How to make a hyperlink in PowerPoint


How to add a hyperlink to PowerPoint

The presentation is not always used only to show while the speaker reads speech. In fact, this document can be turned into a very functional application. And the hyperlink setting is one of the key points in achieving this goal.

Binding with email when setting up hyperlinks in PowerPoint

It is also worth noting the button at the top of the window - "Tip".

Adjusting the hypersmill tips in PowerPoint

This feature allows you to enter the text that will be displayed when you hover the cursor pointer to the object with the hyperlink.

After all the settings you need to click the "OK" button. Settings will be applied and the object will be available for use. Now, during a demonstration of the presentation, you can click on this element, and the previously configured action will be performed.

If the settings applied to the text, it will change its color and the emphasis effect will appear. This does not apply to other objects.

This approach allows you to efficiently expand the functionality of the document, allowing you to open third-party programs, sites and any resources.

To objects that are interactive, a slightly other window for working with hyperlinks is applied.

For example, this refers to the control buttons. You can find them in the "Insert" tab under the "Figures" button at the bottom, in the section of the same name.

Control buttons in PowerPoint

Such objects have a hyperlink setup window. It is called in the same way through the right mouse button.

There are two tabs, the contents of which are completely identical. The difference lies only in how the configured trigger will be driven. The action in the first tab is triggered by pressing the component, and in the second - when you hover the mouse cursor.

Alternative Hyperlink Settings Window in PowerPoint

Each tab has a wide range of possible actions.

  • "No" - there is no action.
  • "Go through the hyperlink" - a wide range of possibilities. You can go on various slides in the presentation and open resources on the Internet and files on your computer.
  • "The launch of the macro" - as it is clear from the title, is intended for working with macros.
  • "Action" allows you to start the object in one way or another if such a function is present.
  • The optional parameter below goes "sound". This item allows you to adjust the sound when you activate the hyperlink. In the sound menu, you can choose both standard samples and add your own. Added melodies should be in WAV format.

After selecting and settings of the desired action, it remains to click "OK". The hyperlink will be applied and everything will work as it was found.

Also in PowerPoint, as in other Microsoft Office documents, there is a function of automatic use of hyperlinks to the inserted links from the Internet.

To do this, insert any link in full format into the text, after which it is an indentation from the last symbol. The text will automatically change the color depending on the design settings, and the underscore will also be applied.

Type of automatic hyperlink in PowerPoint

Now, when viewing clicking on this link automatically opens the page located at this address on the Internet.

The above-mentioned control buttons also have automatic hyperlink settings. Although when creating such an object, a window appears to set the parameters, but even if the action fails, when you press it, it will be done depending on the type of the button.


In the end, a couple of words about some aspects of the work of hyperlinks should be said.

  • Hyperlinks do not apply to diagrams and tables. This applies to both separate columns or sectors and to the entire object at all. Also, such settings cannot be made to text elements of tables and diagrams - for example, the text of the name and legend.
  • If the hyperlink refers to a third-party file and the presentation is planned to be launched from the computer, where it was created, problems may arise. At the specified address, the system may not find the desired file and simply give an error. So if you plan to make such overgrinks, you should lay all the necessary materials into a folder with the document and configure the link to the appropriate address.
  • If you apply a hyperlink to the object, which is activated when you hover the mouse cursor and stretch the component to the entire screen, the action will not happen. For some reason, in such conditions, the settings are not triggered. You can led by how much a mouse in such an object - there will be no result.
  • In the presentation, you can create a hyperlink that will refer to the same presentation. If the hyperlink is located on the first slide, then when you go, it will not be visually nothing.
  • When setting up moving to a specific slide inside the presentation, the link goes exactly to this sheet, and not on its number. Thus, if after adjusting the action, change the position of this frame in the document (transfer to another place or create a slide before it), the hyperlink will still work correctly.

Despite the external simplicity of setting, the range of application and the possibility of hyperlinks are really wide. With painstaking work, you can create an integer application with a function interface instead of a document.

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