. We highlight the specified range, click right-click and in the context menu, stop the selection on the "Delete ..." item.
  12. Removing cells in Microsoft Excel

  13. In the low dialog box that appears, you set the switch to the "string" position. Click on the "OK" button.

After that, the extra data will be cleaned, and we will get the result that achieved: in each cell table, the first word begins with a capital letter.

Ready result in Microsoft Excel

Method 2: Each word with a capital letter

But there are cases when it is necessary to make not only the first word in a cell, starting with the capital letter, but in general, every word. For this, there is also a separate function, and it is much easier than the previous one. This feature is called propnant. Its syntax is very simple:

= PREPARE (addresschair)

On our example, its use will look as follows.

  1. Select the free area of ​​the sheet. Click on the "Insert function" icon.
  2. Switch to the Master of Functions in Microsoft Excel

  3. In the functioning wizard of the functions, we are looking for "Raknach". Having found this name, we allocate it and click on the "OK" button.
  4. Master of Functions in Microsoft Excel

  5. The argument window opens. We put the cursor in the "Text" field. Select the first cell with the surname in the source table. After her address hit the argument window, click on the OK button.

    Argument window Features Microsoft Excel

    There is another option of action without launching the functions wizard. To do this, we must, as at the previous method, enter the function manually in the cell with the recording of the source data coordinates. In this case, this entry will have the following form:

    = PREPARE (B4)

    Then you will need to press the ENTER button.

    The choice of a specific option depends entirely on the user. For those users who are not used to keeping many different formulas in the head, naturally, it is easier to act with the help of a wizard of functions. At the same time, others believe that much faster than manual operator entry.

  6. Whatever the option was selected, in a cell we received the result that we needed. Now every new word in the cell begins with a capital letter. As last time, copy the formula on the cells below.
  7. Copying the formula in Microsoft Excel

  8. After that copy the result using the context menu.
  9. Copy Result in Microsoft Excel

  10. Insert the data through the "Values" item insert parameters into the source table.
  11. Insertion in Microsoft Excel

  12. Remove intermediate values ​​through the context menu.
  13. Delete calculations in Microsoft Excel

  14. In a new window, confirm the removal of the rows by setting the switch to the appropriate position. Click the "OK" button.

After that, we will get a practically unchanged source table, but only all words in the treated cells will now be spelled out with a capital letter.

Ready table in Microsoft Excel

As you can see, despite the fact that the mass change of lowercase letters to the capital in Excel is impossible to be called an elementary procedure, however, it is much easier and more convenient than changing the characters manually, especially when there are a lot of them. The above algorithms protect not only the strength of the user, but the most valuable time is time. Therefore, it is desirable that the permanent user Excel can use these tools in its work.

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