How to make or remove hyperlinks in Excel


Hyperlinks in Microsoft Excel

With the help of hyperlinks in Excele, you can refer to other cells, tables, sheets, Excel books, files of other applications (images, etc.), various objects, web resources, etc. They serve to quickly go to the specified object when clicking on the cell in which they are inserted. Of course, in a difficultly structured document, the use of this tool is only welcome. Therefore, the user who wants to learn to work well in Excele is simply necessary to master the skill of creating and removing hyperlinks.

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Adding hyperssril

First of all, consider ways to add hyperlink to the document.

Method 1: Inserting a nonsense hyperlink

The easiest way to insert a nonsense link to a web page or email address. A nonsense hyperlink - this such link, the address of which is directly prescribed in the cell and is visible on a sheet without additional manipulations. The feature of the Excel program is that any nonsense reference included in the cell turns into a hyperlink.

Enter the link to any area of ​​the sheet.

Link to website in Microsoft Excel

Now, when you click on this cell, the browser will start, which is set by default, and goes at the specified address.

Similarly, you can put a link to the email address, and it will immediately become active.

Email hyperlink in Microsoft Excel

Method 2: Communication with a file or web page through the context menu

The most popular way to add link links is to use the context menu.

  1. We highlight the cell in which we are going to insert a connection. Right-click on it. The context menu opens. In it, choose the item "hyperlink ...".
  2. Transition to the creation of a hyperlink in Microsoft Excel

  3. Immediately after that the insert window opens. In the left side of the window, the buttons are located by clicking on one of which the user must specify with the object of which type wants to tie the cell:
    • with external file or web page;
    • with a place in the document;
    • with a new document;
    • with email.

    Since we want to show in this way to add a hyperlink with a link with a file or web page, we select the first item. Actually, it is not necessary to choose it, as it is displayed by default.

  4. Communication with a file or web page in Microsoft Excel

  5. In the central part of the window there is a conductor area to select a file. By default, the conductor is open in the same directory where the current Excel book is located. If the desired object is in another folder, you should click on the "File Search" button, located just above the Ferris area.
  6. Go to the selection of a file in Microsoft Excel

  7. After that, the standard file selection window opens. Go to the directory you need, we find the file with which we want to link the cell, allocate it and click on the "OK" button.

    Select a file in Microsoft Excel

    Attention! In order to be able to associate a cell with a file with any extension in the search box, you need to rearrange the file types switch to "All Files".

  8. After that, the coordinates of the specified file fall in the "Address" field of the insertion of the hyperlink. Just press the "OK" button.

Adding a hyperlink to Microsoft Excel

Now the hyperlink has been added and when you click on the appropriate cell, the specified file will open in the program installed to view it by default.

If you want to insert a link to a web resource, then in the Address field you need to manually enter the URL or copy it there. Then you should click on the "OK" button.

Insert Links to Web Page in Microsoft Excel

Method 3: Communication with a place in the document

In addition, it is possible to associate a hyperlink cell with any place in the current document.

  1. After the desired cell is selected and caused through the context menu of the insertion window of the hyperlink, we switch the button on the left side of the window to the "Tie with the place in the document" position.
  2. Communication with a place in document in Microsoft Excel

  3. In the section "Enter the cell's address" you need to specify the coordinates of the cells to be referenced.

    Link to another cell in Microsoft Excel

    Instead, a sheet of this document can also be selected in the lower field where the transition when clicking on the cell. After the choice is made, you should click on the "OK" button.

Link to another list in Microsoft Excel

Now the cell will be associated with a specific place of the current book.

Another option is a hyperlink to a new document.

  1. In the "Insert Hyperlinks" window, select the item "Tie with a new document".
  2. Tie with a new document in Microsoft Excel

  3. In the central part of the window in the "Name of the New Document" field, you should specify how the book created will be called.
  4. Name of a new book in Microsoft Excel

  5. By default, this file will be placed in the same directory as the current book. If you want to change location, you need to click on the "Edit ..." button.
  6. Transition to the selection of the placement of the document in Microsoft Excel

  7. After that, the standard document creation window opens. You will need to select the folder of its placement and format. After that, click on the "OK" button.
  8. Document creation window in Microsoft Excel

  9. In the settings block "When you enter the new document", you can set one of the following parameters: right now open a document to change, or first create a document itself and link, and already after closing the current file, edit it. After all settings are made, click the "OK" button.

Creating a new document in Microsoft Excel

After performing this action, the cell on the current sheet will be linked by a hyperlink with a new file.

Method 5: Communication with email

The cell using the link can be associated even with e-mail.

  1. In the "Insert Hyperlinks" window, click on the "Tie with Email" button.
  2. In the "Email Address" field, enter the e-mail with which we want to associate a cell. In the "Theme" field, you can write the topic of letters. After the settings are made, click on the "OK" button.

Setting up communication with email in Microsoft Excel

Now the cell will be associated with the email address. When you click on it, the email client set by default is launched. Its window will already be filled in the E-mail link and the subject of the message.

Method 6: Inserting the hyperlinks through the button on the ribbon

The hyperlink can also be inserted through the special button on the ribbon.

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab. We click on the "Hyperlink" button, located on the tape in the "Links" tools.
  2. Libery hyperlink in Microsoft Excel

  3. After that, the "Insert Hyperlinks" window starts. All further action are exactly the same as when inserting through the context menu. They depend on what type of link you want to apply.

Window Insert Hyperlinks in Microsoft Excel

In addition, the hyperlink can be created using a special function.

  1. We highlight the cell in which the link will be inserted. Click on the "Paste Function" button.
  2. Switch to the Master of Functions in Microsoft Excel

  3. In the operating window of the Wizard Functions, looking for the name "Hyperlink". After the recording is found, we highlight it and click on the "OK" button.
  4. Master of Functions in Microsoft Excel

  5. The function arguments opens. The hyperlink has two arguments: address and name. The first one is mandatory, and the second optional. The "Address" field indicates the address of the site, email or the location of the file on the hard disk with which you want to link the cell. In the "Name" field, if desired, you can write any word that will be visible in the cell, thereby being anchor. If you leave this field blank, then the link will be displayed in the cell. After the settings are manufactured, click on the "OK" button.

Arguments Functions in Microsoft Excel

After these actions, the cell will be associated with the object or the site, which is listed in the link.

Link to Microsoft Excel

Lesson: Wizard Functions in Excel

Removal hyperssril

No less important is the question of how to remove hyperlinks, because they can be outraged or for other reasons you will need to change the structure of the document.

Interesting: How to remove hyperlinks in Microsoft Word

Method 1: Deleting using the context menu

The easiest way to delete the link is to use the context menu. To do this, just click on the cell, in which the link is located, right-click. In the context menu, select the "Delete hyperlink" item. After that, it will be removed.

Removing hyperlinks in Microsoft Excel

Method 2: Removing the function of the hyperlink

If you have a link in a cell using a special feature of the hyperlink, then it will not be possible to remove it in the above way. To delete, you need to highlight the cell and click on the Delete button on the keyboard.

Delete links to Microsoft Excel

In this case, not only the link itself will be removed, but also the text, since they are completely connected in this function.

Link deleted in Microsoft Excel

Method 3: Mass removal of hyperlinks (Excel 2010 version and above)

But what to do if there is a lot of hyperlink in the document, because manual removal will take a considerable amount of time? In Excel 2010 and above, there is a special function with which you can remove several connections at once in cells.

Select the cells in which you want to delete links. Right-click the context menu and select "Delete hyperlinks".

Removing hyperlinks in Microsoft Excel

After that, in the selected cells of the hyperlinks will be removed, and the text itself will remain.

Hyperlinks are deleted in Microsoft Excel

If you want to delete in the whole document, you first dial the Ctrl + A keys on the keyboard. By this, you highlight the entire sheet. Then, clicking the right mouse button, call the context menu. In it, select "Delete hyperlinks".

Removing all hyperlinks on a sheet in Microsoft Excel

Attention! This method is not suitable for removing links if you bind cells using the hyperlink function.

Method 4: Mass removal of hyperlinks (version previously Excel 2010)

What if you have an earlier version of Excel 2010 on your computer? Does all links have to be deleted manually? In this case, there is also a way out, although it is somewhat more complicated than the procedure described in the previous method. By the way, the same option can be applied if you wish in later versions.

  1. We highlight any empty cell on the sheet. We put a digit in it 1. Click on the "Copy" button in the "Home" tab or simply score a Ctrl + C key combination on the keyboard.
  2. Copying in Microsoft Excel

  3. Select cells in which hyperlinks are located. If you want to choose the entire column, then click on its name on the horizontal panel. If you want to highlight the entire sheet, type the Ctrl + A keyboard. Click on the highlighted element with the right mouse button. In the context menu, double-click on the "Special Insert ..." item.
  4. Switch to the Special Insert Window in Microsoft Excel

  5. A special insert window opens. In the "Operation" settings block, we put the switch to the "Multiply" position. Click on the "OK" button.

Special insert in Microsoft Excel

After that, all hyperlinks will be deleted, and the formatting of the selected cells is reset.

Hyperlinks are deleted in Microsoft Excel

As you can see, hyperlinks can be a convenient navigation tool connecting not only different cells of one document, but also performing communication with external objects. Removing links is easier to perform in new versions of Excel, but also in the old versions of the program, there is also an opportunity using individual manipulations to produce mass deletion of links.

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