Why the text does not write in photoshop


Why the text does not write in photoshop

Inexperienced photoshop users often encounter various problems when working in the editor. One of them is the lack of symbols when writing text, that is, it is simply not visible on the canvas. As always, the reasons for banal, the main is inattention.

In this article, let's talk about why the text is not written in Photoshop and how to deal with it.

Problems with writing texts

Before starting to solve problems, ask yourself: "Does I know about the texts in Photoshop?" Perhaps the main "problem" is a gap in knowledge, fill out which will help the lesson on our website.

Lesson: Create and edit text in Photoshop

If the lesson is studied, then you can move to identifying the causes and solving problems.

Cause 1: Text Color

The most common ideament of photocophers cause. The meaning is that the color of the text coincides with the color of the fill of the layer lying under it (background).

This most often happens after the canvas is filling with any tint settled in the palette, and since it uses all the tools, then the text automatically accepts this color.

Coincidence of text color in the color of the background when solving problems with writing texts in Photoshop


  1. Activate the text layer, go to the "Window" menu and select "Symbol".

    Item Menu Symbol Window to solve problems with writing texts in Photoshop

  2. In the window that opens, change the color of the font.

    Changing the font color in the symbol settings window when solving problems with writing texts in Photoshop

Cause 2: overlay

The display of information on the layers in photoshop depends largely on the laying mode (mixing). Some modes affect the layer pixels in such a way that they completely disappear from appearance.

Lesson: Layer overlay modes in Photoshop

For example, white text on a black background will completely disappear if the multiplication is applied to it.

White text on a black background with applied overlay mode multiplication in Photoshop

The black font becomes completely invisible on a white background, if you apply the "screen" mode.

Black text on a white background with applied overlay mode screen in Photoshop


Check the overlay mode setting. Play "Normal" (in some versions of the program - "normal").

Applying the imposition mode is normal when solving problems with writing texts in Photoshop

Cause 3: font size

  1. Too small.

    When working with documents of a large format, it is necessary to increase the font size and size. If small size is specified in the settings, the text can turn into a solid thin line, which causes bewilderment from newbies.

    Turning text in line with a large amount of document and small font size in Photoshop

  2. Too big.

    On canvas small size, huge fonts may also be visible. In this case, we can observe the "hole" from the letter F.

    Empty sections of text with a small document size and a large font size in Photoshop


Change the font size in the "Symbol" settings window.

Size of the font size in the Symbol Settings window to solve problems with writing text in Photoshop

Cause 4: Document Resolution

With an increase in the permission of the document (pixels per inch), the size of the printed printing is reduced, that is, the real width and height.

For example, the file with the sides of 500x500 pixels and with a resolution of 72:

The size of the printed output of the document with a resolution of 72 pixels per inch in Photoshop

The same document with a resolution of 3000:

Print Printing Document Size with a resolution of 3000 pixels per inch in Photoshop

Since the font dimensions are measured in points, that is, in real units of measurement, then with a large resolution we will get huge text,

A huge font size with a large resolution of the document in Photoshop

Conversely, with a small resolution - microscopic.

Microscopic font size with a small resolution of the document in Photoshop


  1. Reduce document resolution.
    • You need to go to the "Image" menu - "image size".

      Item Image Size Menu Image when solving problems with writing text in Photoshop

    • Make data to the appropriate field. For files intended for publishing on the Internet, standard 72 DPI resolution, for printing - 300 dpi.

      Change of document permission to solve problems with writing text in Photoshop

    • Please note that when changing permission, the width and height of the document changes, so they must also be edited.

      Change of document size to solve problems with writing text in Photoshop

  2. Change the font size. In this case, it is necessary to remember that the minimum size that can be prescribed manually - 0.01 PT, and the maximum - 1296 PT. If these values ​​are not enough, then you will have to scale the font with "free transform".

Lessons on the topic:

Increase the font size in Photoshop

Function Free Transformation in Photoshop

Cause 5: Text Block Size

When creating a text block (read the lesson at the beginning of the article), you must also remember the size. If the font height is greater than the block height, the text simply will not be written.

The height of the text block is much less than the size of the font when solving problems with writing text in Photoshop


Increase the height of the text block. You can do this by pulling one of the markers on the frame.

Increase the size of the text block to solve the problem with writing text in Photoshop

Cause 6: Font Display Problems

Most of these problems and their solutions are already described in detail in one of the lessons on our website.

Lesson: Solving problems with fonts in Photoshop


Skip the link and read the lesson.

As it becomes clear after reading this article, the causes of problems with writing text in Photoshop is the most common inattention of the user. In the event that no solution came up with you, then you need to think about changing the distribution of the program or its reinstallation.

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