The touchpad does not work on Lenovo laptop


The touchpad does not work on Lenovo laptop

Cause 1: Touchpad is disabled with hot key

Part of Lenovo laptops supports touchpad control using keyboard combinations. Small-extreme users could disable it by ignorance, accidentally pressing one of these keys.

In office models of laptops, you can most often meet the F6 key on which a crossed touchpad is drawn.

Turning on and off touchpad on the Lenovo office laptop using a hot key

In gaming models and some premium - the F10 key, with exactly the same icon.

Turning on and off touchpad on a Lenovo's game laptop using a hot key

Those who have a multimedia f-keys operation, just press only the corresponding key to turn on and disconnect the touch panel. In the functional mode, you will need to use a combination with Fn: Fn + F6 or Fn + F10.

In the absence of a key with such a badge, it is easy to conclude that the Lenovo laptop model does not support this option to control the touchpad.

Reason 2: Touchpad Disabled in BIOS

Sometimes the equipment is disabled already at the BIOS stage, which is why it will not work in any operating system (if there are several of them) and even when using boot flash drives. This may happen, again, due to the actions of the user, less often it is disabled from the new laptop from the store.

Press the key configured to the BIOS input, immediately when the laptop is turned on. It is best to press it quickly and several times. If you do not know which key to run BIOS, read our separate article.

Read more: BIOS entry options on Lenovo laptop

Lenovo can have several BIOS interface options, but not in any model there is an item responsible for the operation of the touch panel. In the corporate version, this option is located on the next way: the Config tab> section "Keyboard / Mouse"> TouchPad / TrackPad item. Control the arrows on the keyboard to get to the right place, then selecting the desired item, press the ENTER key and change its value to "Enabled". In the end, press the F10 key to save the settings, exit the BIOS and turn on the laptop.

Enable and disable Lenovo laptop touchpad via BIOS

In the absence of the described option and tabs in principle, with a large probability, it can be said that the laptop model does not support the control of the touch panel through the BIOS.

Cause 3: Operating System Settings

Windows settings play not a last role in possible problems with the work of the touchpad. It can be both basic settings and some problems, conflicts in the operation of the OS.

In the "dozen" there is a new "Parameters" application, gradually ousting the "control panel". To all who have installed this version of the OS, first of all it is recommended to contact it.

  1. Call the program through the "Start".
  2. Go to parameters to turn on the touchpad on Lenovo laptop with Windows 10

  3. Click on the tile "Devices".
  4. Go to the application device section Settings for turning on the touchpad on Lenovo laptop with Windows 10

  5. Through the panel on the left switch to the "Touch Panel" section.
  6. Go to the Touch Panel Application Panel Parameters to turn on the touchpad on Lenovo laptop with Windows 10

  7. In the first settings block, make sure that the switch is active - if it is not so, the touchpad will not work. To be able to use it in parallel with the USB mouse connected, the checkbox at the "Do not disconnect the touch panel when the mouse is connected" must be installed. However, in rare cases, this leads to a software conflict. If you fail to find it, contact Lenovo technical support, up to this point using devices alternately.
  8. Turning on the touchpad through the application parameters on the Lenovo laptop with Windows 10

"Control Panel"

Unlike the previous one, this option is universal and is suitable for all current versions of Windows.

  1. Open the "Control Panel" in any convenient way and find the "Mouse" category. It is more convenient to do this by changing the view type on "icons" or through an internal search.
  2. Switch to Windows 7 Control Panel for Lenovo Laptop Touchpad

  3. In its properties you need the last tab, which is called differently: "Device parameters", "ELAN", "Ultranav" or "ThinkPad". In most cases, you will see the option similar to the following screenshot. Here just press the "Enable" button or "activate the device", and then "OK".
  4. Turning on the touchpad through the driver settings in the Lenovo laptop mouse properties with Windows 7

  5. If you have a branded tab with a touchpad and trackpad setting, check the box near the Enable TouchPad item and click OK.
  6. Enable and disable a touchpad through the branded driver settings in the Lenovo Laptop Mouse properties with Windows 7

  7. To whom it is important that the touch panel worked with the USB connected mouse, it is necessary to find the item "Disable an internal decree. Device with connections. external decree. USB devices "and remove a tick from it. In windows with another interface, the name of the function will be similar, but in English.
  8. Turning on parallel operation of a touchpad with a USB mouse through the driver settings in the Lenovo Laptop Mouse Properties with Windows 7

We draw your attention to the fact that the tabs may not be if problems with the driver are observed. In this situation, proceed to the reason 4, and then if the performance of the touchpad will not resume, return to this instruction.

Disable conflict service

Software conflict conflict cases are in the operation of the touchpad drivers and handwriting panel service. Even if you enter text using a pen and touch screen, try to disable the service and check if it affected the touchpad.

  1. In Windows 10, call the "Task Manager" keys Ctrl + Shift + Esc and switch to the "Services" tab. In Windows 7, run the application "Services" through "Start".

    Find the service with the title "TabletInputService".

  2. Search service TabletInputService for restarting when problems with Lenovo laptop touchpad

  3. Click on it right-click and from the context menu, select "Stop" or "Restart". It is advisable to restart the laptop, and if you use a touch input, try after restarting Lenovo and checkpad checkpad to re-enable the service.
  4. Stop or restarting the TabletInputService service when problems with Lenovo laptop touchpad

Cause 4: Driver Problem

Driver as such should not affect the basic performance of the touchpad. Move the cursor, pressing the left and right buttons is carried out without it. Nevertheless, his incorrect work can provoke problems with equipment, so we recommend installing the driver manually. You can do this in different ways, and all of them are considered in our separate article. We add that occasionally problems are observed after installing the software of the latest version, so in extreme cases you can use one of the previous ones.

Read more: Download and install Driver for Lenovo Laptop Touchpad

Local driver installation via "Device Manager"

Additionally, we will tell about the method of the local installation of the driver over the current version. It is better to resort to it first, since it will not take a lot of time, but the situation can fix it.

  1. Run the Device Manager. This can be done through the search in the "start" or (in Windows 10) by pressing the PCM on the "start" and the choice of the corresponding item.
  2. Transition to Device Manager Lenovo Laptop Touchpad Control

  3. Open the "Mouse and Other Indicating Devices" section - there is a touchpad and a connected mouse that you control. Recognize the panel will not be difficult - in its name there must be the word "TouchPad" or "TrackPad". But if the driver is missing or problems have appeared with him, instead the name will be a "HID-compatible mouse". In a situation with two identical names, it is easy to identify a string with a touchpad: highlight any of the names and disconnect the outer mouse from the laptop. If the highlighted string remains - it is a touchpad, disappeared - the mouse. After re-connecting the mouse, the string with it will be the same in the account.
  4. Search Touchpad among devices in Lenovo Laptop Device Dispatcher

  5. So, now highlight the row with the touchpad and on the toolbar, click the driver update icon.
  6. Go to installation of a universal HID driver for Lenovo laptop touchpad

  7. In the window that opens, use item "Select a driver from the list of available drivers on the computer."
  8. Selecting a Local Search HID for Lenovo Laptop Touchpad

  9. A list of software appears from which to select the one in the title contains "TouchPad" / "TrackPad", or, if not, "HID-compatible mouse" / "HID-compatible device". Choose something one of the list - in case of failure, you can always return to it.
  10. Selecting a local HID driver for installation on Lenovo laptop

  11. Be sure to restart the laptop, check the operation of the touch panel and return to the list with the drivers.

Reinstall Driver

The considered manipulations may not help, so try the opposite option - delete the device from the system until the next Windows startup.

  1. Being in the "Device Manager", again highlight the row with the touchpad, but this time on the toolbar already press the icon with the cross.
  2. Remove Lenovo Lenovo Laptop Touchpad Driver from Windows through Device Manager

  3. The device delete confirmation window opens. In fact, all its drivers will be deleted, and if you have an additional item "Delete drivers for this device", set a tick next to it and click Delete.
  4. Confirmation of the removal of the Lenovo Lenovo laptop driver files from Windows via Device Manager

  5. Send a laptop to reboot. Ideally, the driver will have to be installed automatically when the operating system is started, but if this happens, take advantage of the methods listed above.

Cause 5: Viral Software

It may always be that the reason is not the operating system, but in the malicious software installed in it. Be sure to check Windows for viruses, using the built-in or third-party antivirus or a scanner that does not require installation.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Anti-virus utility for the treatment of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

Cause 6: hardware problem

When no manipulations help, it can be assumed that the problem is physical. The touch panel, like any other device, the equipment may fail by natural reasons or as a result of a disorder of operating conditions. Under the latter, the use of the temperature modes unsuitable for this, temperature modes, the strong exposure from the outside (shaking, vibration, fall), spilled liquid, incorrect assembly (after manual parsing), the voltage jump.

Accordingly, depending on the specific reason, the fee could turn into, its contacts could oxidize, the train - damaged or move away. If he simply disconnected, which is either with a serious laptop shaking, or because of the inattention of a person who broke and gathering a laptop, it will be enough to repeat the analysis and tightly connect the loop with the port. We do not recommend that it yourself in the absence of experience in this area, but if you are confident in your abilities, you can read our overall article on the laptop sequence, applicable to older laptop models. After that, it is better to contact YouTube and search for a video instruction to discern exactly your model. The modern Lenovo laptops have a monolithic case, to remove the cover of which is much more difficult and without remedies (for example, a special sucker) with a large share of probability, this will lead to visual damage.

See also:

Disassembling laptop at home on the example of Lenovo G500

How to find out the name of your laptop

The same category of users, ready to independently disassemble the laptop, can also take into account the fact that if the nature of the breakage is accurately physical, you can always replace the touchpad on a new one (from exactly the same model), buying it in a special store or, for example, on Avito.

All the rest we recommend contacting the service center for the diagnosis, where the specialist will definitely determine whether the problem is hardware or not. Recall that sometimes its source can be completely unclear, which in the framework of the article will not be considered, including the physical (for example, not the touchpad, but the motherboard) is damaged.

What else can help

A few more simple recommendations that should not be bypass:

  • Turn off the laptop, disconnect it from the power supply. At the old model, remove the battery, the new one will be inaccessible due to the monolithic rear cover. In any case, leave the laptop turned off about 20 minutes, then press and hold the power button for about 20 seconds to reset the voltage in the capacitors. Then it remains to collect a laptop and turn it on.
  • To check if the touchpad did not break the touchpad to be physically - use the bootable USB flash drive. Of course, it is not necessary to reinstall the OS, it is enough to check whether it will work outside the current operating system. This will become understandable already on the welcoming window of the installer, which will ask to click the "Next" button to go to the installation.
  • Who has no flash drive or who is afraid to load it just to check, you can run Windows in "Safe Mode". It is just necessary to verify the system's performance in conditions of only basic system components. That is, nothing superfluous in this mode will not be loaded - neither secondary drivers (such as network, for video cards, audioparticles), or even the "command line" used mainly for administration. The virus will not necessarily influence the touch panel - some conventional programs can also conflict with the drivers and thereby affect the laptop equipment. If, after switching to "Safe Mode", you found that the touchpad works fine, analyze the list of installed software and check the virus system again.

    How to run "Safe Mode" (Note that in addition to it, Windows allows you to enter "Safe Mode with Network Drivers" and "Safe Mode with Command Line" - you do not need these modes) Read the link below by clicking on the used Vindovs version.

    Read more: Login to "Safe Mode" in Windows 10 / Windows 7

  • You can try to restore the operating system to the state when there were no problems. It will work this only if there are pre-created backup points, otherwise it will not come back to what.

    Read more: How to roll back Windows 10 / Windows 7 to recovery point

  • Lenovo has programs that will help check the system and equipment to diagnose possible malfunctions. From current in our case it is Lenovo Vantage. You can download it from Microsoft Store or it may already be installed on your laptop.

    Download Lenovo Vantage from Microsoft Store

    Lenovo Vantage can scan the main equipment - this will allow you to find out if there are no problems, for example, with a motherboard, because of which the touchpad may not work. Through it, it is also offered and updated drivers - it will probably be able to choose a compatible version with your laptop and restore the sensor panel.

    Other brand programs do not need. Lenovo Diagnostics does the same, but from under DOS (that is outside the main operating system), and Lenovo Solution Center has long been irrelevant in view of the fact that in its time a vulnerability was discovered.

  • Fixing the work of the touchpad in the Lenovo laptop through the Lenovo Vantage program

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