How to enable subtitles in YouTube


how to enable subtitles in YouTube

The subtitles were invented for a long time, and to be more accurate, then in the distant 1895, when the cinema was born. They were used in a movie in him - it is clear for what exactly - however, with the arrival of sound in the film, nothing has changed. What to say, if in 2017, on the most popular video window of YouTube, the most subtitles are found everywhere, which will be discussed below.

Enable and disable subtitles

In fact, turn on subtitles in the video on YouTube is simpler simple, just need to click on the corresponding icon.

Enable subtitles on YouTube

To shut down, you need to repeat the same action - click re-on the icon.

Turning off the Utubetrov on YouTube

IMPORTANT: The display of the icon may differ from the image shown in the image. This aspect directly depends on the territorial location and the resource update version. However, so far its position has not changed.

That's all, you learned to include and disable subtitles in the video. By the way, you can turn on the display and automatic sabs on YouTube, and what it is, will disassemble the details further in the text.

Automatic subtitles

In general, automatic sabs are practically no different from non-automatic (manual). How easy it is to guess, the first are created by the YouTube service itself, and the second - by hand the author of the video. Of course, in contrast to a person, soulless video hosting algorithms often love to make mistakes, thereby porch the entire meaning of offers in the video. But it is still better than nothing.

By the way, it is possible to define automatic subtitles before turning on the video. You just need to click on the gear icon in the player and select the "Subtitles" item in the menu.

Entrance to subtitles in YouTube

In the window that appears, you will demonstrate all possible linguistic sabs and show which of them are automatically created, and which are not. In this case, there is only one option - Russian, and the message in brackets tells us that they are created automatically. Otherwise, it would be more simply.

Menu subtitles in YouTube

You can also view all the text right away. To do this, under the video, click the "More" button, and select "Video Text" in the context menu.

Check text video in YouTube

And before your eyes will seem all the text that is read in the video. Even more, you can view, on what second the author speaks this or that offer, which is quite convenient if you are looking for a certain place in the video.

Video Text in YouTube

According to the result, I would like to note that automatic sub-specifications are pretty specific. In some rollers, they are registered normally and quite readable, and in some - on the contrary. But this is a reasonable explanation. Creating such sabs is done using voice recognition, and makes it directly the program. And if the voice of the roller's hero is delivered correctly, the dictation is clear and the record itself is quite high-quality, then subtitles will be created close to ideal. And if there are noise on recordings, if several people speak in the frame at once, and there is generally a mustache, then no program in the world will be able to make text to such a roller.

Why automatic subtitles are not created

By the way, looking through the video on YouTube, you can see that there are no subtitles that are not on all so that manual, but even automatic. This is an explanation - they are not created in case:
  • The roller timing is quite long - over 120 minutes;
  • Language Video is not recognized by the system, and at the moment youtube can recognize English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Netherlands, Italian, Korean, Japanese and Russian;
  • In the first minutes of recording there is no human speech;
  • The sound quality is so bad that the system cannot recognize the speech;
  • During recording, there are several people at the same time.

In general, the reasons for ignoring the creation of subtitles YouTube is rather logical.


According to the result, one thing can be said - subtitles in the videos on YouTube are very important. After all, any user may have such a situation when he cannot hear the sound of the recording or will not know the language on which they speak the video, and it was then that subtitles will come to the rescue. It is pretty nice that the developers took care that they are independently created, even if the author did not think to insert them.

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