How to change the Email Microsoft account


How to change the email Microsoft account
Microsoft account, which is used in Windows 10 and 8, Office and other company products, allows you to use any email address as a "login" and, when changing the address you have changed, you can change the Microsoft account e-mail account without changing it (That is, the profile, fixed products, subscriptions and the attached activation of Windows 10 will remain the same).

In this manual, how to change the email address (login) of your Microsoft account, if such a need arose. One nuance: When you change, you will need to have access to the "old" address (and if two-factor authentication is enabled - then the ability to receive SMS codes or in the application) to confirm the e-mail change. It can also be useful: how to delete Microsoft Windows 10 account.

If you have no access to confirmation tools, and it is not possible to restore it, it is possible that the only output is to create a new account (how to make it to the OS tools - how to create a Windows 10 user).

Changing the main email address in Microsoft account

All actions that will be required in order to change their login are quite simple, provided that you have not lost access to everything that may be required when recovery.

  1. Go to your Microsoft account in the browser, on the site (or simply on the Microsoft website, then click on the name of your account on the right above and select "View Account".
    Enter the Microsoft account settings
  2. In the menu, select "Details", and then click on the "Control of the Microsoft account".
    Input management to account
  3. In the next step, you may be asked to confirm the entry in one way or another, depending on the security settings: using the email to e-mail, SMS or code in the application.
  4. After confirmation, on the input management page in Microsoft, in the section "Account Alias" section, click "Add email address".
    Add mail address to Microsoft account
  5. Add a new one (on or existing (any) email address.
    Creating or adding a new email
  6. After adding, but the new email address will be sent a confirmation letter in which it will be necessary to click a link in order to confirm that this e-mail belongs to you.
  7. By confirming the email address on the input management page in Microsoft service, click "Make the main" opposite the new address. After that, in front of it, information will appear that it is "the main pseudonym".
    Install a new e-mail as the primary for Microsoft account

Finish - After these simple steps, you can use a new e-mail to enter your Microsoft account on the company owned by the company and programs.

If you wish, you can also delete the previous address from the account on the same page of the entry control page.

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