It can't go to Google account: the main causes and decision


It is impossible to go to Google Account. Basic Causes and Decision

Can't log in to Gmail, Google Play, Google Disk or any other service "Corporation of Good"? The difficulties in the entrance to the Google account may arise as a result of a variety of reasons.

In this article, we will look at the main problems with authorization in Google and tell me how to deal with them.

"I do not remember the password"

Agree, strange thing these passwords ... It seems to be simple at first glance the combination of symbols with a debt of non-use can be easily forgotten.

Most users are regularly faced with the need to restore passwords, including Google "accounts". The benefit of the search giant provides us with all the tools needed to restore access to the account in this case.

Read on our website: How to restore the password in your Google Account

However, the problem with loss of passwords can be corrected once and for all. To do this, you will need a reliable password manager like Lastpass Password Manager for Mozilla Firefox . Such solutions exist both additions for browsers and as independent applications. They allow you to safely store all credentials in one place.

"I do not remember the login"

To enter the Google account, in addition to the password, you need, of course, specify the username or email address. But what if these data are lost - forgotten, simply speaking? This also happens and this provides for this.

  1. Start recovering account access in this case Special Page.

    Google user name recovery page

    Here you specify the spare imal or phone number attached to the account.

  2. Further from us you need to enter the name and surname that are specified in our Google Account.

    We indicate the name and username of the user of the Google account

  3. After that, you will have to confirm that this is our account. If you specify the backup email address in the first paragraph of this instruction, it will be prompted to send a disposable confirmation code.

    Sending a confirmation code for reserve IMale Google

    Well, if the number of mobile, tied to the "account" google, send the code to SMS. In any case, to obtain a verification combination, click "Send" or "Send SMS". Then we enter the received code in the appropriate form.

  4. By confirming the identity, we receive a list with the appropriate names of the Google Account. It remains only to choose the desired and authorize the account.

    Google Account Name List

Problems when restoring login

If during the account access recovery procedure, you received a message that the account with the specified information does not exist, it means that an error was made somewhere when entering.

Related Google Account not found

You can typo in the backup email address or in the name and surname of the user. To enter this data re-press "Repeat an attempt."

It also happens that everything seems to be correct and the recovery operation has passed successfully, but did not turn out the desired username. Here, you most likely entered the wrong backup had or mobile number. It is worth trying to conduct an operation again, but already with other data.

"I remember the login and password, but I still can not enter anyway."

Yes, it also happens. Most often one of the following error messages appear.

Nalist name and password

In this case, the first thing you need to check the correctness of data entry for authorization. Try refreshing the page and once again specify the username and password.

If the credentials are all in order, go through the google account recovery procedure. This should help.

Read on our website: How to restore the account in Google

In case of a mistake of this kind, our actions are most clear and simple as possible. You just need to enable saving cookies in the browser.

Lesson: How to turn on cookies in the browser Mozilla Firefox

Lesson: Browser Opera: Enabling Cookies

Lesson: How to enable cookies in Yandex.Browser?

Lesson: How to enable cookies in Google Chrome

Lesson: Turn on Cookies in Internet Explorer

However, sometimes only the inclusion of cookie may not help. In this case, you have to clean the cache of the browser used.

Lesson: How to Clean Cache in Google Chrome browser

Lesson: 3 ways to clean cookies and cache in Opera browser

Lesson: How to clean the cache yandex.Bauser?

Lesson: Deleting cache in Internet Explorer

Lesson: How to Clean Cache in Mozilla Firefox browser

The same actions will help if after entering the login and password page just started updated infinitely.

account is blocked

If you try to enter your google account when you try to enter your google account, you see an error message notifying the account of the account - a simple data recovery for authorization here is no longer done. In this case, the account will have to "reanimate", and this process can be somewhat delayed.

Read on our website: How to restore the account in Google

We disassemble the main problems arising from the authorization of Google account and solve them. If you are concerned about the error when you confirm the login using an SMS or a special application, it can always be fixed on Account support page Google.

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