How to close the page vkontakte


How to close the page vkontakte

Users of the social network VKontakte, who strongly worries the privacy of a personal page, are often asked how to hide your profile from the eyes of foreign people. In most, those who are asked by such issues do not know that the site administration has taken care of its users as it should, providing everything you need to conceal the page within the standard functional.

Hide the page VKontakte

First of all, it is worth noting that today there is only one way to close your own VKontakte's profile from foreign users. At the same time, this list can be included both people who come from various search engines and account holders in this social network.

Please note that the hiding personal profile occurs due to the basic functional. That is, there is no need to use any third-party resources, applications, etc..

There is not a single way to conceal personal information using third-party software. Be carefull!

  1. Sign in the SOC site. VK networks under their login and password.
  2. Authorization on VKontakte website

  3. Open the drop-down navigation menu in the upper right side of the page, click on your own avatar.
  4. Opening the main menu on the Vkontakte page

  5. Find and go to "Settings".
  6. Switch to the basic settings on VKontakte website

  7. Now it is necessary to select "Privacy" using the right block of sections.
  8. Go to section of privacy settings in the basic settings of VKontakte

Here are the main privacy settings of your account VKontakte. Changing specifically this data, you can close your profile.

If you want to limit access to personal information for all users, including friends, then you may be interested in the ways to remove and freezing the account.

  1. In the settings block "My Page" you need to set the "Only Friends" value everywhere.
  2. An exception to this rule may be some items, as an example, depending on your personal preferences.

    Settings My page in Privacy Settings VKontakte

  3. Scroll through the page to the "Record on page" section and exhibit everywhere "Friends only".
  4. Settings for wall recording in privacy settings VKontakte

  5. Next you need to edit the block "Communication with me". In this case, it all depends exclusively from the desired level of privacy.
  6. Settings Communication with me in the privacy settings VKontakte

  7. In the last configuration section "Other", opposite the item "Who is visible by my page", set the value "Only VKontakte users".
  8. Other privacy settings VKontakte

  9. These settings do not require manual saving - everything happens in automatic mode.
  10. Automatic saving changed privacy settings VKontakte

Upon completion of the actions described above, you can check the reliability of the exhibited level of privacy. To do this, you will also need standard functionality.

  1. Without leaving the settings, at the bottom, find the inscription "see how you see your other users" and click on it.
  2. Go to the viewing window of the established privacy level on the face of other users of VKontakte

  3. There will be automatic redirection to the privacy level estimation interface.
  4. VKontakte privacy level interface

  5. Next to the inscription "So your page sees" to set the value "unfamiliar user" to see that they see completely outsiders.
  6. View personal page on behalf of VKontakte outsider.

  7. Here you can specify a person's profile from the list of your friends.
  8. View Personal Page on Face of Friend VKontakte

  9. Or register a link to the profile of a completely any user social network VKontakte.
  10. View Personal Page on behalf of the specified user in VKontakte

If such privacy settings are fully satisfying you, go to the standard VK interface is possible using the "Back to Settings" or by clicking on any other section of the main menu and confirming the transition.

Exit the page viewing interface from the face of other users of VKontakte

Since this technique of concealing a personal profile VK is part of the standard functional, you can not worry about possible errors in the future. Practice, on the example of many thousands of satisfied users, shows that the method is impeccable.

We wish you good luck in achieving the desired results!

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