How to find out your Windows 10 activation code


Windows activation code

The product key in Windows Windows 10, as in earlier versions of this operating system, is a 25-digit code consisting of letters and numbers, which is used to activate the system. It can come in handy in the process of reinstalling the OS, so the key is lost a rather unpleasant event. But if it happened, you should not be very upset, as there are ways with which you can find out this code.

Activation code view options in Windows 10

There are several programs that you can view the activation key of Windows Windows 10. Consider some of them in more detail.

Method 1: Speccy

Speccy is a powerful, convenient, Russian-speaking utility whose functionality involves viewing full information about the operating system, as well as hardware resources of a personal computer. It can also be used to find out the code with which your version of the OS has been activated. To do this, follow this instruction.

  1. Download the application from the official site and install it on your PC.
  2. Open Speccy.
  3. In the main menu, go to the "Operating System" section, and after view the information in the "Serial Number" column.
  4. View code in Speccy

Method 2: ShowKeyplus

ShowKeyplus is another utility, thanks to which you can find out the Windows 10 activation code. Unlike Speccy, ShowKeyPlus does not need to be installed, it is enough just to download these applications from the site and run it.

Download ShowKeyPlus.

View key using ShowKeyplus

It is necessary with caution relates to third-party programs, as the key of your product can steal attackers and use for their own purposes.

Method 3: PRODUKEY

ProduKey is a small utility that also does not require installation. Just download it from the official site, run and view the necessary information. Unlike other programs, PRODUKEY is intended only to display activation keys and does not pin up users with unnecessary information.

Download application ProduKey

View Product Key With ProduKey

Method 4: PowerShell

You can learn the activation key and built-in Windows 10 tools. PowerShell is a special place among them - the system shell of the system. In order to browse the desired information, you must write and execute a special script.

It is worth noting that it is difficult to know the code using standard tools for considerable users, so it is not recommended to use them if you are not enough knowledge in the field of computer technology.

To do this, follow the following sequence of actions.

  1. Open "Notepad".
  2. Copy the script text into it, presented below and save the created file with the extension ".ps1". For example, 1.ps1.
  3. It is worth noting that it is necessary to save the file in the field. "File name" Register the extension .ps1, and in the field "File type" Set value "All files".

    #Main Function.

    Function Getkey.


    $ reghklm = 2147483650

    $ REGPATH = "Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion"

    $ DigitalProductid = "DigitalProductID"

    $ WMI = [WMIClass] "\\ $ ENV: ComputerName \ root \ default: stdregprov"

    $ Object = $ wmi.getbinaryvalue ($ reghklm, $ regpath, $ digitalproductid)

    [Array] $ DigitalProductID = $ object.uvalue

    If ($ DigitalProductID)


    $ Reskey = ConvertTowinkey $ DigitalProductid

    $ OS = (GET-WMIOBject "Win32_operationSystem" | Select Caption )caption

    If ($ OS -match "Windows 10")


    if ($ reskey)


    [String] $ Value = "Windows Key: $ Reskey"

    $ value




    $ w1 = "script is intended only for Windows 10"

    $ w1 | Write-Warning





    $ w2 = "The script is intended only for Windows 10"

    $ w2 | Write-Warning





    $ W3 = "An unforeseen error occurred when receiving the key"

    $ w3 | Write-Warning



    Function ConvertTowinkey ($ WinKey)


    $ Offsetkey = 52

    $ iSwindows10 = [Int] ($ WINKEY [66] / 6) -Band 1

    $ HF7 = 0xF7

    $ WinKey [66] = ($ WinKey [66] -Band $ HF7) -Bor (($ iSwindows10 -Band 2) * 4)

    $ C = 24

    [String] $ Symbols = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789"



    $ Curindex = 0

    $ X = 14



    $ Curindex = $ Curindex * 256

    $ Curindex = $ WinKey [$ x + $ offsetkey] + $ Curindex

    $ WinKey [$ x + $ offsetkey] = [Math] :: Floor ([Double] ($ Curindex / 24))

    $ Curindex = $ Curindex% 24

    $ X = $ x - 1


    While ($ x -ge 0)

    $ c = $ s- 1

    $ KeyResult = $ Symbols.substring ($ Curindex, 1) + $ KeyResult

    $ Last = $ Curindex


    While ($ C -GE 0)

    $ WinKeyPart1 = $ KeyResult.Substring (1, $ Last)

    $ WinKeyPart2 = $ KeyResult.Substring (1, $ KeyResult.LengTh-1)

    if ($ Last -EQ 0)


    $ KeyResult = "N" + $ WinKeyPart2




    $ KeyResult = $ winkeypart2.insert ($ winkeypart2.indexof ($ WinKeyPart1) + $ WinKeyPart1.Length, "N")


    $ WindowsKey = $ KeyResult.substring (0.5) + "-" + $ KeyResult.substring (5.5) + "-" + $ KeyResult.substring (10.5) + "-" + $ KeyResult.Substring ( 15.5) + "-" + $ KeyResult.Substring (20,5)

    $ WindowsKey.



  4. Run PowerShell on behalf of the administrator.
  5. Go to the directory where the script is saved using the "CD" command and subsequently pressing the ENTER key. For example, CD C: // (transition to disc C).
  6. Run the script. To do this, it is enough to write ./ "script.ps1" and press ENTER.
  7. View code with through PowerShell

If, when you start the script, you appear a message that the execution of the scripts is prohibited, then enter the SET-EXECTITIONPOLICY REMOTESIGNED command, and then confirm your solution with the "Y" and Enter key.

Error execution script

Obviously, it is much easier to use third-party programs. Therefore, if you are not an experienced user, then stop your choice on installing additional software. It will save your time.

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