How to paint in photoshop


How to paint in photoshop

Photoshop, as the image editor, allows us not only to make changes to ready-made pictures, but also create your own compositions. This process can also be attributed to the simple coloring of the contours, as in children's coloring books.

Today we will talk about how to configure a program which tools and with what parameters are used for coloring, as well as we will practic a little.

Coloring in photoshop

To work, we need a special working environment, several useful tools and a desire to learn something new.

Working environment

The working environment (it is still quite often referred to as the "workspace") is a specific set of tools and windows that determine the specifics of operation. For example, one set of tools is suitable for processing a photo, and to create an animation - another.

By default, the program contains some of the ready-made working media, switch between which can be in the upper right corner of the interface. How it is not difficult to guess, we need a set called "Drawing".

Choosing a workspace for painting in Photoshop

"From the box" environment is as follows:

Working environment called Drawing in Photoshop

All panels can be moved to any convenient place.

Moving panels in the working environment Drawing in Photoshop

close (delete) by clicking the right mouse button, and selecting "Close",

Closing of the panels of the workspace Drawing in Photoshop

Add new, using the "Window" menu.

Adding new panels to the working environment Drawing through the menu window in Photoshop

The panels themselves and their location are selected individually. Let's add the colors settings window - it is quite often for us to contact it.

Adding a color panel to the working environment Drawing in Photoshop

For convenience, lay panel as follows:

Location of the panels of the work environment for painting in Photoshop

Working space for coloring is ready, go to tools.

Lesson: Toolbar in Photoshop

Brush, pencil and eraser

These are basic drawing tools in Photoshop.

  1. Brushes.

    Tool brush for coloring in Photoshop

    Lesson: Tool "Brush" in Photoshop

    With the help of brushes, we will paint various areas on our drawing, carry straight lines, create glare and shadows.

  2. Pencil.

    Pencil tool for painting in Photoshop

    Pencil, mainly designed to stroke objects or creating contours.

  3. Eraser.

    Tool Eraser for coloring in Photoshop

    Appointment of this tool - removal (erasing) of unnecessary parts, lines, contours, fillings.

Finger and mix brush

Both of these tools are intended for "folding" of drawn elements.

1. Finger.

Tool finger for coloring in photoshop

The tool "stretches" created by other fixtures of content. It works equally well and on transparent, and on a flooded color background.

The result of the tool is a finger in Photoshop

2. Mix brush.

Mix brush tool for painting in photoshop

Mix brush is a special kind of brush that mixes the colors of the objects located nearby. The latter can be located both on one and on different layers. Suitable for rapid smoothing of clear boundaries. It does not work very well on clean colors.

Result Slap Mix Brush tool in Photoshop

Pen and allocation tools

With all these tools, areas restricting the fill (color) are created. They need to be used, as it allows you to carefully paint areas in the picture.

  1. Feather.

    Pen tool for painting in photoshop

    Pen - universal devices for high-precision drawing (stroke and fill) objects.

    See also: Pen tool in Photoshop - Theory and Practice

    Create a cartoon frame from a photo in Photoshop

  2. Allocation tools.
    • Group "Allocation".

      Group Tools Selection for coloring in Photoshop

      Tools located in this group are designed to create selected areas of oval or rectangular shape for subsequent fill or stroke.

    • Lasso.

      Lasso Group Tools for Coloring in Photoshop

      The Lasso group will help us to make an arbitrary form.

      Lesson: Lasso tool in Photoshop

    • Magic wand and fast selection.

    Tools Magic wand and fast allocation for coloring in Photoshop

    These tools allow you to quickly allocate a plot limited by one tint or contour.

Lesson: Magic wand in photoshop

Pouring and gradient

  1. Fill.

    Pouring tool for coloring in Photoshop

    Pullet helps to paint large areas with one mouse button with one click.

    Lesson: Types of fill in Photoshop

  2. Gradient.

    Tool gradient for coloring in photoshop

    The gradient is similar to the fill with the only difference, which creates a smooth tone.

    Lesson: How to make a gradient in photoshop

Colors and samples

The main color is so called because it is them paint tools "Brush", "Pouring" and "Pencil". In addition, this color is automatically assigned to the first checkpoint when creating a gradient.

Background color is especially important when applying some filters. This color also has a gradient's end point.

Default colors - respectively, black and white. Reset is performed by pressing the D key, and the change of the main on the background - the X keys.

Primary and background colors for coloring in Photoshop

Color setting is made in two ways:

  1. Color palette.

    Click on the main color, in the window that opens with the title "Palette of Flowers", choose a shade and click OK.

    Setting the primary color with the palette of the colors in Photoshop

    In the same way, you can configure the background color.

  2. Samples.

    At the top of the workspace is the panel (we are placed there at the beginning of the lesson), containing 122 sample of various shades.

    Color sample panel for coloring in Photoshop

    Replacing the primary color occurs after a single press on the desired sample.

    Replacing the primary color using samples in photoshop

    The background color is changing with a sample with a ctrl pinch.


Styles allow us to apply various effects to the elements contained on the layer. It can be a stroke, shadow, glow, laying of colors and gradients.

The settings window double click on the corresponding layer.

Calling Style Settings Window for Coloring in Photoshop

Examples of use of styles:

Stylization of font in photoshop

Golden inscription in photoshop


Each area to be painted, including the contour, must be placed on a new layer. This is done for the convenience of subsequent processing.

Lesson: Work in photoshop with layers

An example of such a job:

Lesson: Coloring a black and white snapshot in Photoshop


Coloring work begins with the search for contour. For the lesson, such a black and white image was prepared:

Source image for coloring in photoshop

Initially, it was located on a white background, which was removed.

Lesson: Remove white background in photoshop

As you can see, there are several areas in the picture, some of which should have the same color.

  1. Activate the "Magic Wand" tool and click on the spanner handle.

    Selection of a portion of the wrench for coloring in Photoshop

  2. Click Shift and highlight the handle on the other side of the screwdriver.

    Allocation of the second portion of the hash ring for coloring in Photoshop

  3. Create a new layer.

    Creating a new layer for coloring a wrench in Photoshop

  4. Configure color coloring.

    Setting the color of the pouring of a wrench in Photoshop

  5. Choose the "Fill" tool and click on any dedicated area.

    Pouring the color of the wrench in Photoshop

  6. We remove the selection using the hot keys Ctrl + D and continue to work with the rest of the contour along the algorithm specified above. Please note that the selection of the area is made on the source layer, and the pouring is on the new one.

    Color coloring color in photoshop

  7. We work over a screwdriver handle with styles. We call the settings window, and first add an internal shadow with the following parameters:
    • Color 634020;
    • Opacity 40%;
    • Angle -100 degrees;
    • Displacement 13, tightening 14, size 65;
    • Contour "on Gaussu".

      Setting the inner shadow for a screwdriver handle in Photoshop

    The next style is an inner glow. Settings are:

    • Overlay mode clarification of the base;
    • Opacity 20%;
    • FFCD5C color;
    • Source "From Center", tightening 23, size 46.

      Setting internal glow screwdriver handle in photoshop

    The latter will be the overlay of the gradient.

    • Angle of 50 degrees;
    • Scale 115%.

      Overlaying a gradient on the handle in photoshop

    • Gradient settings, as in the screenshot below.

      Setting the gradient in Photoshop

  8. Add highlights to metal parts. To do this, choose the "straight line lasso" tool and create a screwdriver on the rod (on the new layer) here is this selection:

    Creating a platform for a rectilinear Lasso tool in Photoshop

  9. Pour a glider with white.

    Pouring flare white in Photoshop

  10. In the same way, we draw on the same layer and other glare on the same layer, after which we reduce the opacity to 80%.

    Adding highlights to all parts of the image in Photoshop

On this lesson on painting in Photoshop completed. If you wish, you can add shadows to our composition. It will be your homework.

This article can be considered the basis for an in-depth study of tools and photosop settings. Carefully learn the lessons that are based on the links above, and many principles and the laws of photoshop will be clear for you.

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