How to apply a thermal chaser for the processor


How to apply a thermal chaser for the processor

The thermalcock protects the cores of the central processor, and sometimes the video card from overheating. The cost of high-quality paste is low, and it is not necessary to change the shift so often (depends on individual parameters). The process of applying is not very complicated.

It is also not always the replacement of the thermal paste is necessary. Some machines have an excellent cooling system and / or not too powerful processors, which even in the case of the arrival of the existing layer in complete disrepair, avoids a significant increase in temperature.


If you have noticed that the computer case began to overheat (the cooler cooling system is stronger than usual, the housing has become hotter, the performance fell), that is, the need to think about changing the thermal paste.

For those who collect the computer on their own, applying the thermal paste to the processor must. The fact is that the first time the processor "with a push" can heat up stronger than usual.

However, if you bought a computer or laptop, which is still under warranty, from self-replacement thermal paste it is better to refrain for two reasons:

  • The device is still under warranty, and any independent "invasion" of the user in the "insides" of the device will most likely entail a loss of warranty. As a last resort, contact the service center with all the complaints of the machine. Experts will find out what is the problem and fix it according to the warranty obligation.
  • If the device is still on the warranty, then, most likely, you bought it for no more than a year ago. During this time, the thermalcaste rarely manage to dry and come into disrepair. Note that the frequent change of thermal paste, as well as the assembly and disassembly of the computer (the more laptop) also negatively affect its service life (in the long run).

Thermal PAST Ideally needs to be applied once every 1-1.5 years. Here are some tips to select a suitable insulator:

  • It is advisable to immediately exclude the cheapest options (such as KTT-8 and the like), because Their effectiveness leaves much to be desired, and to remove the layer of cheap thermal paste, for replacement to a better analogue, difficult.
  • Types of thermal staste

  • Pay attention to those options, which contains compounds of gold, silver, copper, zinc, ceramics. One packaging of such material is expensive, but it is quite justified, because Provides excellent thermal conductivity and increases the area of ​​contact with the cooling system (perfectly suitable for powerful and / or overclocked processors).
  • If you do not have problems with strong overheating, select the paste from the average price segment. The composition of such a material contains silicone and / or zinc oxide.

What is a fraught failure to apply a thermal cap of the CPU (especially for a PC with poor cooling and / or powerful processor):

  • Slowing speed - from minor braces to serious bugs.
  • The risk that the split processor will damage the maternal card. In this case, it may be necessary even to replace the computer / laptop.

Stage 1: Preparatory work

Produced in a few steps:

  1. First you need to completely disable the device from the power supply, the laptops additionally pull out the battery.
  2. Clear the case. At this stage there is nothing complicated, but the process of parsing for each model is individual.
  3. Disassembled computer

  4. Now it is necessary to clean the "insides" from dust and dirt. Use for this not a hard brush and a dry rag (napkins). If you use a vacuum cleaner, but only at the lowest facilities (which is also not recommended).
  5. Cleaning a computer from dust

  6. Cleaning the processor from the residues of the old thermal paste. To do this, you can use napkins, cotton wands, school eraser. To improve the effect of napkins and wands, you can dip in alcohol. In no case do not remove the remains of pasta with hands, nails or other sharp objects.
  7. Processor with an old thermal

Stage 2: Application

Follow these steps when applied:

  1. To begin with, apply one small drop of pasta to the central part of the processor.
  2. Now evenly smear it along the entire surface of the processor with the help of a special tassel that goes complete. If there are no tassels, you can use an old plastic card, an old SIM card, a brush from a nail polish or put on the hand a rubber glove and choose a drop with a finger.
  3. Application

  4. If one drop is not enough, then drip again and repeat the actions of the previous point.
  5. If the pasta hit the limits of the processor, then carefully remove it with cotton sticks or dry napkins. It is desirable that there is no paste outside the processor, because It may worsen the performance of the computer.

When the works are completed, after 20-30 minutes, collect the device to the initial state. It is also recommended to check the processor temperature.

Lesson: How to find out the processor temperature

Apply the thermal chaser on the processor is easy, you only need to follow accuracy and elementary safety rules when working with computer components. High-quality and properly applied paste can serve for a long time.

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