I can not go to Avito: the main reasons


Avito profile does not open

The Avito website is one of the most comfortable sites in order to put your ad is almost about anything. They enjoy a huge number of users. Here you can find a wide variety of publishing: from personal items, and to real estate. Empathy, if once again, suddenly, it will not be possible to get to the site.

Personal office Avito does not open: Major Causes

A very unpleasant situation: the user enters a login and password, and the site does not open. So what is the reason?

Cause 1: Incorrect data

When entering the account, the user must enter his data. It is likely that an error was allowed when entering. It is enough to simply enter the data by checking the correctness of the entered characters. However, given the fact that the password is closed with asterisks when entering and see the correctness of the entered characters is not possible, you need to click on the eye icon in the input field, after that the entered characters will become visible.

Manifestation of password characters when entering Avito

It is also possible that the characters were imposed correct, but for certain reasons, not in that register. It could occur due to the activated Caps Lock key. Just turn off the included CAPS LOCK, and re-enter the data.

Check the correctness of the data at the entrance to the Avito account

Cause 2: Browser Error

Much less often, but still it happens that the input blocks any browser error. In this case, cache cleaning or cookies can help. To solve this problem:

Actions were made on the browser example Google Chrome. but considering that most modern browsers work on one engine Chromium. , there should be no special differences.

  1. Open the browser settings.
  2. Opening Google Chrome browser settings

  3. Find a link "Show Advanced Settings".
  4. Opening of Additional Google Chrome Boaurazer Settings

  5. We are looking for the "Personal data" section.
  6. Click on the "Clear Story" button.
  7. Cleaning Google Chrome History

  8. Here I celebrate:
  • Removal period: "For all time" (1).
  • "History of Views" (2).
  • "Cookies, as well as other sites and plugin data" (3).
  • Click "Clear Story" (4).
  • Clearing Google Chrome History Cleaning

    It is also worth checking whether the sites are allowed to use JavaScript. In the "Personal data" section, click on the "Content Settings" button.

    Log in to Google Chrome Content Settings

    Here we are looking for the JavaScript field and note "Allow all sites to use JavaScript."

    Activation of JavaScript in Google Chrome

    In other browsers, small differences are possible.

    After these actions, we try to enter the page again.

    Cause 3: Unlocking previously blocked page

    There is aware of the problem when in the previously banned account could not log in after unlocking. Fortunately, the problem is easily solved. You need to dial the following address in the browser address bar:


    Go to Avito profile via the browser address line

    Then click on "Exit"

    access from Avito account

    And again enter the account.

    The actions described must solve this problem by completing them, the user will again be able to use their personal offices of the Avito site.

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