NVIDIA control panel: access is prohibited


NVIDIA control panel access is prohibited

Method 1: Run the control panel on behalf of the administrator

Errors with access regardless of the program used are sometimes associated with the lack of administrator rights from the current account. This also applies to the NVIDIA control panel when the user tries to save the changes made. To check the theory, about the access rights, run the control panel on behalf of the administrator, finding the application by name through the Start menu and selecting the appropriate option.

Running the program on behalf of the administrator to solve the error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

There are other options to open the software with elevated privileges. You can change the settings in the compatibility of the executable file or switch to the administrator account. This is written in more detail in the article below.

Read more: Running programs on behalf of the administrator

Method 2: Deleting temporary files in the "DRS" folder

The folder named "DRS" stores the files associated with the graphics adapter driver and going with it in the program. This directory contains files, the failures of which may cause malfunctions when interacting with the NVIDIA control panel. If you delete them, they will automatically be loaded with the next handling of video card software.

  1. Open the "Explorer" and go along the path C: \ ProgramData \ Nvidia Corporation \ DRS.
  2. Switching along the folder path to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  3. Find there files with the following names: "NVDRSDB0.BIN", "nvdrsdb1.bin", "nvdrssel.bin", "nvdrswr.lk". Highlight them with the left mouse and right-click and right.
  4. View temporary files to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  5. In the context menu that appears, use the Delete item and confirm the execution of this operation.
  6. Deleting temporary files to solve error access is denied in the NVIDIA control panel

Immediately after deletion, it is not recommended to switch to the NVIDIA control panel. It is better to send a computer to reboot and do it in a new session.

Method 3: Restore the previous version of the DRS folder

For the DRS folder, backups are automatically created that can be restored manually. This will help solve the problem with access, if it was not before, but it suddenly appeared. In the previous way, this article has already been specified the full path to this directory.

  1. After the transition, click on the "DRS" folder with the right mouse button.
  2. Selecting a folder to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  3. From the context menu that appears, select the "Properties" string.
  4. Switch to the properties of the folder to solve the error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  5. Click the "Previous Version" tab and wait for the old versions of this folder.
  6. Previous Version Folder To Resolve Error Solving Access is denied in the NVIDIA Control Panel

  7. Look at the date of change and choose the oldest, noting the string with click LKM.
  8. Selecting the previous version of the folder to solve the error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  9. Click "Restore".
  10. Restoring the previous version of the folder to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  11. Confirm the recovery of the directory until its version.
  12. Record recovery of the previous version of the folder to solve the error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  13. Close the notification and re-run the NVIDIA control panel.
  14. Successful restoration of the previous version of the folder to solve the error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

Method 4: Restarting NVIDIA services

There is a possibility that the problem under consideration arose due to problems with the functioning of the graphics adapter services. You need to restart them so that possible errors automatically disappear. It is done through a special embedded application.

  1. Open the Start menu and go to "Services" by finding the application by name.
  2. Transition to services To solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  3. Find the service with the name "nvidia" and click on it right-click.
  4. Service selection To solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  5. From the context menu that appears, select "Restart".
  6. Reboot service to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  7. Wait for the restart, following the progress in the Service Office window.
  8. Service Restart Service To solve error Access is denied in the NVIDIA Control Panel

  9. Make the same thing with the remaining services that are in its name a graphics adapter brand, after which check the effectiveness of this method.
  10. Select other services to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

Method 5: Driver Update in OS

Users who collided with the access problem while working in the NVIDIA control panel, say that the problem is associated with the driver version installed on the computer. It often helps its usual update it using the funds built into the operating system. It is not so difficult to fulfill this task, but it may be effective.

  1. Click the PCM on the Start button and call the Device Manager.
  2. Transition to Device Manager To solve the error access is denied in the NVIDIA Control Panel

  3. Expand the video adapter.
  4. Selecting a section with video audit to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  5. By pressing the right mouse button, call the Menu with a graphics adapter and select "Update Driver".
  6. Automatic driver update to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

In the window that appears on the screen, follow the instructions for automatically updating the driver and expect to complete its search on the network. When displaying a new version, install it and restart the PC by making the appropriate notification.

Method 6: Disconnecting XBox Game Bar

Xbox Game Bar - built into the operating system tool intended for recording games and communicating with friends during their passage. By default, it is active and is associated with the work of the graphics adapter. Practice shows that sometimes it is this feature that causes problems with access when trying to change the NVIDIA settings.

  1. To disconnect the Xbox Game Bar, open the "Start" and click on the gear icon to go to "Parameters".
  2. Go to parameters to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  3. Click on the tile "Games".
  4. Opening the game section To solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  5. Slide the slider to deactivate this feature.
  6. Disabling the game function to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

Method 7: Using the Driver Update Corporate

Above we have already affected the topic of updating the graphics adapter driver, but not always the built-in OS tool finds its new version. In this case, you can independently determine the current and download a new one from the official site if it has already come out, but it is much easier to use an automatic update tool from the video card developers.

  1. Go to the download page by clicking on the link above, and download the automatic driver update tool.
  2. Downloading software update to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  3. Expect the download to download the executable file and open it.
  4. Run to update the driver to solve the error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

  5. Follow the instructions in the window that appears, and if the message "This or newer version is already installed" appears, close the installer and go to the following method.
  6. Work in software update to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

Method 8: Reinstall driver

A more radical method - reinstalling the graphics adapter driver. This will help in cases where access errors appeared due to improper installation or subsequent functioning of software. There are several basic rules that need to be followed during reinstallation. There are also special solutions that allow you to automate this process. All of this read in the thematic material on the link below.

Read more: Reinstalling drivers NVIDIA video cards

Removing the current driver to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

Method 9: Check PC for viruses

If nothing of the above did not help, there is a reason to believe that the virus came to the computer, which manages the files, limiting access to them. It will not be possible to determine the threat to yourself, so you need to download the antivirus and run scanning. If viruses are detected, they will be deleted, and the normal functioning of the PC is restored.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Checking PC for viruses to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

Method 10: Checking the integrity of system files

The probability of problems with access to the NVIDIA control panel due to the violation of the integrity of system files is extremely small, but still it is worth checking this method if you have not been able to find a solution. Scanning is performed using system utilities affecting different parts of the operating system.

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Scanning the integrity of system files to solve error access is prohibited in the NVIDIA control panel

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