How to restart windows 8


Windows 8 How to restart

It would seem, there is nothing easier than just to restart the system. But due to the fact that Windows 8 has a new interface - Metro - many users this process causes questions. After all, in the usual place in the "Start" menu, there is no shutdown buttons. In our article, we will tell about several ways, with which you can restart the computer.

How to restart the windows system 8

In this OS, the power off button is well hidden, which is why many users introduce this difficult process to the difficulty. Reload the system is easy, but if you first encountered Windows 8, it may take some time. Therefore, in order to save your time, we will tell how quickly and just restart the system.

Method 1: Use the Charms panel

The most obvious way to restart the PC is to use the sideline miracle buttons (Charms panel). Call it using the Win + I key combination. The panel with the name "Parameters" appears on the right, where you will find the power off button. Click on it - a context menu will appear, in which it will be contained - "reboot".

Charms Restart PC

Method 2: Hot Keys

You can also use the well-known combination of Alt + F4. If you click on these keys on the desktop, the PC shutdown menu will appear. Select Restart in the drop-down menu and click OK.

Shipping Windows 8

Method 3: Win + X menu

Another way is to use the menu through which you can call the most necessary tools to work with the system. You can call it using the Win + X key combination. Here you will find a variety of tools collected in one place, and also find the item "Shutdown or Exit System". Click on it and select the necessary action in the pop-up menu.

Windows 8 Win + X Menu

Method 4: via the lock screen

Not the most demanded method, but it also has a place to be. On the lock screen, you can also find the power management button and restart the computer. Just click on it in the lower right corner and in the pop-up menu, select the required action.

Windows 8 lock screen

Now you know at least 4 ways with which you can restart the system. All considered methods are quite simple and comfortable, you can apply them in a variety of situations. We hope you learned something new of this article and have a little different in the Metro UI interface.

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