How to create a new user in Windows 7


How to create a new user in Windows 7

The Windows 7 operating system provides an excellent opportunity to work at one device to multiple users. All you need to do is switch to your account using the standard interface and get into the individually configured workspace. The most common Windows editions support a sufficient number of users on board so that the whole family can take advantage of the computer.

Creation of accounts can be done immediately after installing the latest operating system. This action is available immediately and is performed very simply, if you follow the instructions given in this article. Different working environments separate the separate system interface and the parameters of some programs for the most convenient use of the computer.

Create a new account on your computer

You can create a local account on Windows 7 using embedded tools, the use of additional programs will not need. The only requirement - the user must have sufficient access rights to make such changes in the system. Usually there are no problems with this if you create new accounts with the help of the user who appeared first after installing the latest operating system.

Method 1: Control Panel

  1. On the "My Computer" label, which is on the desktop, press the left mouse button twice. At the top of the window that opened, find the "Open Control Panel" button, click on it once.
  2. Running control panel from the window My computer on Windows 7

  3. In the header that opened windows, we include a convenient view of the display of items using the drop-down menu. Select the "Minor Icons" settings. After that, just below we find the item "User Accounts", click on it once.
  4. Select account management in the control panel window in Windows 7

  5. This window contains items that are responsible for setting up the current account. But you need to go to the parameters of other accounts, for which you click on the "Managing other account" button. Confirm the existing level of access to the parameters of the system.
  6. Selecting an Other Account Control in Windows 7

  7. Now the screen will display all accounts that currently exist on the computer. Immediately under the list you need to click on the "Account Creation" button.
  8. Creating a new account in Windows 7

  9. Now open the initial parameters of the account created. To begin with, you must specify the name. It can be either her appointment, or the name of the person who will use it. The name can be set absolutely any, using both Latin and Cyrillic.

    Next, specify the type of account. By default, it is proposed to set up the usual access rights, as a result of which any fundamental change in the system will be accompanied by a request for the administrator password (if it is installed in the system), or to wait for the necessary permissions by the ranking of the rank higher. If this account is an inexperienced user, then to ensure the security of data and the system as a whole, it is still desirable to leave ordinary rights for him, and to issue elevated if necessary.

  10. Setting the settings of the account created in Windows 7

  11. Confirm the entered data. After that, in the list of users, which we have already seen at the very beginning of our path, a new item will appear.
  12. Displays the created account in the list of users in Windows 7

  13. While this user has no data as such. To complete the completion of the account creation, you need to go to it. A folder will be formed on the system section, as well as certain Windows and personalization parameters. For this, using "Start", run the command "Create User". In the list that appears, specify the left mouse button on the new entry and wait for all the necessary files.
  14. User change via Start menu on Windows 7

Method 2: Start Menu

  1. Go to the fifth paragraph of the previous way can be a little faster if you are familiar with the search for the system. To do this, in the lower left corner of the screen, click on the "Start" button. At the bottom of the opening window, find the search string and enter the phrase "Creating a new user" in it. The search will look for available results, one of which needs to be selected by the left mouse button.
  2. Creating an account using the Start menu in Windows 7

Please note that several simultaneously running accounts on a computer can occupy a significant amount of RAM and heat the device. Try to keep active only the user who are currently working at the moment.

See also: Creating new local users in Windows 10

Administrative accounts protect reliable password so that users with an insufficient number of rights could not contribute to the system of major changes. Windows allows you to create a sufficient number of accounts with separate functionality and personalization so that each user working for the device felt comfortably and protected.

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