How to remove Time to Read from the browser


How to remove Time to Read from the browser

Each user of the Internet is known for virus penetration. One of these is Troyan It is independently launched when opening the browser and sets advertising. This Trojan can change the operating system settings and affects the established observers. In this lesson, we will analyze how to remove Time to Read from the browser.

Read more about Time to Read

Time To Read is a "browser hijacker" that deceives its users. It is installed on all your web browsers as the start page. This is because there is a Troyan in Windows that prescribes its own objects for a web browser label. If you try to remove it with a standard way, then nothing will come. A false search engine shows advertising and redirects to another site. It is necessary to fight this problem with a comprehensive, using standard tools and special programs. Let's see what actions need to be carried out in this situation.

How to remove Time to Read

  1. You need to turn off the Internet, for example, just disconnect from the Wi-Fi network. To do this, click on the Wi-Fi icon, click on the connected network and "disconnect". Similar steps should be performed with wired connections.
  2. Turning off Wi Fi Internet

  3. Now reboot your computer.
  4. When you start the browser, copy the address of the website, which is located in the address bar. You may have another site, since their number is constantly increasing. The specified site serves to mask and then redirects to
  5. Copying site address

  6. Run the registry editor to do this, you must press the "Win" and "R" keys simultaneously, and then enter Regedit in the field.
  7. Run registry

  8. Now allocate "Computer" and click "Ctrl + F" to open the search box. Insert the SPEED address in the field and click "Find".
  9. Run search box in the registry editor

  10. After the search is completed, we delete the identified value.
  11. Delete value in the registry editor

  12. Click "F3" in order to continue to look for the address. In the event that it is found elsewhere, just remove it.
  13. You can open the "job scheduler" and view the task list issued. Next select and delete a task that starts a suspicious file. EXE . Usually the path to it looks like this:

    C: \ Users \ Name \ APPDATA \ LOCAL \ TEMP \

    However, it will be easier if you use the program CCleaner . She is looking for and removes malicious tasks.

    Lesson: How to clean the computer from garbage using the CCleaner program

    We launch CCleaner and go to the "Service" tab - "Auto-loading".

    Startup Tab in CCleaner

    Now you can carefully view all items in the "Windows" and "scheduled tasks" sections. If a string is detected, running a web browser with the site, then it must be highlighted and click "Turn off".

    Removing an unnecessary string in CCleaner

    It is important not to ignore this item, otherwise the site will renovate in the registry and it will have to delete again.

Check PC for viruses

After performing the above actions, it is desirable to check the PC with a specialized antivirus utility, for example, ADWCleaner.

It is easy to use, click "scan" and after checking the click "Clear".

Scan with ADWCleaner

Lesson: Cleaning the computer using the adwcleaner utility

So we reviewed ways to combat However, in order to protect yourself for the future, you should be careful when downloading anything from the Internet, pay attention to the source. It will also be superfluous to check the PC using the above programs (ADWCLEANER and CCLEANER) or their analogues.

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