High-quality cooling processor


High-quality cooling processor

Cooling processor affects the performance and stability of the computer. But it does not always cope with the loads, because of which the system gives failures. The effectiveness of even the most expensive cooling systems can strongly fall due to the fault of the user - poor-quality installation of the cooler, the old thermal paste, dusted body, etc. To prevent this, it is necessary to improve the quality of cooling.

If the processor is overheated due to the previously made acceleration and / or high loads during the PC operation, it is necessary to either change cooling to better or reduce the load.

Lesson: How to reduce the temperature of the central processor

Important advice

The main elements that produce the greatest amount of heat are - processor and video card, sometimes it can still be a power supply, chipset and hard disk. At the same time, only the first two components are cooled. The heat dissipation of the other composite elements of the computer is insignificant.

If you need a gaming machine, think about it, first of all, about the size of the case - it should be as much as possible. First, the more the systemist, the more components in it you can install. Secondly, in the Big Corps there is more space because of which the air inside it is heated slower and has time to cool. Also, pay separate attention to the ventilation of the case - it must be necessary to be the ventilation holes so that hot air will not be delayed for a long time (an exception can be done if you are going to install water cooling).

Try to monitor the temperature indicators of the processor and the video card. If there is often a temperature of permissible values ​​of 60-70 degrees, especially in system idle mode (when heavy programs are not running), then take active actions to reduce the temperature.

Lesson: how to find out the processor temperature

Consider several ways to improve the quality of cooling.

Method 1: The correct location of the case

The body for the manufacturer must be fairly dimensional (preferably) and have good ventilation. It is also desirable that it is made of metal. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the location of the system unit, because Certain objects may interfere with air intake, thereby disturbing circulation and increasing the temperature inside.

System unit

Apply these tips to the location of the system unit:

  • Do not install close to furniture or other components that may interfere with air intake. If the free space is strongly limited to the size of the desktop (most often the systemist is placed in the table), then press the wall on which there are no ventilation holes, close to the wall wall, thereby winning the additional space for air circulation;
  • Do not place the desktop next to the radiator or batteries;
  • Optimal location

  • It is desirable that other electronics (microwave, electric kettle, TV, router, cellular) is not too close to the computer case or there is a short time;
  • If possible, the systemist is better to put on the table, and not for it;
  • It is advisable to arrange your workplace next to the window that can be opened to ventilating.

Method 2: Clean dust cleaning

Dust particles are able to worsen air circulation, fans and radiator operation. They are also very well delayed heat, so it is necessary to regularly clean the "indoors" of PCs. The frequency of cleaning depends on the individual characteristics of each computer - arrangement, the number of ventilation holes (the more the latter, the better the quality of the cooling, but the faster dust accumulates). It is recommended to make cleaning no less than once a year.

It is necessary to clean the cleaning using a non-hard brush, dry rags and napkins. In special cases, you can use a vacuum cleaner, but only at minimum power. Consider step-by-step instructions for cleaning the computer case from dust:

  1. Disconnect the PC / Power Laptop. In laptops additionally remove the battery. Remove the cover by unscrewing the bolts or shifting special latches.
  2. Initially, remove the dust from the most contaminated areas. Often it turns out the cooling system. First of all, thoroughly clean the fan blades, because Due to the large amount of dust they can not work in full force.
  3. Dusty computer

  4. Go to the radiator. Its design is metal plates that are close to each other, so to clean it completely, it may be necessary to dismantle the cooler.
  5. Cleaning cooler

  6. If the cooler had to be dismantled, then before this, remove the dust from the easily accessible portions of the motherboard.
  7. Carefully clean the space between the plates using non-hard brushes, cotton sticks, if required, vacuum cleaner. Install the cooler back.
  8. Miscelred at once in all components with a dry cloth by removing the remaining dust.
  9. Collect your computer back and connect it to the network.

Method 3: Put an additional fan

With the help of an additional fan that is attached to the vent on the left or rear wall of the housing, you can improve the circulation of the air inside the case.

Additional fan

First you need to choose a fan. The main thing is to pay attention to whether the characteristics of the case and the motherboard are allowed to install an additional device. Give preference in this matter to any manufacturer is not worth it, because This is a fairly cheap and durable element of a computer that is easy to replace.

If the overall characteristics of the case allow, you can immediately install two fans - one on the back, the other in the front. The first brings hot air, the second sucks cold.

See also: How to solve the processor overheating problem

Using these methods and tips, you can make high-quality cooling processor. However, the use of part of them is not recommended for inexperienced PC users. We, in this case, we recommend using the services of specialized services.

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