How to Clean the Wall VKontakte


How to Clean the Wall VKontakte

The need to remove records from the VKontakte wall is quite clear, but the administration of this social network did not take care of providing specialized functionality for clearing the wall. In most cases, users will have to resort to third-party capabilities.

It is worth noting that in recent time on the website it was possible to completely delete all entries from the wall. However, the administration this functionality was estimated as unsafe and is completely disconnected. To date, all sorts of ways relate to manual or automatic, but third-party methods.

Remove record from the wall

The process of cleansing the wall on its personal page is quite a simple occupation, if you precisely follow all regulations. Otherwise, irreparable consequences are quite possible.

It is recommended to use a chrome browser due to the presence of a convenient console.

Among other things, in mandatory, make sure that the walls you need left on the wall, since after deleting and subsequently update the page you cannot restore them. Thus, you can lose really valuable information - be careful!

Method 1: Manual cleaning

This method of removing records from the wall is probably known to all users of this social network. However, in most cases, it is regarded as extremely laborious and simply inactive.

  1. Go to the VKontakte website and go to the "My Page" item through the main menu on the left side of the screen.
  2. Scroll down the page down and, finding the recording to delete, hover the mouse over the "..." button.
  3. Opening the menu to delete the entry on the VKontakte page

  4. Next in the drop-down list, select "Delete Record".
  5. Delete a record from the VKontakte page through the drop-down menu

  6. Due to the actions performed, recording will be removed from the page.
  7. Remote entry from the VKontakte page through the drop-down menu

This method, as can be seen, is simple enough until it comes to deleting several records. If you need to clean the whole wall at once, especially when its formation occurred long and actively, such a technique is increasing relevance.

Negative sides, this method is an order of magnitude more than positive. But you can not worry about the safety of your data, as in the case of hacking, the attackers will probably not be made so dirty work.

Method 2: Use the console and script

In this case, you will have to use a third-party JS script created in order to accelerate the wall cleaning process. At the same time, during the removal of records, only some posts on a specific algorithm are erased.

Do not scare a large amount of code. Nevertheless, it was written to automate the process of removing records, and not to demonstrate the grace.

Specifically for this method of cleaning the Wall VKontakte, you will need any convenient Internet browser equipped with a console. Best of all, the Google Chrome web browser is suitable for these purposes, on the example of which, just presented the entire procedure.

  1. Go to the main page via the menu section "My Page".
  2. Scroll through the page, skipping some part of your records.
  3. Scrolling records on the main page of VKontakte

  4. Regardless of the place on the page, right-click and select "View Code" to open the code editor.
  5. Opening of the Code Editor in Browser Google Chrome VKontakte

    When using some other browsers, this inscription may be modified to "Explore the element" . However, in all cases it is at the very end of the PCM menu.

  6. Then you need to switch to the "Console" tab.
  7. Switch to the Console tab in the Google Chrome Code of the Google Code

  8. Copy a special code that automates removal.
  9. (Function () {'use strict'; if (! confirm ('delete all entries from the wall?')) Return; var deletepostlink = document.body.QuerySelectorLall ('A.ui_Actions_Menu_Item [OnClick ^ = "Wall.DeletePost"] '); for (var i = 0; i

  10. Insert the code to the previously open console in the Internet browser and press the Enter key.
  11. Insertion of the removal code in the console in the browser Google Chrome VKontakte

  12. Confirm the removal of entries from the wall by clicking the "OK" button in the dialog box.
  13. Confirmation of removal of entries from the wall of VKontakte in Browser Google Chrome

  14. Next, scroll through another part of the records and repeat all the actions described above. During the removal process, it is recommended to update the page.
  15. Updating VKontakte pages after deleting all records

The technique has many positive parties, in particular, it works much more stable and faster than all its analogues. At the same time, you need to perform the minimum number of actions consisting in copying and insert.

In the process of this cleaning, you can restore your records, as in the case of manual removal.

After full removal of records from the wall in this way, you need to refresh the page or go to any other section of the social network and return to the main one. It was then that all posts will disappear completely, along with the possibility of their recovery.

Method 3: Use the address string and script

Use this method to clean the VKontakte wall is recommended only if you need to delete. This is due to the fact that during the work of a specialized script on the new design there are serious drops of Internet browser performance.

Unlike the previously described method, this technique allows you to clean the entire wall at once, without user intervention.

Please note that when using the way it does not matter exactly what online browser you use. The result in any case will be the same.

  1. Log in to your personal page VKontakte, through the "My Page" section in the main menu.
  2. Copy the special code to delete records.
  3. J @@@ Avascript: var h = document.getelementsByclassname ("ui_actions_menu _ui_menu"); var i = 0; function del_wall () {var fn_str = h [i] .gelementsBytagname ("A") [0] .onClick.tostring (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ("{"); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1 [1] .split (";"); eval (fn_arr_2 [0]); if (i == h.length) {ClearInterval (int_id)} else {i ++}}; var int_id = setInterval (del_wall, 500);

  4. In the browser address bar, delete all the text available.
  5. Purified browser address line

  6. Insert the code copied to the address bar.
  7. Insert code in the address bar to remove records on VKontakte wall

  8. Remove the @@@@ characters first and press the ENTER key.
  9. Activation of code to remove records on the Wall of VKontakte from the browser address line

It is not necessary to rely strongly for this method, since the social network of VKontakte is currently actively updated. Because of this, many previously topical ways of cleaning the Wall VK became simply useless.

It is important to pay attention that a relatively recently available method is available using the VKOPT application, which is most convenient. However, due to the mass integration of the new design, the developers still have not adapted the entire functionality of their expansion. Thus, it is only possible to hope that in the near future the expansion will again become relevant.

What way to use, you are free to decide for yourself. At the same time, it is recommended to use the browser console (method 2) to avoid unnecessary complications. We wish you good luck!

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