How to find your comment on youtube


how to find your comment on youtube

YouTube has long become something big than just a worldwide popular video hosting. For a long time, people have learned to earn it, and teach other people how to do it. It takes video not only bloggers about their lives, but also just talented person. They even slip films, serials.

Fortunately, you have an estimation system on YouTube. But besides thumb up and down, there are also comments. Very good when you can talk almost directly with the author of the roller, to express your opinion on its work. But someone wondered how can you find all your comments on YouTube?

How to find your comment

The question will be rather reason: "And who needs to look for his comment at all?" However, it is necessary to many and even for substantial reasons.

Most often, people want to find their comment in order to remove it. After all, it happens that in a rustling of anger or some other emotion, a person breaks down and begins to express his opinion in a swiss form without a special reason. At the time of this action, few people are thinking about the consequences, and that, and that the sin is to hone, which consequences of the comment on the Internet can be. But the conscience can wake. Fortunately, you have the ability to delete a comment. So such people just need to know how to find your comment.

Probably worth answering immediately to the main question: "Is it possible to look at your left review?" Answer: "Naturally, yes." Google, namely, the Youtube service belongs to this, provides such an opportunity. Yes, and I would not provide, because for many years she always shows that he listens to the requests of users. And such requests do systematically, since you are reading this article.

Method 1: Using Search

It is worth noting that the method that will now be presented is quite specific. It is convenient for them to use only in some moments, for example, when you know exactly, on which video need to seek comments. And best, if your comment is not there at the very last position. So, if you want to find a comment, roughly speaking, one year old, then it is better to immediately go to the second method.

So, suppose you recently left a comment. Then, first, you need to go to the page with the video, under which you left it. If you do not remember its name, then nothing is terrible, you can use the "Viewed" section. It can be found in the guide panel or at the bottom of the site.

Section Viewed in YouTube

It is easy to guess, in this section all previously viewed video recording will be displayed. This list does not have temporary restrictions and even those video that have been viewed by you long ago will be shown. For ease of search, if you remember at least one word from the title, you can use the search string.

Search for viewing history in YouTube

So, using all the data to you, find it video, the comment under which you need to search and play it. Next, you can go in two ways. The first - you are guaranteed to reread every left review, in the hope of finding your nickname, and accordingly your comment. The second is to use the search on the page. Most likely, everyone will choose the second option. So, he will be told on.

Absolutely in any browser there is a function called "Search on the page" or in a similar way. It is often caused by the hot keys "Ctrl" + "F".

Site search in YouTube

It works as an ordinary search engine on the Internet - you enter a request that completely coincides with the information on the site, and it is highlighted in case of coincidence. How easy it is to guess, you need to introduce your nickname so that it will be highlighted among all the many nicknames.

Search result in YouTube

But of course, this method will not be very productive if your comment is somewhere far away, because there is a malfuncting button "show more", which hides earlier comments.

To find your review, you may need to press it enough for it. It is for this reason that there is a second way that is much easier, and does not force to resort to such tricks. However, it is necessary to repeat that this method is well suited if your comment has been left relatively recently, and its location did not have time to shift too far down.

Method 2: Tab "Comments"

But the second method does not imply such dull manipulations with the tools of browsers and the most of the man of man, of course, not without the share of good luck. Everything is quite simple and technically.

  1. First of all, you need to enter your account on which you previously left a comment, which is now looking for, in the "Viewed" section. How to do you already know, but for those who missed the first way, it is worth repeating. You must click on the button of the same name in the panel guide or at the very bottom of the site.
  2. Section viewed in YouTube

  3. In this section you need to go from the View History tab to the "Comments" tab.
  4. Tab Comments in YouTube

  5. Now from the entire list, find the one that interests you and spend the necessary manipulations with him. On the image shows only one feedback, as this is a test account, but you can translate this number for a hundred.
  6. Comments in YouTube

Tip: Having found a comment, you can click on the same link - In this case, your feedback will be provided to view, or click on the name of the roller itself - then it will be played it.

Also, by clicking on the vertical Troyatoy, you can call a drop-down list consisting of two items: "Delete" and "Edit". That is, so you can delete or change your comment in the shortest possible time without visiting the page itself with it.

Actions with a comment that can be held in YouTube

How to find an answer to your comment

From the category "How to find a comment?", There is another burning question: "How to find the answer of another user, for once left by a review?" Of course, the question is not so difficult as the previous one, but also takes place.

First, you can detect it in the same way that it was a little higher, but this is not very reasonable, because in that list everything will be mixed. Secondly, you can use a system of alerts that we are talking about.

The alarm presented earlier is in the site cap, closer to the right side of the screen. Looks like an icon in the form of a bell.

Signal Alerts in YouTube

By clicking on it, you will seek actions that in one or another way were related to your account. And if someone responds to your comment, then this event can be seen here. And in order, every time the user did not check the list of alerts, the developers decided to label this icon if something new appears in the list.

In addition, you can independently configure the alert system in YouTube settings, but this is already the topic for a separate article.

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