How to remove the test mode of Windows 10


Inscription Test mode in Windows 10
Some users face that in the lower right corner of the Windows 10 desktop, "test mode" appears, containing further information about the editors and assembly of the installed system.

In this manual, it is detailed why such an inscription appears and how to remove the test mode of Windows 10 in two ways - either really turning it off, or remove only the inscription, leaving the test mode on.

How to disable test mode

Test mode on the desktop Windows 10

In most cases, the test mode appears as a consequence of manual disconnection of the digital signature of the drivers, it is also found that in some "assemblies", where the test disabled, this message appears over time (see how to disable the Windows 10 driver signature check).

One of the solutions is a simple shutdown of Windows 10 test mode, but in some cases for some equipment and programs (if they use unsigned drivers), it can cause problems (in such a situation you can turn on the test mode again, and then remove the inscription on this on the working Table in the second way).

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator. You can do this by entering the "Command Line" in the search for the taskbar by clicking the right mouse button on the result found and selecting the command line launch point on behalf of the administrator. (Other ways to open the command prompt on behalf of the administrator).
  2. Enter the bcdedit.exe -set testsigning OFF command and press ENTER. If the command cannot be executed, it may say that you want to disable Secure Boot (upon completion of the operation, you can turn on the function again).
    Disable the test mode at the command prompt
  3. If the command is successful, close the command prompt and restart the computer.

After that, Windows 10 test mode will be disabled, and it will not appear on the desktop.

How to remove the inscription "Test Mode" in Windows 10

The second method does not imply disabling the test mode (in case without it does not work), but simply removes the appropriate inscription from the desktop. For these purposes there are several free programs.

I checked by me and successfully operating on the latest builds of Windows 10 - Universal Watermark Disabler (some users are looking for a popular My WCP Watermark Editor for Windows 10, I failed to find a working version).

By running the program, it is enough to perform the following simple steps:

  1. Click Install.
    Universal Watermark Disabler.
  2. Agree to the fact that the program will be used on a not tested assembly (I checked at 14393).
    Unpotted Assembling Universal Watermark Disabler
  3. Click OK to restart the computer.
    Restart Windows 10 to disable test mode

The next time you log in to the system, the message "Test mode" will not be displayed, although on the fact OS continue to work in it.

You can download Universal Watermark Disabler from the official site (be careful: the download link is under an advertisement, which often carries the text "download" and above the "donate" button).

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