How to remove the screen lock on samsung


how to remove the screen lock on samsung

Important! If you act on your device or in bank applications via a fingerprint, after turning off the lock, this function will be unavailable!

Disable blocking

All Android devices, including Samsung, support the function in question via the system settings application.

  1. Open the "Settings" in any convenient way, for example, from a shortcut on one of the desktops, and go to the "Lock Screen".
  2. Blocking the device screen to disable blocking on Samsung phones

  3. Next, tap "Screen Lock Type". To access this parameter, you will need to enter an existing key (graphic or PIN) or use biometric authentication (unlock the fingerprint or by the face).
  4. Go to the smartphone blocking settings to disable blocking on Samsung phones

  5. After accessing the settings, select "No".
  6. Use the desired option to disable blocking on Samsung phones

    Ready - Now the screen lock is disabled.

Solving possible problems

We will also consider a different kind of complexity that may occur when the operation described above.

Password is forgotten, the phone is blocked

It often happens that the device requires a password, without which it is impossible to disable the blocking. This problem has several solutions.

Service Find My Mobile

Samsung offers users a special service that allows you to perform remote manipulations with a device, including discounting blocking. To work this tool, it is necessary that the Internet connects to the Internet on the phone, and the Samsung account is also attached and configured, the password from which you know is known. If these requirements are followed, follow these steps:

Home Find My Mobile

  1. Use the computer, in which the browser is followed by the above link. Here click "Log in".
  2. Log in to a connected account to disable blocking on Samsung phones

  3. Enter account credentials associated with the target smartphone.
  4. Enter account data to disable blocking on Samsung phones

  5. Make sure that the desired device is displayed on the left. If this is not the case, press the button with the arrow and select the appropriate position, then scroll on the right menu and select "Unlock".
  6. Use the unlock item to disable blocking on Samsung phones

  7. Now click "Unlock".
  8. Connect the service option to disable blocking on Samsung phones

    The service will ask for a re-enter the code sequence from Samsung Carding, after which you can enter the phone system and disable the password input requirement.


In critical cases, when it is important to unlock the device, and not access to the information available on it, it is worth using the procedure for resetting the settings to the factory. Its execution will effectively remove all the limitations, but the cost of losing user data. Since we do not have access to the system, it will be necessary to perform the procedure through the recovery - to do this, use the appropriate instructions in the article Next.

Read more: How to reset the Samsung phone to the factory settings

Reset the device to factory to disable blocking on Samsung phones

Blocking is not removed

Sometimes it happens that in the "Lock Type" menu item "No" is not available, and can be selected only one of the protection options (graphic key, pin, password or biometry). This means that a certain software is active in the system, in particular, the tool for which administrative rights are required, as well as the presence in the repository of certain security certificates. Solve this problem can be removed by one or more items.

Disable administrator rights

It is possible that the screen lock settings are closed due to the requirements of some of the applications with administrator rights. Try temporarily disable them according to the instructions further.

  1. Go to the OneUI System Settings and select Biometric and Security.
  2. Security Parameters To disable blocking on Samsung phones

  3. Here, go to the "Other Security Settings" menu.
  4. Other security settings to disable blockage on Samsung phones

  5. Use the Device Administrators item.
  6. Device administrators to disable blocking on Samsung phones

  7. Tap on the first of the available positions.

    Application application device to disable blocking on Samsung phones

    Further use the "Turn off" item.

  8. Disable device administrator application to disable blocking on Samsung phones

  9. You will return to the previous window, and the mark opposite the selected program will disappear.

    Disabled device administrator to disable blocking on Samsung phones

    By a method from step 5 Disconnect all administrative programs, then try to deactivate the blocking.

Removing security certificates

Some applications (for example, antiviruses or parental controls) additionally establish security certificates that may prohibit removing the screen lock. If none of the previous methods of solving the problem under consideration helped, it is very likely that the reason lies precisely in the means of additional protection. You can delete them, for this repeat steps 1-2 of the previous instruction, but now select "Delete Card Data" in the "Account Card Storage" block.

Proceed to delete certificates to disable blocking on Samsung phones

Confirm the operation.

Confirm the deletion of certificates to disable blocking on Samsung phones

Now after deleting certificates, the problem must be eliminated.

Decoding device

The last reason why it is impossible to turn off the lock, is often active smartphone memory encryption: this security option directly affects the availability of the required parameters. Repeat steps 1-2 instructions for disabling administrators and look at the status of points in the "Encryption" block. If there is a "decrypt device" option, use it.

Remove memory encryption to disable blocking on Samsung phones

At the end of the procedure, check whether to disable the screen lock. Most likely, this time the operation must be successfully completed.

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