msmpeng.exe shipping processor


msmpeng.exe shipping processor

Msmpeng.exe is one of the executable processes of the Windows-regular antivirus defender (the process can also be called Antimalware Service Executable). This process most often loads the hard disk of the computer, less often the processor or both components. The most sensibly hits the performance in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.

basic information

Because This process is responsible for scanning a system for viruses in the background, it can be turned off, although Microsoft does not recommend this.

If you do not want the process to run again, you can generally turn off the Windows defender, but it is recommended to install another antivirus program. In Windows 10, after installing a third-party anti-virus package, this process turns off automatically.

In order for the process in the future did not load the system, but it did not have to disable it, then either stop the schedule of automatic maintenance at another time (it stands for 2-3 hours at night), or allow Windows to check at this time (just leave the included computer overnight).

In no case can not be disabled this process with third-party programs, because They often turn out to be viral and can seriously disrupt the operation of the system.

Method 1: Disconnection through the "Task Planner Library"

Step-by-step instructions for this method looks like this (most applied to Windows 8, 8.1):

  1. Go to "Control Panel". To do this, it is enough to click on the right mouse button on the Start icon and select the Control Panel from the drop-down menu.
  2. For convenience, it is recommended to switch to "Large icons" or "category" viewer. Find the "Administration" item.
  3. Control Panel

  4. Find the "task scheduler" and run it. In this window, you will need to stop the Script Service of the Antimalware Service Executable service. If this way you cannot do this, you will have to use the spare option.
  5. Administration

  6. In the "task scheduler", go through the next way:

    Job scheduler library - Microsoft - Windows - Windows Defender

  7. After that, a special window will be displayed, where you can see a list of all files responsible for starting and behavior of this process. Go to "Properties" of any of the files.
  8. Processes

  9. Then go to the "Service" tab (also may be called "Conditions") and remove the checkboxes from all available items.
  10. Setting

  11. Repeat steps 5 and 6 with other files from Windows Defender.

Method 2: Spare

This method is slightly simpler compared to the first, but it is less reliable (for example, a failure may occur and the process msmpeng.exe will again work in standard mode):

  1. Get to the Antimalware Service Executable script using the task scheduler. This can be done by following paragraphs 1 and 2 from the instruction of the previous method.
  2. Now follow on this path:

    Utilities - Task Scheduler - Planner Library - Microsoft - Microsoft Antimalware.

  3. In the window that opens, find the Microsoft Antimalware Scheduled Scan task. Open it.
  4. A special window will open for settings. In it, at the top you need to find and go to the "Triggers" section. There, press two times the left mouse button on one of the available component, which is located in the central part of the window.
  5. In the settings window that opens, you can set a time frame to execute the script. For this process to you no longer botheres you, in the "Advanced Parameters" check the box next to "postpone on (arbitrary delay)" and select the most accessible value from the drop-down menu, or specify arbitrary.
  6. Editing Trigger

  7. If in the "Triggers" section several available components, then do a similar procedure from items 4 and 5 with each of them.

Disable the process msmpeng.exe forever perhaps, but at the same time, be sure to install any antivirus (you can free), because After disconnection, the computer will be completely defenseless before viruses from the outside.

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