How to insert music into PowerPoint presentation


How to insert music in PowerPoint

Sound accompaniment is important for any presentation. There are thousands of nuances, and it is possible to talk about it for hours at certain lectures. Within the framework of the article, various ways to add and configure audio files to the PowerPoint presentation and the path to achieve maximum efficiency.

Audio insertion

Add an audio file to the slide as follows.

  1. First you need to enter the Insert tab.
  2. Insert tab in PowerPoint

  3. In the header, at the very end there is a "sound" button. Here it is needed to add audio files.
  4. Sound insert in PowerPoint

  5. PowerPoint 2016 has two options for adding. The first is just an insertion of the media from the computer. The second is a sound recording. We will need the first option.
  6. Inserting a file from a computer in PowerPoint

  7. A standard browser will open, where you need to find the desired file on the computer.
  8. Observer when adding music in PowerPoint

  9. After that, the audio will be added. Usually, if there is an area for content, the music takes this slot. If there is no place, then the insertion occurs just in the center of the slide. The added media file looks like a speaker with the image of the sound coming from it. When this file is selected, a mini player opens for listening to music.

Audio file with a player in PowerPoint

On this add audio completed. However, just insert music - it is half an end. For her, it should be an appointment, just that should be done.

Sound setting for general background

To begin with, it is worth considering the work of the sound as an audio accompaniment of the presentation.

When choosing added music from above, two new tabs appear in the header, combined into the "Work with Sound" group. The first we do not need to be especially needed, it allows you to change the visual style of the image of the audio - this very dynamics. In professional presentations, the picture is not displayed on the slides, because it does not particularly make it sense here. Although, if necessary, you can dig here.

Tab Working with Sound in PowerPoint

We are also interested in the Playback tab. Here you can select multiple areas.

Sound settings panel in PowerPoint

  • "View" is the very first area that includes one button. It allows you to play the selected sound.
  • "Bookmarks" have two buttons to add and remove special anchors in the audio playback tape to be able to enter the melody subsequently. In the reproduction process, the user will be able to control sound in the presentation mode, switching from one points to another combination of hot keys:

    Next bookmark - "Alt" + "End";

    Previous - "Alt" + "Home".

  • "Editing" allows you to cut separate parts from the audio file without any individual editors. This is useful, for example, in cases where only a verse is required from the inserted song. This is all configured in a separate window, which is called by the "Sound Installation" button. Here you can register time intervals when audio will fade or appear, lowering or increasing volume, respectively.
  • "Sound parameters" contains basic parameters for audio: volume, methods for applying and setting up playback.
  • "Sound clearance styles" are two separate buttons that allow either to leave the sound as it is inserted ("not use the style"), or automatically reformat it as background music ("Play in the background").

All changes here are applied and saved automatically.

Depends on the scope of specific inserted audio. If it is just a background melody, it is enough to click on the "Reproduce B Background" button. Manually configured this:

  1. Ticks on the parameters "For all slides" (music will not stop when switching to the next slide), "continuously" (the file will be played again at the end), "Hide when showing" in the "Sound Settings" area.
  2. In the same place, in the "Start" column, choose "automatically" so that the start of the music does not require any special permission from the user, and started immediately after the start of viewing.

Manual settings for background music in PowerPoint

It is important to note that audio with such settings will be played only when viewing will reach the slide on which it is posted. So, if you need to ask music for the entire presentation, it is necessary to put such a sound to the very first slide.

If this is used for other purposes, you can leave the beginning "click". This is especially useful when you want to synchronize any actions (for example, animation) on a slide with sound accompaniment.

As for the rest of the aspects, it is important to note the two main points:

  • First, it is always recommended to put a tick near the "hide when showing." It will hide the audio icon while showing slides.
  • Parameter Hide when showing in PowerPoint

  • Secondly, if musical accompaniment is used with a sharp loud start, it costs at least to configure the appearance that the sound begins smoothly. If, when viewing, all the audience shudders from sudden music, then only this unpleasant moment will be remembered from the entire show.

Sound Setup for Control Elements

The sound for control buttons is configured completely differently.

  1. To do this, you will need to click on the right button on the desired button or image and select the "Hyperlink" section or "Change the hyperlink" in the pop-up menu.
  2. Change hyperlink in PowerPoint

  3. The control setting window opens. At the bottom itself there is a graph that allows you to adjust the sound to use. To enable the function, it is required to put the appropriate tick opposite the inscription "Sound".
  4. Connect sound to hyperlink

  5. Now you can open the arsenal itself available sounds. The most recent option is always "other sound ...". Selecting this item will open a browser in which the user can add the desired sound independently. After adding it, you can assign it to trigger when you click on the buttons.

Select your sound for hyperlink in PowerPoint

It is important to note that this function works only with sound in the .wav format. Although it is possible to choose the display of all files, other audio formats will not work, the system simply gives an error. So you need to prepare files in advance.

At the end, I would like to add that the insertion of the audio files also significantly increases the size (occupied by the document) of the presentation. It is important to take into account this if there are any restrictive factors.

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