How to make a gold color in photoshop


How to make a gold color in photoshop

The imitation of gold is one of the most difficult tasks when working in Photoshop. You have to use multiple filters and styles, draw glare and shadow.

On our site there is already an article on how to create a gold text, but the techniques described in it are not suitable for all situations.

Lesson: Golden inscription in photoshop

Golden color in photoshop

Today we will learn how to give the color of gold subjects that are not gold. For example, this silver spoon:

Source image to give gold colors in photoshop

In order to proceed to creating a gold imitation, you need to separate the object from the background. You can do this in any convenient way.

Lesson: How to cut an object in photoshop

Department of the subject from the background in Photoshop


  1. Create a new corrective layer called "Curves".

    Creating a corrective layer curves in Photoshop

  2. In the automatically opened palette of the settings, go to the red channel (dropping out the list at the top of the window).

    Red Channel Curves in Photoshop

  3. We put the point on the curve, and pull it to the left and up until the shade is achieved, as in the screenshot. In order for the "curves" only to a layer with a spoon, activate the binding button.

    Configuring the Red Channel Channel in Photoshop

  4. Further, in the same drop-down list, select the green channel and repeat the actions. Channel setting depends on the initial shade and contrast of the item. Try to achieve an approximately the same color as on the screen below.

    Setting the green channel curves in Photoshop

  5. Then go to the blue channel, and pull the curve to the right and down, thereby reducing the amount of blue in the image. It is important to achieve a practically complete "dissolution" of pink shade.

    Setting the blue channel of curves in Photoshop

Our alchemical experience was a success, let's put a spoon on a contrasting background, suitable for gold and look at the result.

The result of the imitation of gold in Photoshop

As you can see, the spoon took the color of gold. This method is applicable to all subjects having a metal surface. Experiment with the settings of the curves to achieve the desired result. There is a tool, the rest depends on you.

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