The screen on the monitor moved to the right: what to do


The screen on the monitor moved to the right, what to do

Method 1: Setting up the frequency of update and permission

The most frequently considered failure is observed with incorrectly set screen update parameters. The fact is that some models of monitors are designed to work with certain resolution and frequency, which is why the image is shifted to the side. To solve this problem, the maximum available values ​​should be installed, this is done as follows:

  1. On the "Desktop", hover the mouse over free space, right-click (PCM) and use the Screen Settings item.
  2. Open screen settings If the picture on the monitor has moved to the right

  3. In the Settings menu, click on the "Advanced Display Parameters" link.

    Call additional display parameters If the picture on the monitor moves to the right

    Here, select "Video adapter properties for display 1".

  4. The properties of the video adapter for the display, if the picture on the monitor moves to the right

  5. Go to the "Monitor" tab and there in the "Screen Update Frequency" drop-down menu, select the greatest value from the available, then click "Apply" and "OK".
  6. Specify the Masimal Update Frequency, if the picture on the monitor moves to the right

  7. Roll all the windows (you can quickly make it using the Win + D key combination) and check the image status. If nothing has changed, go back to the "Display" menu and use the screen "Screen Resolution", where you also install the most accessible and click "OK".
  8. Change the display resolution if the picture on the monitor moves to the right

    After these manipulations, everything should come to normal.

Method 2: Reinstall drivers

If, when executing the previous method, you encountered difficulties or it did not bring the desired result, the case may be in obsolete video card or monitor software. The latter is especially true if you use an advanced professional or gaming model, because there are many possibilities of their capabilities only with the corresponding software. We have already considered the principles of installing new versions of drivers for both types of devices, so use the links further for detailed instructions.

Read more:

Reinstall drivers for video card

Example installation of drivers for monitor

Reinstall device drivers if the picture on the monitor moves to the right

Method 3: Built-in monitor parameters

Also, the cause of the problem can be wounded in the wrong monitor settings, if it has its own menu.

  1. Call the settings by pressing the special button on the device housing.
  2. Reproach to the internal menu of the parameters if the picture on the monitor moves to the right

  3. After the menu appears on the screen, look for points with the names "Adjust Position", "Position" and similar in meaning, then by means of controls, set the desired position.
  4. Use position settings If the picture on the monitor moves to the right

  5. In some models there is a means for automatic configuration - most often it is called "AUTO-ADJUST" or similar, take advantage of it.
  6. Alternative position settings If the picture on the monitor moves to the right

    These actions should lead to a positive result.

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