How to create a button in Excel


Microsoft Excel button

Excel is a complex table processor, before which users put a wide variety of tasks. One such task is to create a button on a sheet, pressing which would run a certain process. This problem is quite solved using the Excel toolkit. Let's deal with what methods you can create a similar object in this program.

Procedure for creating

As a rule, this button is designed to act as a reference, tool for starting the process, macro, etc. Although in some cases, this object can be simply a geometric figure, and in addition to visual purposes, no use is not taken. This option, however, is quite rare.

Method 1: Auto Puzzle

First of all, consider how to create a button from the embedded EXCEL shapes.

  1. We make moving to the "Insert" tab. Click on the "Figures" icon, which is located on the tape in the "illustration" tool block. The list of all sorts of figures is revealed. Choose the figure that you think is suitable for the role of the button. For example, such a figure may be a rectangle with smoothed corners.
  2. Select Figures in Microsoft Excel

  3. After pressing, we move it to the area of ​​the sheet (cell), where we wish to be a button, and move the borders deep into the object to take the size we need.
  4. Shift boundaries in Microsoft Excel

  5. Now you should add a specific action. Let it be the transition to another sheet when you click on the button. To do this, click on it right mouse button. In the context menu, which is activated after this, choose the position "Hyperlink".
  6. Adding a hyperlink to Microsoft Excel

  7. In the opening window of the hyperlink, go to the "Place in the Document" tab. Choose the sheet that we consider it necessary, and click on the "OK" button.

Hyperlink Creation Window in Microsoft Excel

Now, when you click on the object created by us, the object will be moved to the selected sheet of the document.

The button is created in Microsoft Excel

Lesson: How to make or remove hyperlinks in Excel

Method 2: Side image

As a button, you can also use third-party pattern.

  1. We find a third-party image, for example, on the Internet, and download it to your computer.
  2. Open the Excel document in which we wish to arrange the object. Go to the "Insert" tab and click on the "Figure" icon, which is located on the tape in the "illustration" tool block.
  3. Switch to the choice of drawing in Microsoft Excel

  4. An image selection window opens. Go using it in that directory of the hard disk, where the picture is located, which is designed to perform the role of the button. Allocate its name and click on the "Paste" button at the bottom of the window.
  5. Figure Selection Window in Microsoft Excel

  6. After that, the image is added to the plane of the working sheet. As in the previous case, it can be compressed, dragging the boundaries. Move the drawing to the area where we wish to be placed the object.
  7. Align the size of the button in Microsoft Excel

  8. After that, the hyperlink can be tied to the coppe, in the same way as it was shown in the previous method, and you can add a macro. In the latter case, by clicking the right mouse button on the drawing. In the context menu that appears, select the "Assign Macro ..." item.
  9. Transition to macro purpose in Microsoft Excel

  10. The macro control window opens. It needs to highlight that macro that you want to apply when the button is pressed. This macro should be already recorded in the book. It is necessary to highlight its name and click on the "OK" button.

Macro selection in Microsoft Excel

Now pressing the object will be launched the selected macro.

Button on a sheet in Microsoft Excel

Lesson: How to create a macro in Excel

Method 3: ActiveX element

The most functional button will be created in the event that it is an ActiveX element for its first-base. Let's see how this is done in practice.

  1. In order to be able to work with ActiveX elements, first of all, you need to activate the developer tab. The fact is that by default it is disabled. Therefore, if you still have not yet turned on it, then go to the "File" tab, and then move to the "Parameters" section.
  2. Move to the Section Settings in Microsoft Excel

  3. In the activated parameters window, we move to the "Ribbon Setup" section. In the right side of the window, we set a tick near the "Developer" item if it is missing. Next, click on the "OK" button at the bottom of the window. Now the developer tab will be activated in your Excel version.
  4. Enable Developer Mode in Microsoft Excel

  5. After that, we move to the Developer tab. Click on the "Insert" button, located on the tape in the "Controls" toolbar. In the ActiveX elements group, click on the first element itself, which has a button look.
  6. Creating a button through ActiveX elements in Microsoft Excel

  7. After that, click on any place on a sheet that we consider it necessary. Immediately after this, the element will appear there. As in previous methods, correct its location and sizes.
  8. ActiveX element in Microsoft Excel

  9. Click on the resulting element double click left mouse button.
  10. Click on the ActiveX element in Microsoft Excel

  11. The macro editor opens. You can record any macro you want to be executed when you click on this object. For example, you can record a textural text conversion macro in a numeric format, as in the image below. After the macro is recorded, click on the closing button in its upper right corner.

Macros Editor in Microsoft Excel

Now the macro will be tied to the object.

Method 4: Form Control Elements

The following method is very similar to the execution technology on the previous version. It is a button to add a button through the form control item. To use this method, the developer mode is also required.

  1. Go to the "Developer" tab and click on a familiar button "Insert", placed on the tape in the "Controls" group. The list opens. It needs to choose the first element that is located in the "Form Management Elements" group. This object visually looks exactly the same as the similar element of the ActiveX, we talked about just above.
  2. Creating a form control in Microsoft Excel

  3. The object appears on the sheet. Correct its size and location, as they have repeatedly done earlier.
  4. Object on a sheet in Microsoft Excel

  5. After that, we assign a macro to the created object, as shown in the method 2 or assign the hyperlink as described in the method 1.

Button on a sheet in Microsoft Excel

As you can see, in Excele, create a function button is not as difficult as it may seem like an inexperienced user. In addition, this procedure can be performed using four different methods at its discretion.

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