How to make a beautiful discord


How to make a beautiful discord

In this article, we will talk about configuring the user interface of the Discord, which is visible only in the client used on the computer. If you are interested in editing the appearance of your server, go to the link below to read another article on this topic.

Read more: Beautiful server design in Discord

Method 1: Using embedded functions

While the developers did not engage in expanding the functionality of the messenger in terms of the appearance of the appearance settings, so users are limited to a small set of parameters. Perhaps, in the future there will be several options for those or customizable colors, and so far only font size and scale are available for editing.

  1. If we are talking about the program Digor for a PC, open the settings by clicking on the icon in the form of a gear to the right of the avatar.
  2. Transition to the program settings to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  3. Go to the "Appearance" section.
  4. Opening a section of the appearance settings to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  5. Change the overall design on dark or light, marker the corresponding item.
  6. Selecting the topic option when setting up the appearance to create a beautiful discard on the computer

  7. When using bright themes, the "Dark Side Panel" option opens.
  8. Setting light themes for creating a beautiful discard on a computer

  9. You see him in action in the following image.
  10. The result of using light themes and a dark sidebar to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  11. To display messages, there are options "cozy" and "compact." In the first case, priority is given to modern design, and in the second - the number of messages displayed on the screen. In addition, there is a slider that allows you to edit the text scale in the chat.
  12. Setting the size of messages to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  13. When it is moved, you can immediately estimate the result in the preview window from above.
  14. Checking message size settings to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  15. Next is the slider "Distance between Messaging Groups". Increase it if you are lost in the replicas of other server participants.
  16. Adjusting the distance between messages to create a beautiful discard on the computer

  17. The "scaling level" is responsible for the overall size of all displayed items.
  18. Slider for changing the scale of items to create a beautiful discard on the computer

Holders of mobile devices cannot install and configure third-party themes for Discord, so only full-time settings are available to them. Their editing is approximately the same principle as in the PC program, but with its own characteristics.

  1. In the bottom panel, tap the icon with the image of your avatar.
  2. Go to the settings of the application to create a beautiful discard on your mobile device

  3. In the list with settings, find the "appearance".
  4. Opening a section Appearance to create a beautiful discard on a mobile device

  5. In this section, mark the appropriate type of topic marker - light or dark.
  6. Changing the topic to create a beautiful discard on a mobile device

  7. Disable client synchronization if you do not want the current settings to apply on the computer.
  8. Disable client synchronization to create a beautiful discard on a mobile device

  9. Adjust the text scaling slider in the chat, tracking the result in the block below.
  10. Setting the size of messages in the chat to create a beautiful discord on your mobile device

As you can see, make the discord beautiful using the built-in functionality is not particularly obtained, since the parameters present are simply not enough. There is a more advanced option - third-party custom topics, about which we will also describe.

Method 2: Using third-party topics

Third-party topics for the messenger is an excellent tool for the full transformation of the appearance. There are completely ready-made plugins for those who do not want to independently configure the display of elements. All themes are distributed in the form of CSS files and connect to the discord only with the extension called BetterDiscord, the installation of which is written in another material on our website.

Read more: How to install BetterDiscord in Discord to add

Downloading extension from the official site to create a beautiful discard on a computer

In the same article, you will find information on how to install a finished third-party topic, activate it and use a program with a changed design.

Install plugins with third-party extension topics for creating a beautiful discard on a computer

However, the installation of ready-made topics is not the only thing that is available for creating a beautiful discard. It is possible to refer to the online service to edit the standard or already existing theme for itself by changing almost all the items present.

Go to the online service Gibbu

  1. Use the link above to immediately turn out to be on the Gibbu Editor page. It has a number of customizable topics with pre-established changes. In addition, there are options "BasicBackGround" and "Clearvision", which are great for manual customization.
  2. Select the topic to configure in the online service to create a beautiful discard on the computer

  3. After selecting the topic, immediately ask her name so as not to forget to do it when downloading.
  4. Setting the name for the selected topic when it is configured through an online service for creating a beautiful discard on a computer

  5. Install the background image by inserting a link to it or marking the "Computer File" marker.
  6. Enabling the background image image features in the online service for creating a beautiful discard on a computer

  7. To download the picture from the computer, click the "Browse" button and in the Explorer window, find the appropriate file.
  8. Loading an image for the background when setting up the topic through an online service to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  9. Change its size and blur so that the result seen on the right satisfied you.
  10. Setting the background image to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  11. For drop-down windows, such as user cards, you can also set your background image, editing it in the same way.
  12. Setting the background image of pop-up windows to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  13. Next is the "Colors" block with available colors for fonts and other program windows. Change their brightness and shades using the sliders and buttons.
  14. Setting the colors and brightness of elements to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  15. Gibbu supports various additions, such as horizontal display of the list of servers instead of the vertical and replacement of statuses on the streamlined.
  16. Connecting additional plugins in the online service to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  17. After turning on plugins, pay attention to their available settings, editing each parameter for yourself.
  18. Editing connected plug-ins in the online service to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  19. Upon completion, click the download button and wait for the CSS file.
  20. Downloading a finished file with the topic from an online service to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  21. Move it into the folder with themes (about it is told in the article about BetterDiscord).
  22. Installing a file with a finished topic to create a beautiful discard on a computer

  23. Activate it and make sure that all items are displayed correctly. It is better not to close the editor on the site so that you can return to it, please correct the settings and reload the file to your computer.
  24. Using manually created themes for creating a beautiful discard on a computer

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