How to add a photo from your computer VKontakte


How to add a photo from your computer VKontakte

Adding different images - one of the main features of the social network VKontakte. The administration should take care of both amateur photographers, because of what the site can upload any photos perfectly, without any restrictions, including on the number.

Also, this social. the network provides you with additional options when uploading pictures to the site. In particular, this applies to the built-in photo editor, has many beneficial effects, able to look and feel just anyone.

Adding photos VKontakte

To date, add an image to a social networking site VK occur through a standard interface.

  1. Sign in VKontakte, entering your login details, and go through the main menu to the "Photos".
  2. At the top right of the page, look for the button "Add photos."
  3. Transition to upload photos to the site VKontakte

  4. Next download will open a window where you need to go to the folder with the downloaded image.
  5. To download, click once on the selected image, and then click "Open".
  6. Download a single photo on the site VKontakte

  7. If you want to upload multiple images at once, then select all the photos uploaded by clamped the left mouse button and click "Open".
  8. Upload multiple photos to the site VKontakte

  9. Wait for the download of the selected images.
  10. The process of uploading photos to the site VKontakte

  11. After all the above actions, you can add a description to the uploaded images and post them on your page.
  12. Add a description and publication of photos on the wall have been added VKontakte

Now upload photos in VKontakte can be considered successfully ended. However, despite this, there is another way to add images to this social network well through the standard functionality.

Such a method may be of interest to users, which is very important right sort of downloadable images, as in the boot process, it is desirable to create a new album.

  1. In the main menu go to "Photos".
  2. Above right look for the "Create album" and click on it.
  3. The transition to the creation of the album for photos VKontakte

  4. Enter a name and description for the new album, as well as expose your privacy settings.
  5. All depends entirely on your preferences and imagination.

    The process of creating a new album for photos VKontakte

  6. Click "Create Album" to confirm the addition of a new album.
  7. Confirmation of the creation of a new album for photos VKontakte

To add new pictures, adhere to the previously described instructions, starting from clicking on the Add Photos button.

Among other things, you can download by dragging the desired photos to the browser window with an open album.

  1. Go to the folder with the added images and select them.
  2. Allocation of downloaded in the album Photos VKontakte

  3. With the help of a squeezed left mouse button drag a photo into an Internet browser window and release.
  4. Dragging photos in the new album VKontakte

  5. Wait for the end of the image download.
  6. The process of downloading photos to the new album VKontakte

  7. You can then add a description of added pictures.
  8. Adding a description by downloaded photos in the new album VKontakte

Depending on the privacy settings displayed for the album, the downloads will appear on your page.

Vkontakte provides its users with an internal photo editor with a large number of different, intuitive features.

  1. In order to edit the photo using the previously mentioned effects, you need to open the desired picture and find the photo management unit.
  2. Vkontakte Photos Management Block

  3. Move the mouse over the "More" item and in the drop-down list, select "Photo Editor" or "Effects", depending on your preferences.
  4. Go to editing uploaded photos VKontakte

  5. In both cases, after editing, do not forget to press the Save button.
  6. Saving edited photos of VKontakte

As you can see, the entire process of downloading photos of VKontakte does not take you a lot of time and strength. To successfully add the main thing to adhere to the general rules of the User Agreement of the social network

We wish you good luck in adding pictures to the site VK!

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