Brakes video in YouTube: solve the problem


slows down video in YouTube solve the problem

YouTube is rightfully considered the most popular video hosting in the world. Many users may encounter a problem when the video begins to hide and slow down in every way. The reasons for hanging the video at the time of playback is quite a lot, as well as ways to solve them. In this article we tried to collect all the methods of solutions that are currently known.

Reason 1: Weak Internet Connection

No one will challenge the fact that due to the weak or unstable Internet connection rollers on YouTube begin to hang with enviable frequency. Moreover, this trend will be seen on all video that you will include.

The reason for such a phenomenon, of course, in the article will not be able to succeed, since everyone is individual. However, it can be assumed that the connection becomes unstable due to the problems on the side of the provider itself, or the services provided by them simply leave much to be desired. In any case, consult him.

By the way, to make sure that the video lags because of a bad connection, you can check the speed of the Internet connection on our website.

  1. Having traveled to the main page, click the Start button.
  2. Start button on the SpeedTest service

  3. Scan will begin. You need to wait for his end. Progress can be monitored by a special scale.
  4. Scanning process on the SpeedTest service

  5. According to the result, you will provide a report on the test, where you will indicate the ping, download speed and download speed.
  6. Scan Results on SpeedTest

Read more: How to check the speed of the Internet connection

For optimal playback of videos in YouTube, your ping should not exceed a 130 ms mark, and the download speed should be not lower than 0.5 Mb / s. If your data does not correspond to the recommended parameters, then the reason is in a bad connection. But even in this case, it is possible to get rid of annoying hangs.

  1. You need to reproduce a video, then click on the gear icon in the lower right corner of the player.
  2. Player Settings on YouTube

  3. In the list that appears, select "Quality".
  4. Section Quality in the player settings on YouTube

  5. Of all the options submitted, select "Auto-tuning".
  6. Choosing AvtoTrochka Quality of the player on YouTube

This selection will allow YouTube's service to independently select the quality of the played video. In the future, all rollers will automatically be configured under a certain standard that matches your Internet connection.

But if you want to watch video in excellent quality, for example, in 1080p, or even 4k, you can go to another way. It is necessary to repeat all actions, only at the last stage it is not "autotune", and then the resolution you want is not exhibited. After that, put the video pause, and let it progress. Progress you can observe the whites strip.

However, in this case, the roller may not stop slowing down, perhaps even stronger the quality of playback will deteriorate, but the reason for this is already quite another, which will be discussed in the third way.

In fact, we are interested only in the only indicator - the load on the CPU, which is expressed as a percentage.

To make sure that the processor does not cope with its work and video hangs occurs precisely because of it, you need to open a video and look at the data on the task manager. If the result is about 90 - 100%, then the CPU is guilty.

In order to eliminate this problem, you can go three ways:

  • Clear your system from excess trash, which only clogs it, thereby loading the processor.
  • Increase the performance of the processor itself by optimizing or overclocking it.
  • Reset the operating system, thereby bringing it to the state when there are no pile of unnecessary programs on the computer.

Lowing your system in a normal state and making sure that the processor is not distracted for unnecessary, no one needs processes, you can gladly browse your favorite videos on YouTube without annoying lags and freezes.

Cause 4: Drivers Problems

And of course, where without problems with the drivers. Probably, every second computer user came across problems caused by the driver directly. So with youth. Sometimes the video on it begins to eat, lag, and it is not for them at all due to incorrect operation of the video card driver.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to identify the reason for this, as has already been said above, due to the large presence of different factors in the operating system. That is why, if the previously reduced methods could not help you, it is worth trying to update the drivers on the video card and hope for success.

Lesson: How to update drivers for video card


In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all the above methods are simultaneously independent of each other, and at the same time complement each other. Simple words, using just one way, you can get rid of the problem, the main thing is that it approaches, but if you apply all the methods described, the probability will increase almost to one hundred percent. By the way, it is recommended to do the solution solutions alternately, as the list has been compiled in accordance with the complexity of the operation and its effectiveness.

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