How to make a pattern in photoshop


How to make a pattern in photoshop

Patterns or "patterns" in Photoshop - fragments of images designed to fill the layers with a solid repeating background. Due to the characteristics of the program, you can also pour masks, and dedicated areas. With such a fill, the fragment is automatically cloned according to both axes of coordinates, until the element is completely replaced to which the option is applied.

Patterns are mainly used when creating backgrounds for compositions.

The convenience of this function of photoshop is difficult to overestimate because it saves a huge amount of time and strength. In this lesson, let's talk about patterns, how to install them, apply, and how you can create your own repeating backgrounds.

Patterns in photoshop

The lesson will be divided into several parts. First, let's talk about the uses, and then how to use seamless texture.


  1. Setting up fill.

    Using this feature, you can fill the pattern with an empty or background (fixed) layer, as well as a selected area. Consider the method on the example of the selection.

    • We take the oval area tool.

      Tool oval area for filling pattern in photoshop

    • We highlight the area on the layer.

      Creating an oval selection area for pouring pattern in Photoshop

    • We go to the "Editing" menu and click on "Run Fill". This feature can also be caused by the SHIFT + F5 key combination.

      Fulfill the Fill in the Edit menu when filling out the selection in Photoshop pattern

    • After activating the function, the setup window opens with the name "Fill".

      Window Fill Settings To fill the selected area in Photoshop pattern

    • In the section with the title "Content", in the "Use" drop-down list, select "Regular".

      Selecting the item is regular in the drop-down list use the window of the fill of the selection of the selection in Photoshop

    • Next, open the "Custom Pattern" palette and in the opened set, choose the one that we consider it necessary.

      Selecting a sample in the palette of the registered pattern of the filling window of the selection of the pattern in Photoshop

    • Click OK button and look at the result:

      The result of the fill of the selected area pattern in Photoshop

  2. Filling with layer styles.

    This method implies the presence of any object or solid fill on a layer.

    • Click PCM on the layer and select the "Overlay Settings" item, after which the style settings window opens. The same result can be achieved by clicking twice with the left mouse button.

      Context menu item Overlay options for calling with styles while pouring the layer pattern in Photoshop

    • In the settings window, go to the section "Pattern".

      Section Pattern Overlay in the layer Style Settings window when pouring a picture in Photoshop

    • Here, by opening the palette, you can select the desired pattern, the imposition of the pattern to the existing object or fill, set the opacity and scale.

      Settings for the imposition of a pattern on an object or background in Photoshop

Custom backgrounds

In Photoshop, the default is a standard set of patterns that you could see in the fill and styles settings, and it is not the limit of dreaming a creative person.

The Internet provides us with the opportunity to enjoy other people's work and experience. There are many sites with custom figures, brushes and patterns. To search for such materials, it is enough to drive in Google or Yandex such a request: "Patterns for photoshop" without quotes.

After downloading the samples you like, we, most often, we obtain an archive containing one or more files with the PAT extension.

The downloaded archive containing a pattern file with a PAT extension for use in photoshop

This file must be unpaved (drag) to the folder

C: \ Users \ Your Account \ APPDATA \ Roaming \ Adobe \ Adobe Photoshop CS6 \ PRESETS \ Patterns

Target folder for unpacking downloaded patterns for use in photoshop

It is this directory that opens by default when attempting to load patterns in Photoshop. A little later you will realize that this place unpacking is not mandatory.

  1. After calling the "Fill" function and the appearance of the "Fill" window, open the "Custom Pattern" palette. In the upper right corner, click on the gear icon, opening the context menu in which you find the "Upload patterns" item.

    Point Load Patterns in the context menu of the fill settings in Photoshop

  2. The folder will open about which we talked above. In it, choose our unpacked PAT file before and click the "Download" button.

    Download PAT file containing patterns for use in photoshop

  3. Uploaded patterns will automatically appear in the palette.

    Uploaded patterns in the palette Customized Pattern Pilot Settings in Photoshop

As we have said a little earlier, it is not necessary to unpack the files into the "Patterns" folder. When loading patterns, you can search for files on all discs. For example, you can start a separate directory in a safe place and fold the files there. For these purposes, an external hard disk or flash drive is quite suitable.

Creating a pattern

On the Internet you can find many user patterns, but what to do, if none of them fit us? The answer is simple: create your own, individual. The process of creating seamless texture creative and interesting.

We will need a document of a square form.

New document for creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

When creating a pattern, it is necessary to know that when the effects and application of filters are applied, a light or dark color can appear on the canvas boundaries. These artifacts when applying the background will turn into a line that are very stronger. In order to avoid similar troubles, it is necessary to expand the canvas slightly. From that and begin.

  1. We limit the canvas guides from all sides.

    Restriction of canvas guides when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

    Lesson: Application of guides in photoshop

  2. Go to the "Image" menu and click on the "Canvas size" item.

    Menu item The canvas size for creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  3. We add 50 pixels to the size of the width and height. The color of the canvas expansion is chosen neutral, for example, light gray.

    Setting the canvas extension to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

    These actions will lead to the creation of such a zone, the subsequent trimming of which will allow us to remove possible artifacts:

    Content security area to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

  4. Create a new layer and pour it dark green.

    Lesson: How to pour a layer in photoshop

    Pour the background with dark green when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  5. Add our background a little grain. To do this, refer to the "Filter" menu, open the "Noise" section. The filter you need is called "add noise".

    Filter Add noise to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

    Grain size is chosen at its discretion. From this depends on the severity of the texture that we will create in the next step.

    Setting the filter Add noise when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  6. Next, apply the "Cross Strokes" filter from the corresponding Filter menu block.

    Filter Cross Strokes to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

    Customize the plugin also "on the eye". We need to get a texture similar to not very high quality, coarse cloth. It should not be fully similarity, since the image will be reduced several times, and the texture will only be guessing.

    Setting the filter cross-strokes when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  7. Apply another filter to the background called "Gaussian Blur".

    Filter Blur in Gauss to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

    Blur radius exhibit minimal so that the texture does not really suffer.

    Tuning the filter Blur in Gauss to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

  8. We hold two more guides that define the center of the canvas.

    Additional central guides to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • Activate the "Arbitrary Figure" tool.

    An arbitrary figure to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • On the top panel of the parameters, we adjust the fill with white.

    Setting the fill of an arbitrary figure when creating a well-trap pattern in Photoshop

  • Choose this figure from the standard photo stitch set:

    Select an arbitrary shape from a standard dial to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • We put the cursor on the intersection of central guides, clamp the SHIFT key and begin to stretch the figure, then add another ALT key to build evenly in all directions from the center.

    Build an arbitrary figure from the center when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • Rastro the layer by clicking on the PCM and selecting the appropriate item of the context menu.

    Rastrossing a layer with an arbitrary figure when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • We call the style settings window (see above) and in the "Overlay Parameters" section reduce the "opacity of the fill" to zero.

    Reducing the opacity of the fill in the style of the style of styles when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

    Next, go to the section "Inner glow". Here we configure noise (50%), tightening (8%) and size (50 pixels). On this style setting is completed, click OK.

    Setting the inner glow of the figure when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • If necessary, slightly reduce the opacity of the layer with the figure.

    Reducing the opacity of the layer with a figure when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • Click PCM on the layer and raster style.

    Rastering the style of the layer with the figure when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • Choose the "Rectangular Area" tool.

    Tool Rectangular area to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

    We allocate one of the square sites limited by the guides.

    Selection of a section limited by guides when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • Copy the selected area to the new layer of the hot keys Ctrl + J.

    Copying a selected area to a new layer when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • Tool "Move" by pull the copied fragment in the opposite corner of the canvas. Do not forget that all content must be inside the zone that we have defined earlier.

    Treating the cut fragment in the opposite corner of the canvas when a custom pattern is called in Photoshop

  • Go back to the layer with the original figure, and repeat the actions (selection, copying, moving) with the rest of the sections.

    Placing elements in the corners of the canvas when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • With the design, we finished, now we go to the "Image - Size of Canvas" menu and return the size to the source values.

    Setting the size of the canvas to source values ​​when creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

    We get this workpiece:

    Custom Pattern Workpiece in Photoshop

    Depends on further action, how small (or large) we get the pattern.

  • Return to the "Image" menu again, but this time we select the "image size".

    Menu item Image Size to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • For the experiment, set the size of the pattern of 100x100 pixels.

    Reducing the image size to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

  • Now we go to the "Edit" menu and select the item "Determine the Pattern".

    Menu item Define the pattern to create a custom pattern in Photoshop

    We give the pattern the name and click OK.

    Assigning a new pattern in Photoshop

  • Now we have a new one in the set, the methodically created pattern.

    Created user pattern in a set in photoshop

    It looks like this:

    The layer flooded by the user pattern in Photoshop

    As we can see, the texture is very poorly expressed. Fix it can be enhanced by the impact of the "Cross Stroke" filter on the background layer. The final result of creating a custom pattern in Photoshop:

    The result of creating a custom pattern in Photoshop

    Saving a set with patterns

    So we created several own patterns. How to save them for descendants and our own use? Everything is quite simple.

    1. You need to go to the "Editing - Sets - Settings" menu.

      Menu Menu Creation Menu To create a custom set of patterns in Photoshop

    2. In the window that opens, select the type of setting "patterns",

      Select type type when creating a custom set of patterns in Photoshop

      Click Ctrl and highlight the desired patterns in turn.

      Select the required patterns when creating a custom set in Photoshop

    3. Press the "Save" button.

      Save button to create a custom set of patterns in Photoshop

      Select a place to save and file name.

      Save the location and name of the file of the user set of patterns in Photoshop

    Ready, a set with patterns is saved, now it can be transferred to a friend, or use himself without fear that in vain will disappear several hours.

    On this we will finish the lesson to create and use seamless textures in Photoshop. Make your own backgrounds not to depend on other people's tastes and preferences.

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