How to subscribe to instagram


How to subscribe to instagram

If you just entered the way of studying Instagram, then you must have many questions related to the use of this social network. In particular, one of the initial issues - how to subscribe to users Instagram.

To look at your news feed in the Instagram application only the photos you are interested in, you need to make a list of subscriptions, including your friends, acquaintances, liked pages with professional pictures, as well as thematic profiles that meet your hobbies, classes, interests and etc.

Subscribe to Pages in Instagram

  1. First of all, we will need to find a person who will subscribe. Earlier on our site, it was described in detail about the ways of finding friends registered in Instagram, so we will not stop more detail at this point.
  2. See also: How to find a friend in instagram
  3. When you open the page of the User page to which you want to subscribe, you can immediately see photos added to them in the profile that the user page is open and encountered that the user's profile is closed, and therefore you are not You can view his pictures. In this case, the subscription will look for each case in its own way.

Option 1: We subscribe to an open profile in Instagram

In the event that the user's photos are visible to you, and you made sure that it is for this person you want to issue a subscription, you just stay on the "Subscribe" button, after which the list of your subscriptions will be replenished by one person.

Subscribe to the open page in Instagram

Option 2: We subscribe to a closed profile in Instagram

Now suppose you have discovered the page, and access to it is closed. In this case, in the same way, we press the "Subscribe" button in the same way, but this time before the user falls into the list of your subscriptions and you can view his photos, it must confirm the request for adding friend.

Subscribe to a closed page in Instagram

If a person finds it necessary to reject the request, you will not be signed on it, and therefore, you can not browse his photos.

Similarly, you can subscribe to users Instagram and on a computer using a web version of this link. If you have questions about this topic, ask them in the comments.

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