How to put status in Vatsape


How to put status in Vatsape


In WhatsApp for Android you can at any time determine the view and content of one of the two statuses provided in the messenger or install them alternately: the text marker that all users of the service sees (by default - "Hello! I use whatsapp."); and "stories" - the set of various objects (photo, video, gif, signature, etc.), which is broadcast during 24 hours of your chosen contacts, and then automatically deleted.

Option 1: Text status

  1. Run WhatsApp or return to its main screen. Go to the "Settings" of the Messenger - for this you need tap on three points at the top of the screen to call the menu and in it to touch the corresponding item.
  2. Whatsapp for Android - launch of the messenger, switching to its settings

  3. Click on the first account in the list of sections of the messenger parameters and containing your name and photo in it area. On the screen that opens, tap the "Details" option.
  4. WhatsApp for Android - go to editing the text status of the account in the messenger settings

  5. Next, you can choose a text status from the list of template phrases or form a new one:
    • In the first version, simply tap on the appropriate text in the list "Select Details" and wait a bit;
    • WhatsApp for Android - change text status to one of the templates in the messenger

    • If you wish to write something in the status and new, under the "Current Details" title, click on the text accompanying your profile at the moment text, then remove it. Enter a new issue disseminated in the service framework - they may be any inscription, link, emoticons or combination of the specified one. Learn that the number of characters from which the mark consists should not exceed 140. Having completed entering information, click "Save".
    • WhatsApp for Android - Replacing the text of the status in the messenger, saving changes

  6. Looking at the "Current Information" field and making sure that the result of the manipulation was satisfied with you, exit "Settings" VATSAP - now other users of the messenger when trying to interact with your person will observe the established inscription.
  7. WhatsApp for Android - exit from the messenger settings after replacing text status

Option 2: "History"

So that your contacts can view the following statement "Storsith", and you, in turn, access their graphic statuses, you need to keep the identifier numbers in whatsapp of each other in your address books!


Whatsapp users for iPhone relative to the statuses in the messenger are actually available the same features as the owners of devices running the above described Android. At the same time, due to differences in the interface of the service application for IOS and the "green robot", we can say that the decision of the task announced in the title title in these operating systems is slightly different.

Option 1: Text status

  1. Open the VatsaP on the iPhone and go to the "Settings" of the Messenger, touching the corresponding button on the right in the section below the section panel screen.
  2. WhatsApp for iPhone - launch of the messenger, switching to its settings from the partition panel

  3. Click on the display of your name and avatar in the messenger area, on the next screen, tap the text of the current status - it is entitled "information".
  4. WhatsApp for iPhone - Messenger Settings - Go to editing your text status in the service

  5. Further:
    • Or tap on the "Select Details" list in your Situational Situation, which will lead to the appearance of a check mark in the field-held area.
    • WhatsApp for iPhone - installing your text status from template inscriptions in the messenger settings

    • Or, with the purpose of writing your own text, click on the "Current Information" option, then delete the inscription. Next, type no longer than 140 characters, including emoticons. After completing the application, click "Save".
    • WhatsApp for iPhone - Enter and save your own text status in the system in the settings of the messenger

  6. Exit "Settings" of the Messenger - From now on, your name in WhatsApp will be accompanied by the selected text marker.
  7. WhatsApp for iPhone - exit from the messenger settings after selecting or entering and installing your text status in the service

Option 2: "History"

Viewing the following statuses created on the following recommendations is possible only by those users of the messenger who made data from each other to "Contacts" WhatsApp.


The WhatsApp desktop client, in comparison with the mobile applications of the messenger, as is well known, is characterized by a smaller number of features and functions. You did not manage the restrictions and work with the statuses of the system user - with a PC or laptop you, acting according to the instructions below, you can change the text information accompanying your profile. As for the "stories", only their viewing is available on the computer, but not forming, changing or deleting.

  1. Run the VATSAP application for Windows, click on the photo of your profile in the messenger, which is located in the upper left corner of the window.
  2. WhatsApp for Windows Starting a messenger, transition to the settings of your profile

  3. Scroll through the list of "Profile" options,

    WhatsApp for Windows Profile Setting in Messenger

    Click on the image of a pencil in the "Details" area, to the left of the text of the status set at the present moment.

  4. WhatsApp for Windows Transition to Changing Text Status in Messenger - Information in the Profile Settings

  5. Remove your account attachment as accompanying your account inscription

    WhatsApp for Windows Deleting current text status in messenger

    And then enter a new one.

  6. WhatsApp for Windows Entering text status for your profile

  7. To save the text and complete the status setting, click on the top to the right area with the input field or press "ENTER" on the keyboard.

    WhatsApp for Windows Saving text status in messenger, through program settings

    To cancel changes made to the inscription before saving them, use the "ESC" key.

  8. WhatsApp for Windows Text Status Profile in Messenger Successful Successful

  9. That's all, click on the "Back" arrow button to exit the "settings" of the profile in the messenger, after which you can continue the operation of VATSAP on a PC in normal mode, but already with the updated text status.
  10. Whatsapp for Windows Exit from messenger settings after changing text status

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