Remove Adware in Junkware Removal Tool


Utility Junkware Removal Tool
Utility to remove unwanted and malicious programs and browser extensions today one of the most popular instruments in connection with the growth of such threats, the number of Malware and Adware. Junkware Removal Tool - another free and effective means to combat malicious software, which can help in cases where generally advised me Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and AdwCleaner fail. Also on the topic: Top Malicious Software Removal Tool.

Interestingly, the company Malwarebytes consistently buys the most effective products to deal with Adware and Malware: in October 2016 under their wing moved AdwCleaner, and for some time before that and considered Junkware Removal Tool program today. Let us hope that they will remain completely free and does not acquire «Premium» versions.

Note: Utility to remove malicious and potentially unwanted software are used to detect and remove threats that many anti-virus software does not "see", because they are not in the literal sense of the word trojans or viruses: enlargement showing unwanted advertising program that prohibit change home page or the default browser, "non-removable" browsers, and other such things.

Using Junkware Removal Tool

Find and remove malware in JRT does not imply any particular action by the user - right after starting the utility will open a console window with information about the conditions of use and supply, press any key.

The main window Junkware Removal Tool

After pressing, Junkware Removal Tool program consistently and automatically will perform the following actions

The scanning process in JRT

  1. Create a Windows restore point, and then alternately scanned and removed threats
  2. running processes
  3. startup
  4. Windows Service
  5. Files and folders
  6. browsers
  7. label
  8. At the end it will create a text report JRT.txt all remote malicious or unwanted software.
    scanning Journal JRT

In my test, the pilot laptop (which I simulates the operation of a normal user, and do not follow closely what is install), several threats were found, in particular folders miner cryptocurrency (which, apparently, was established in the course of some other experiments) one harmful expansion, some registry entries, preventing the normal operation of Internet Explorer, all of them have been removed.

If, after removing threats, the program you have any problems or it considered unwanted some of the programs you use (which is likely for some of the most famous Russian postal service), you can use the recovery point that was automatically created when Starting the program. Read more: Windows 10 recovery points (in previous versions of the OS, all the same).

After removing threats, as described above, executed the AdWcleaner control check (preferred to me the Adware removal tool).

As a result, several more potentially unwanted elements were found, including folders of dubious browsers and just as dubious extensions. At the same time, it is not about the effectiveness of JRT, but rather that even if the problem (for example, advertising in the browser) has been eliminated, you can perform a check check for an additional utility.

Result Scan AdwCleaner

And one more point: increasingly malicious programs are able to interfere with the work of the most popular utilities to combat them, namely Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and AdwCleaner. If when you download them immediately disappear or can not start, I recommend trying JunkWare Removal Tool.

You can download JRT from free from the official site (update 2018: the company will stop supporting JRT this year):

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