How to change password in gmail mail


How to change password in gmail mail

It happens that the user needs to change the password from its Gmail account. It seems that everything is simple, but those people who rarely use this service or they are at all newcomers to navigate in the confused Mail interface. This article is intended for a step-by-step explanation of how to change the secret combination of symbols in Jimail email.

Lesson: Create email to Gmail

We change the password Gmail

In fact, the password change is quite a simple lesson, which takes a couple of minutes and is done in a few steps. Difficulties may arise from those users who can get confused in the unusual interface.

  1. Go to your Gmail account.
  2. Click on the gear that is located on the right.
  3. Now select "Settings".
  4. Path to the email settings Gmail

  5. Go to "Account and Import", and after click "Change Password".
  6. Changing the password to the account Gmail

  7. Confirm your old secret set of signs. Perform input.
  8. Entering an old password for Gmail Mail

  9. Now you can enter a new combination. The password should consist of at least eight characters. Figures and Latin letters of different registers are allowed, also symbols.
  10. Confirm it in the next field, and after clicking "Change Password".
  11. Enter a new account password

You can also change the secret combination through the Google Account itself.

  1. Go to your account.
  2. See also: How to log in to Google Account

  3. Click "Security and Login".
  4. Security and Google Account Login

  5. Scroll down a bit and find the "password".
  6. Link to the password change in Google account

  7. Going on this link, you have to confirm your old set of characters. After that, the page is loaded to change the password.
  8. Google account password change page

Now you can be calm for the security of your account, as the password for it was successfully changed.

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