How to restore the A-Data USB


How to restore the A-Data Icon USB

A-DATA is a fairly young company, but it is clear that the leadership has a very bright head. In the future, this company is waiting for great successes! As for the restoration of A-DATA flash drives, there are several very good utilities at once that could help in this matter.

How to restore the A-Data USB

A-DATA specialists have released their own online recovery utility, and this indicates very much. Some more eminent companies did not bother to take care of their consumers. Looks like they think that they produce eternal goods. But this unfortunately does not happen. One of these firms is SanDisk. In the lesson below you can read how difficult it is to restore the products of this company.

Lesson: How to restore the sandisk flash drive

Fortunately, everything is much easier with A-DATA.

Method 1: USB Flash Drive Online Recovery

To take advantage of the online drive tool, do this:

  1. Go to the official site A-Data. If you do not have an account on it, to download your email address, country, language and click the "Download" button. It is also important to put a tick near the Chinese hieroglyphs incomprehensible to us. This is a consent to the terms of the license agreement. To do this, there is a special panel at the bottom left. And if you have an account, enter your data for authorization in the on the right.
  2. USB Flash Drive Online Recovery Download page

  3. Further enter the serial number and confirmation code from the picture in the appropriate fields. Click the "Send" button. After that, an automatic redirection will occur to the search page for a suitable utility to restore the drive. Loading will also pass in automatic mode. You will only have to open the downloaded file. But first insert the USB flash drive, and only then launch the program.
  4. Entering the serial number to download USB Flash Drive Online Recovery

  5. The interface of the loaded utility is as simple as possible. You just need to answer the question "start repairing a carrier?". Click "Yes (Y)" and wait for the recovery process. It is convenient that you can watch in the same window.
  6. USB Flash Drive Online Recovery

  7. After that, close the program or click the "Exit (E)" button. That's all. After that, you can try to enjoy the drive again.

The serial number is written on the USB-input itself. If you click on the inscription "How to check?", Which will appear when you need to enter the serial number, you can see visual examples. By the way, they are constantly updated.

Inscription How to check on the site download software for A-Data

Interestingly, exactly the same approach uses TRANSCEND. Specialists of this company also created their own software that restores flash drives online. Read more in the lesson to restore such drives (method 2). True, there is no need to introduce a serial number to obtain this utility itself. Good or bad, to solve you.

Lesson: Restoration of the TRANSCEND flash drive

Method 2: A-Data USB Flash Disk Utility

This program works with the A-Data media, in which controllers from Silicon Motion are used. Although complete information about how and with what it works is not yet. Many users write that this utility can restore a variety of drives, so owners of devices from A-DATA must be used by it. To do this, do the following:

  1. Upload USB Flash Disk Utility from FlashBoot storage. Unpack the contents of the archive to the folder where you can then find all the necessary files. Install the program, then insert the drive into your computer and run it.
  2. Click the Partition tab. In the Secure Disk Size block, put the slider to the extreme right position, on the MAX mark. This means that the maximum will be saved from the available amount of memory.
  3. Press the PARTITION button to start the formatting process. If a warning or question appears ("Do all the data be broken, do you agree with this?"), Click "OK" or "YES".
  4. Work A-Data USB Flash Disk Utility

  5. At the bottom of the main window, it will be possible to monitor the progress of formatting. When the application finishes its work, close it or press "EXIT".

Method 3: MPTOOL for PROLIFIC PL-2528

This program is designed to work with flash drives in which the PROLIFIC PL-2528 controllers are used. They are basic in devices from A-DATA. It is worth saying that there are several applications with the name MPTOOL. For example, in the lesson to restore removable Verbatim media, it is described how to use such a tool for drives with IT1167 controllers (method 6).

Lesson: How to restore Verbatim flash drive

But in our case, the interface will be somewhat different, and the program itself works differently. To use it, follow these steps:

  1. Load the archive with the installation file from the same FlashBoot storage. When you try to unpack the archive, you will need a password, enter "". Insert your USB drive and run the program.
  2. If it is immediately determined, press the "Detect (F1)" button. Of course, if 5-6 attempts to press this button and restart the application does not help, it means that your flash drive has been incompatible. But if it has been successfully determined, just click on it in the list, and then on the "Start (Space" button to start formatting.
  3. MPTOOL window for PROLIFIC PL-2528

  4. Wait until the end of the process. Try to use your device again. If it is still faulty, use the other formatting method. To do this, in the main program window, click on the "Setting (F2)" button. The settings window will open, but a window will appear before it demands the password input. Enter "MP2528Admin".
  5. Enter password for settings in MPTOOL for PROLIFIC PL-2528

  6. Now go to the Others tab. Near the inscription "Format Type" choose another type of formatting other than that there already is there. Only two methods are available in the program:
    • "Super floppy" - disk scanning completely and, accordingly, its formatting;
    • "Boot Sector" is scanning only the boot sector.

    Choose another type, press the "Apply" button, then "EXIT" in the lower right corner of the open window and perform Step 2 of this list again. That is, run formatting.

  7. MPTOOL settings window for PROLIFIC PL-2528

  8. Wait for the end of the process and try using your flash drive.

If nothing helps, go to the next way.

Method 4: Restore Files and Standard Windows Formatting

In addition to the above solutions, many A-DATA owners use programs to restore files on their damaged media. With their help, they literally pull out all remote data. Then they simply format the drive and use it as if nothing has happened. List of the best such utilities you can see in the list on our site.

Judging by user reviews, one of the programs for recovering files, which really copes with A-DATA devices, is diskdigger. To take advantage of it, do this:

  1. Download the utility and install it. The full version costs 15 dollars, but there is a trial period. Run the diskdigger.
  2. Select your media in the list available. Click "Next" in the lower right corner of the open window.
  3. Selection of media in diskdigger

  4. In the next window, put a mark in front of the "dig even deeper ..." item to perform the highest quality scan and search for lost files. Click "Next" again.
  5. Choosing a scanning method in diskdigger

  6. Follow the checkboxes opposite those types of files you want to restore. It is best to click on the "Select All" button to search for all available types. To go to the next step, there is a "Next" button.
  7. Select file types in diskdigger

  8. After that, the scanning process will begin. To save some files, click on them in the left and on the inscription "Save Selected Files ..." (or "Save Selected Files ..." if you have a Russian version). A standard conservation path selection window will appear.

Scan in Disk Digger

The second effective for device A-DATA file recovery is called PC Inspector File Recovery. As for how to format the drive with a standard Windows tool, then the whole process is described in the article on working with Silicon Power devices (Method 6).


If all of the above methods do not help, unfortunately, you will have to buy a new USB drive.

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