How to change the paging file in windows 7


How to change the paging file in windows 7

RAM is one of the key items of any computer. It is in it that every moment there is a huge number of computing required for the machine. There are also loaded programs with which the user is currently interacting. However, its volume is clearly limited, and for the launch and work of "heavy" programs it is often not enough, why the computer begins to hang. To assist RAM on the system section, a special large file is created, called "Podchock file".

It often has a significant amount. To uniformly distribute the resources of the working program, their part is transferred to the paging file. It can be said that it is a supplement to the computer's RAM, it is significantly expanding. Balancing RAM size and paging file helps to achieve good computer performance.

Change the size of the paging file in the Windows 7 operating system

It is erroneous that increasing the size of the paging file leads to an increase in RAM. It's all about recording and reading speeds - RAM cards in dozens and hundreds of times faster than a regular hard disk and even a solid-state drive.

To increase the paging file, third-party programs will not need, all actions will be performed by the built-in operating system tools. To fulfill the instructions below, you must have administrator rights at the current user.

  1. Double-click the "My Computer" label on the desktop of the computer. In the header, the window that opened once, click on the "Open Control Panel" button.
  2. My computer window in the Windows 7 operating system

  3. In the upper right corner, we change the parameters of displaying elements to "small badges". The list of submitted settings you need to find the item "System" and click on it once.
  4. The control panel window in the Windows 7 operating system

  5. In the window that opens in the left post, we find the item "Advanced System Parameters", click on it once, to the issued question from the system we answer consent.
  6. Window System in Windows 7 operating system

  7. The "System Properties" window opens. You must select the "Advanced" tab, in it in the "Speed" section, press once on the "Parameters" button.
  8. System Properties Window in Windows 7

  9. After clicking, another small window will open, in which you also need to go to the "Advanced" tab. In the "Virtual Memory" section, click on the Edit button.
  10. Parameters of speed in the Windows 7 operating system

  11. Finally, we got to the last window, in which the adjustments of the paging file itself are already directly. Most likely, the default top will stand "Automatically select the size of the paging file." It must be removed, and then select the "Specify Size" item and entertain your data. After that you need to click the "Set" button
  12. Virtual Memory Settings window in the Windows 7 operating system

  13. After all manipulations, you must click on the "OK" button. The operating system will ask to reboot, it is necessary to follow its requirements.
  14. A little about choosing a size. Different users put forward various theories about the required paging file. If you calculate the arithmetic average of all opinions, then the most optimal size will be 130-150% of the amount of RAM.

    Competent change in the paging file should slightly increase the stability of the operating system by the allocation of resources of working applications between the RAM and the paging file. If 8+ GB of RAM is installed on the machine, then most often the need for this file simply disappears, and it can be disabled in the last window of the settings. The paging file is 2-3 times higher than the scope of the RAM, only slows down the operation of the system due to the difference in data processing rate between RAM and hard disk.

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